Xbox 360 Which playstyle are you?

I think my playstyle is "The King" as well. Whenever I play the game I try to be as comfortable as possible. I mean who wants to be slouched as they play the game? I sometimes switch to the Flop sometimes but it starts to hurt after a while which causes me to switch back to the King.
As much as I'd like to lie on the internet and say I am KING (yeah baby!), I would have to admit I am more like the mummy! Cold gets to me even with the heat on, so that's how you'll probably see me playing games, wrapped up an cosy with my coffee or tea close by.
My playstyle is the "The Pirate"--a modified "The King" where you relax in the chair with one or both legs over a chair arm and relaxing against the other. My brother and I used to do "The Bat" (upside down in a chair or off the bed) when playing old school platformers.
My style is The King. I like to be comfortable when playing. I'm occasionally the Flop, but I usually end up falling asleep.
Mine is definitely "The King." Usually, anyway. Since the TV in my den blew out, I had to move my 360 into my bedroom to play it. There aren't any chairs/recliners to kick back in and relax so I kind of have to do the pillow propping thing sc_shark was talking about. Sometimes I sit upright if I'm into the game, but generally I'm laid back and just zoning.
My playstyle is the "The Pirate"--a modified "The King" where you relax in the chair with one or both legs over a chair arm and relaxing against the other.

I'd say mine is "The Pirate" as well and the "New Guy" (where you stand up and play because you're new over someone's house, it's rude to just take a seat on the bed, and all the seats are taken).
I am the King! LOL That looks just like how I game, I even have a very similar chair, it's technically my wife's reading chair, but has become my gaming chair. During really intense multiplayer games I may start to look more like the Cyclist...
"New Guy" (where you stand up and play because you're new over someone's house, it's rude to just take a seat on the bed, and all the seats are taken).

I hated the "New Guy" in elementary school. I had to do that a few times, kinda lean on the wall and see nothing but heads and shoulders in front of the screen. I know when Tekken first dropped I was in "New Guy" position.
They don't show mine either. I have a recliner that I lounge in and wrap myself in my favorite fleece blanket when I am playing. Except in the winter of course!
Everyone's sat in the "New Guy" position at least once even if you're just stopping by real quick and watching someone else play. "New Guy" is the number two reason for losing at fighting games with number one being plain, old fashioned sucking at fighting games.
When MetalSwift got his N64 everyone was in "New Guy" playstyle. He had this bean bag chair no one could sit in :mad: I tend to play "The Flop" playstyle.
I'm guessing I'd be closer to the King. Sitting alone and in charge... lol!

Everyone's sat in the "New Guy" position at least once even if you're just stopping by real quick and watching someone else play. "New Guy" is the number two reason for losing at fighting games with number one being plain, old fashioned sucking at fighting games.

I never did. LOL I was always the house who everyone came over to play. Mostly because I would always get new games immediately upon release or at least way ahead of my friends. I did have a gaming chair no one was allowed to sit in except me lol
I've always got my feet up on an ottoman or chair of some sort. Other than that, one would say my stature is quite...kingly.
KN1GHTMARE knows how it's supposed to go. If your house is the place everyone goes to and check out new games/consoles you get the best seat and the good controller that doesn't have the sticking action button (A or X button). Everyone else gets the janky controller or bring their own.

When MetalSwift got his N64 everyone was in "New Guy" playstyle. He had this bean bag chair no one could sit in :mad:

My house had very limited seating and no one was made of glass. If you stood that's because you wanted to and decided to take your time getting there.
Ugh the "New Guy" playstyle. It's not even listed, but it should be. It's basically the Ergo without the chair.
The king for sure. I just sit back and sink myself into the couch when I'm gaming. It's so comfortable!
As most have said, The King only works with a nice big comfortable can't go pulling off The King in a stiff wooden chair.

...that ****'s for The Ergo.

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