Xbox One What Price are you Willing to Pay for the Xbox 720?

What's the price you're willing to pay for an Xbox 720?

  • Less than $100

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • $100 to $199

    Votes: 1 2.3%
  • $200 to $299

    Votes: 11 25.6%
  • $300 to $399

    Votes: 22 51.2%
  • $400 to $499

    Votes: 9 20.9%

  • Total voters
I voted in the $200 range.
That of course, is because I'm willing to wait for the price to drop at that level.
$300+ for a console is just too much.
Is it even possible for a console to drop under $200, especially if it is like 4-5 hundred in the beginning? Maybe if it was 300 like the wii u, but such a large price would mean you'd have to wait a long time for it to drop.
Im willing to pay about 400$, just because the wii u is now only 200$, and I doubt that microsoft will make us pay much more, as It will be hard to convince new gamers to give 400$ for a console they might now like, on the other hand, it might be a good idea to put it around 300-350$, as it will be around the same price as the PS3 is right now, giving new gamers a chance to try out a new console.
I say I'd go up to about $400. The fact is, if Microsoft puts a price point of $300, the Xbox 720 cannot be that powerful, because if Microsoft loads the console up with lots of high-powered hardware and sells it at $300, Microsoft would lose money and I'm sure that's not something they're too keen on doing. There's a rumor that the PS3 price point is $400, so I'd predict that the Xbox 720 will have a similar price point.
I voted for $300-$399. I'd say this is a reasonable price for a modern system that will last for at least 3 solid years if treated properly. If I'm correct, the Xbox 360 launched at this price range as well. Hopefully, we'll see a return of similar prices and not system prices running in the $400+ price range like some have rumored. One thing to be sure of is that it will be priced competitively with the PS4.
Honestly, the most I would pay at a retailer 350. It will be interesting to see if they will ask for more because from what I know playstation said the price for ps4 will be something around 350 too and it's gonna be a real fight between these two giants. Let's just hope they don't go super greedy and ask a decent price.
I find it very unlikely the console will be sold for anywhere between $300 - $500. Think about it. This will be extremely innovative technology, and it has a huge player base. Based on the general trend of system costs, especially at launch, I would say it will cost around $600 - $700. Not saying I'm going to get it for that price, I'll probably buy it a couple years after it releases for a nice $300, like I did with the 360.
I would pay about $300 for the new generation Xbox. But I will have to wait and see about all the bugs and glitches. I remember when the Xbox 360 came out and shortly after that, a lot of people had the red ring of death. Also there was constant overheating. Plus I would like to read everyone's reviews about the Xbox 720 first hand. This way I will buy it when I know it's going to be worth it.
$300 to $350 or so. But I'll be getting one late, when it ACTUALLY has games. Will probably be a year or so before it really starts to shine, like other consoles. Don't really see a point in getting a console early.
I went with the 300-399 price tag mostly because that seems like a fair price for the hardware to both me and the company I invest in. That is about what a good computer would cost and is also a good investment price for what I can expect from a console. I hope they do not price it higher, for I just won't buy it until the price drops.
As long as microsoft releases an impressive product; i'm willing to pay any price. If they release some stupid casual console based on kinect-like technology, i wouldn't even be willing to pay $100 -.-
I voted 300 to 399, though I wish prices were lower I think somewhere around 300 to 350 would be nice, I think that paying 400 and higher for a gaming console is just a little bit too much, but that's just my opinion, I also think if it was lower it would be way more easier for other people to afford and it would increase the sells.
I guess it depends on the technology that it has and the competitors. If Sony and Nintendo release their consoles at very low prices I would not want to pay more for and Xbox. I like to play a lot of games and I like to purchase them as soon as their release so I also take that into consideration when preparing my gaming budget.
Oh my gosh, the highest is 300-399. I chose 200-299. I know, it's a new system and everything, but in my opinion, anything over 300 is something worth waiting a few years over. Either that, or someone will buy it, not like it, then sell it.
I voted for the $200-299 range. I just can't really seeing myself buying a console for more than $300. If I was to spend more than $500 on gaming, I would rather spend it on upgrading my gaming computer. Just my opinion though.
300 max. I'm not going to get it at launch either. After what I've seen over the past few E3s, every new generation console will have a very poor release. Nintendo already had a pretty bad launch and I expect the 720 and the PS4 to be the same. I'm not going saying that I expect it to be bad, but these major companies find new ways to screw up the first few months. Once the dust settles, I'll probably pick it up used off of ebay.
For this piece? I'd pay about $350 and not a penny more. Sad part is I'll probably have to send about twice that and add 20.

I sticking to Pc until it gets to a price lower then $300
I personally wouldn't pay more than $350 for it myself. I'm sure that they are going to price it in the $400, probably the $450 range, however. I just hope Microsoft actually tells us something about it whenever they actually do make their announcement about the 720, or I believe I head it's called Xbox Infinity from another rumor I read. That will be the big indicator on what my actual price range is going to be. Plus, if the rumor about DRM is true, then that'll definitely impact how much I'll spend on it.
199$ tops.

No, i won't be getting it on release day because once the novelty wears off, it's just a new console without games. And after the 3DS and the Wii-U, i am kind of tired of that.

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