Justa G Blanket
New Member
Most likely Destiny. It looks really good, it was made by Bungie, and it has character classes. Those are just three things that make me want it.
Won't GTA V be released on PS3/360? That means the next gen consoles won't be able to play it, unless they release a version for them too...
I'm definitely curious to see a new Halo. I couldn't tell what Quantum Break was supposed to be, really. I'm curious to see what some of those other new franchises will be. The games part of the presentation didn't wow me much, I'm hoping E3 will. I couldn't get excited for any of the sports, racing or call of duty stuff they showed, I never play those kinds of games.
Doesn't look like Halo Xbox One or GTA V will be launch titles, so I guess I'll probably get Battlefield 4, COD Ghosts, and Forza 5.