Xbox One What's Your Favorite Racing Game?

Forza in general. I like the standard series along with Horizons. When Horizons came out I didn't think I'd like it but once I tried it I really liked it. I've got them all going back to the original Xbox.
The Gran Turismo games are always going to have that nostalgic appeal to me, so it is kind of hard to write them off, but when you get right down to it, I think that the Forza games are the best. They are the most enjoyable for me at least, and I think that they handle better and give you a more realistic racing feel. Just my opinion though, and to each their own.
Forza has evolved a lot and at this point in time there isn't a better car game out there. Gran Turismo Sport is scheduled for next year, we will see if it can top it or if Forza can still hold it's ground.

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