Well-Known Member
This is true. For me, the FF series started going downhill with XII. I just couldn't connect to the story or the characters at all. XIII was a little better in terms of story and characters, but nowhere near its predecessors. Maybe I'm just getting old and cranky, but this series just feels like it doesn't have the spirit it used to have. There's such a focus on prequels and sequels instead of a solid, self-contained game. Then again, that seems to be a trend across many series, not just Final Fantasy.
Well, despite your opinions, I'm going to get XIII. I don't know, maybe i'll have a different thought on it. I was supposed to borrow the game but uhm... dang, my friend's friend's friend didn't have it when my friend was gonna get back from him, so I'm gonna buy myself a cheap copy. Maybe in the next few months. But anyway, it's not just FF you know. AC is one example of a series that's been going downhill, although it has gained some uphill thanks to ACIV.