Why are PC gamers hated by the console crowd?


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2013
As a PC gamer who plays on consoles as well, I had to ask this to you guys. There are so many differences to resolve here, but I am not going there, you know. It's just a simple question. What do you love or hate about the PC gaming?
I'm not huge on PC gaming because I just don't like using a mouse and keyboard. Though I know controllers are available. It seems to me like PC gamers see themselves above console gamers but console gamers dont see themselves above PC gamers. But I could be wrong?
My thoughts on this matter are, to each their own. If you like playing Xbox then go for it! If you like Playstation then play that! If you like PC then thats your thing! I too play on PC and consoles and i think the reason the PC community has so much hate against it is that they try to act as if theyre higher up than console gamers. No one can deny that computers run games better and with better quality than console games, but i think the way the PC community goes about saying it is pretty rude. They say stuff like "PC master race" and "Filthy console gamer peasants" and stuff like that. They just cant be mature about it. Consoles are for people who just wanna pop in a game and relax and if thats their thing then its no big deal. PC's take more effort and obviously a different control system usually.

I think if PC gamers werent so obnoxious and trying to shove their PC in everyone's face then it wouldnt matter.
Honestly? It's the stupidly smug attitude. I mean you could be having a great discussion, and chatting it up then BLAM - "I don't see why fanboys get all serious about consoles. I mean we all know that a good gaming PC is far beyond the dross that is consoles... Blah... Blah... Blah" Like why would you bring that nonsense up? If the thread is about Xbone vs PS4 why are you talking about PCs? If the thread is about why FPS feels stale why talk about PCs? If the thread is about the beginning of the universe... why are you talking about PCs? It's annoying and unproductive and elitist and that's why folks just don't want to deal with it or really anyone with a PC.
So you re saying that you don't like the sight of PCs, right? C'mon now, don't behave like those typical fanboys. We all have one thing in common - we love games and that's what should matter.
There are people from both sides that can be annoying with their zealotry. I don't feel that PC gamers are any worse than your average fanatic, though some have a sense of entitlement that comes with spending loads of money for ostentatious hardware. It's not like the games are "more fun" just because you use a keyboard and mouse for controls.
The title is a bit misleading. "Why are PC gamers hated by the console crowd?" I don't hate PC gamers. I don't hate PC's in general. I grew up on consoles and have always played them. I couldn't afford a gaming PC when they became popular and right now I see no need for one. My console does everything I need it to do. I get to play awesome games, chat with my friends while I'm playing, and watch a movie or TV show when I'm not playing a game.

But some people may have grown up on PC's and PC gaming. Perhaps some of them are elitists when it comes to their rig, but as long as they enjoy their time playing as much as I do, I have no problem with it. I've never been a "fanboy" of any system. I'm a "fanboy" of games. And beer! :)
I think each gaming avenue has a merit. I like both types of gaming, it really depends on which game I am wanting to play. I think each type of player can be pompous, it doesn't really matter whether they are typically PC or Console. It's that person themselves and what they are like.
I was a hardcore PC gamer and sort of switched to consoles over the past years. I still have an older PC for some games that don't make it to consoles.

Honestly, games are games. The only big difference is using mouse + keyboard for games. I know a lot of people who hook up a PC to their TV and use the 360 controller.

My big issue was going from mouse and keyboard to using a controller in FPS games. It took me a long time to get used to it. I've got a few friends who still can't use a controller for FPS games. I know too a lot of PC gamers are interested in more serious competition that a controller with autoaim doesn't offer. I just want to sit on my couch and have fun and the console works fine for that.

The funny thing about a gaming PC is that it used to serve other functions, but now with laptops, tablets and smart phones, my gaming PC is just a gaming PC. It really does nothing else. If I'm surfing the web or something similar, I'm probably on a tablet or a laptop.
I think it's mostly internet silliness and fighting on forums and comment sections. I don't know many people in real life who care about proving their console or PC is the best. There are pros and cons to each in my eyes. Personally, I've been more of a PC gamer lately, but I loved Xbox gaming for years too. Consoles are nice to sit back on the couch, put in a game and they just work. PCs you often end up tweaking graphics settings and stuff, which not everyone is into. I personally like mouse aiming for certain games, most games where you're trying to snipe someone the controllers make it pretty hard for me to do so. It really depends on what you're into.
I'm both a PC and console gamer as well. I've noticed this a lot too.

If the thread is about why FPS feels stale why talk about PCs?
FPS games are not only on consoles. Many Xbox and PS4 games are also released on the PC. If I've only played the PC version, then I'll talk about the PC version. If I've played both and enjoyed one more, I'll tell why.
I play all platforms, but I tend to see a lot of elitism from PC gamers. The PC might allow mods, better graphics and sometimes steadier framerate, and overall more options, but constantly reminding people why the console is inferior makes you look insecure. Consoles have perks as well, so I don't really get why there are so many PC elitists. Still, not every PC gamer is a twit, so go after the elitists in particular; they exist on consoles as well.
@BitesizeCrayons I'd have to completely agree with this. I've seen elitists in both... a lot. Even PC gamer to PC gamer, there are elitists. A lot of people, not everyone of course, focus on the whole group rather than just the elitists.
PC gamers are hated because they are a hateable group of people. I don't even know if they realize that it isn't even so much PC gaming that some people don't want to be associated with, but the actual PC gamer. They are the little nerds that don't realize they get picked on because they are walking around claiming to be better than everyone else.

There was an episode of the Big Bang Theory where they were making fun of Penny's boyfriend. By most standards, he was dumb, but nice and good looking, so two out of three. Well, the nerds on the show only had brains over this guy and they made sure they reveled in it. They did to him what they believe so many do to them.

Most people don't even care about platform, but they have no problem shutting up someone of the "master race." Arrogance must seep through the keyboard or something. May all their Cheetos be stale. :D
I don't hate PC gamers, and we don't PC game because honestly, as expensive as a console can be, a really DECENT gamer PC would cost us a lot more, if we wanted one that could do what we'd want it to do. That's pretty much it.
I don't hate PC gaming I just don't prefer it. I think the ratio to console gamers and PC gaming is big. I think anyone with a PC gaming console should just update to console gaming. I don't see why people play video games on PC consoles, although I don't hate PC gaming.
To balance out the prices, though, games can also be cheaper. The expenses just depend (for any platform) on the gamer him/herself. Buying new vs buying old etc.
For me, it's quite, I prefer consoles because for example, the Xbox One or Playstation 4 will run all the games that will come out in the next 4 or 5 years. As for PC, everytime a new game comes out, it requires different or higer specs and then the pc has to be improved. Hating on PC gamers? Why would I?
It's due to a few reasons for me.
First, my computer isn't powerful enough to run the best PC games out there (Crysis, Farcry, Skyrim etc.).
Second, I don't using the keyboard and mouse because I'm not used to it. I've been console gamer my whole life so the controller is second nature to me.
Third, some PC gamers have this snobby attitude towards console gamers. Yes, the PC is more powerful and always will be, has steam etc. I mean, we're all gamers here, who cares what platform you play on.
As people have said, console gamers hate the smug little craps that SOME PC gamers are. Not all of them, of course, but some are always coming into console discussions and saying "PC is obviously superior, why are you dirty console gamers bothering with outdated consoles? Are you poor? and stuff like that. Hell, that almost sounds like an actual quote and I just made it on the spot. That kind of attitude just won't make you any friends.

Now, if you are a PC gamer and prefer your PC but don't crap on console gamers' fun then it's all good.

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