Xbox One Who is buying The Elder Scrolls Online?

I was planning to buy the game initially but once I found out it has a paid subscription I ditched the thought. I don't like buying the game and have to pay extra. Furthermore, I'm already paying for Gold so unless I'm wrong about this, I'm not getting it.
I was planning to buy the game initially but once I found out it has a paid subscription I ditched the thought. I don't like buying the game and have to pay extra. Furthermore, I'm already paying for Gold so unless I'm wrong about this, I'm not getting it.

Same here. It would have been better off if it was free to play.
I was actually excited when they first announced it but well since the game will be a paid subscription, I'd rather get another game instead. I wish they could change their minds into the paid subscription part and just have like an in game store for those who want to go premium right?
I hate to say it, but I'd probably pay to play it. I really hope they don't incorporate a monthly fee though.

I hope it's just a one time fee. But well even if they have a monthly fee I'm okay with it.
I hope it's just a one time fee. But well even if they have a monthly fee I'm okay with it.

It's not a one time fee (if only!) it's a pay for the (60 bucks I believe) and then fifteen every month after I think...
I'll definitely be buying this game - I've participated in the beta tests and as a result of that I'm really looking forward to the game. It has so many new features that MMORPG's do not have which I feel makes the game worth buying. I'm also a huge fan of The Elder Scrolls series which makes me anticipate this title even more!

I guess I'll get this as well. Just hope the rumors about it being a paid game is not true.
I'll definitely be buying this game - I've participated in the beta tests and as a result of that I'm really looking forward to the game. It has so many new features that MMORPG's do not have which I feel makes the game worth buying. I'm also a huge fan of The Elder Scrolls series which makes me anticipate this title even more!

I think I'll pass, well I did saw an emperial version of Elder Scrolls so I think I'll get that first.
From the videos that I've seen it does look quite similar to Skyrim. I just hope that the game is free to play. If not I wont get it.

It's not free-to-play. It's on a monthly basis game, so sorry but not F2P. You have to buy the game and then pay the game on a monthly basis if you want to play on for long.
I think one thing to note about subscription based MMORPGs is that they deliver heavily with content and chances are you'll be playing it long enough to warrant subscribing for several months for the price of one game.
I might get ESO. I don't like the subscription fee thing. If I get it, it'll be for PS4 since it doesn't require a charged service to play. That's a plus.
I want to get this game but i keep hearing so many 'bad' things about it which have kind of put me off. I have no way of trying this game for myself apart from buying when it releases which i probably will do. I just hope it doesnt end up bland. *fingers crossed*
I want to get this game but i keep hearing so many 'bad' things about it which have kind of put me off. I have no way of trying this game for myself apart from buying when it releases which i probably will do. I just hope it doesnt end up bland. *fingers crossed*

I don't think it'll be bad when it's released, after all they took their time to finalize the whole thing.
Honestly the only "bad" thing there's been is that it'll be $15 a month on top of a paying $60...and it's not even that bad considering the effort going into the game and voice talent they're getting. I mean if they were getting a bunch of elementary school students and knocking the graphics down to like anime MMORPG or Runescape 2004 level then I'd be furious at $15 a month and $60 out the gate.
I have been watching some of the videos on the official site and it does have me really excited to try this out. When i say bad things i mean .. well its maybe easier if i just give one example of one of the things i have read. It was along the lines of you get a quest to save someone in a tower or something, as you approach the tower or whatever you see a constant stream of other players arriving and leaving, either heading to or having just rescued the same person im on my way to rescue .. lol i hope that makes sense, im really no good at explaining myself lol. But yeah i didnt like the sound of that, i shouldnt really be making a fuss over it thou i suppose seeing as im pretty much used to it having played Ultima Online for a good while. The difference i guess would be, in UO if i was on my way to do something and someone had just done it, i would have to wait and try again later and hope the mob i was on my way to kill was spawned and not recently killed by another player.

Hope that makes sense :)
Come closer to the release date I need to start finding a team to play with online. Hopefully a group with diverse characters and play styles so we can really kick butt!

Yeah, I hope I can play with all you guys, my colleagues have started taking interest to Elder Scrolls as well. We might end up being a team.

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