Xbox One Who here has played Thief?

Thief... played it and it's actually a decent game. Kinda fun. As for the ending.... well, maybe there's a sequel planned for it. I don't think it was gonna end there right away, anyway.

No spoilers please. I just got the game yesterday.
I personally like the game, but there are some things you need to get used to when you play.

1. Controls: they are not the standard button layout. Once you spend about 10 min with it, you understand why and appreciate the fact it's different (good reasons)

2. Initial inventory (and some would argue inventory limits through the game). If you're used to having a 'gob' of weapons, ammo and resources, you'll need to get used to the new and slimmed down offerings and be careful what you use and when.

3. Darkness and contrast: The game has no built in (last I played, if there's an update, I'm both not aware of one, nor have I played with a patch) controls for darkness and contrast, meaning you'll have to adjust your TV for this ONE game. If you have presets you can custom make and load on the fly, then this may be a small issue for you. For me, it's a pain in the butt, I can either adjust it and play Thief comfortably, and then adjust back for everything else, or I can suffer with an overly dark, almost muddy viewing experience. (my TV is from 2008, so it very well could be too that the ratios on it aren't vast enough to accomplish this without messing with settings.)

Other than those 3 things, the game play and story (for me) is really good and fun to play.

Well quoted man. I think I'll get the game next week.
Hahaha, you too? Yeah, my brother played it and man, he just can't stop about how lame and how big of a disappointment it was. I watched him and when I saw the ending././. eh. Not recommended, in my opinion and his too.

Still depends man. I plan on trying this game out.
I just got Thief as a gift this week and haven't had a chance to play it. I was glad to see the thread on it in case someone came up with any tips or tricks that would come in handy.
I just got Thief as a gift this week and haven't had a chance to play it. I was glad to see the thread on it in case someone came up with any tips or tricks that would come in handy.

Give it a try when you can. Might be nice, might suck. Me... it was decent, that's all.
I just got Thief as a gift this week and haven't had a chance to play it. I was glad to see the thread on it in case someone came up with any tips or tricks that would come in handy.

Yeah, give it a try. I have it as well and I'm having a blast just playing it.
I didn't particularly care for the game. It's been compared SO many times to Assassin's Creed that I had to at least give it a shot. The game had a great premise, but was executed poorly. It was too mundane for me. The storyline was good, I just didn't much care for the actual game play. Ah well, can't win them all I guess. Though, it seems, with it already drastically dropping in price, I'm not the only one who found the game lacking.
Not yet, but it seems enticing. It's never been my kind of genre as I'm more of an FPS/Racing fan, but I'll definitely try it out at my friend's house next time as he has it on his One.
I haven't bought the game, but I have played a friend's copy a few times and its definitely not worth buying at full price in my opinion.

The hype before the game came out didn't help because like a lot of other people I expected a lot more than what the game delivered.

Don't get me wrong, it's not a bad game as such, it's just not worth paying full.price for, but then again, not many games are worth $60 these days.

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