Why are PC gamers hated by the console crowd?

I always thought that it is the other way round with console gamers hating PC gamers. I mean pretty much everyone has a PC and with a little tinkering, PCs can play most games. In comparison, consoles are a bit less common and most console gamers I know seem to consider themselves more 'true' in comparison to PC gamers. As someone who has a PS2, an XBox 360 (not mine though sadly) at home and does a fair amount of gaming on PC; I don't get either sides of the stories. Lets live and let live, right?
I don't think it's the PC gamers that are hated, but the entire community around games. Of course you are going to get elitists that think that they are better than everyone, taking sides from companies and that kind of thing, while the obvious solution is to just enjoy everything everyone has to offer.
It is because some PC gamers think that the PC is the master race for the gaming industry. That attitude for people might tick people off. They like to brag how a PC has much better graphics and sometimes game play than the console counter part.
I play all platforms, but I tend to see a lot of elitism from PC gamers. The PC might allow mods, better graphics and sometimes steadier framerate, and overall more options, but constantly reminding people why the console is inferior makes you look insecure. Consoles have perks as well, so I don't really get why there are so many PC elitists. Still, not every PC gamer is a twit, so go after the elitists in particular; they exist on consoles as well.

Yes true that. We are not the only one here. There are some console fanboys that we make you want to punch them in face, but that's all part of the game.
A game is a game. It's still the same game regardless of what platform it's released on. One of the main perks that a console has are exclusives, and that's pretty much all I can think of, other than a low cost form of gaming entertainment. The whole reason why most PC elitists say "PC MASTUR RACE!!1!!" is simply due to the fact of better graphics and the ability to multitask with many different programs, along with the ability to upgrade hardware whenever you like.

If you bothered to think from both sides, I think you'll be able to see why a lot of people say this and that. You may be good at arguing or proving a point, but that doesn't necessarily mean that your point is in fact the correct one, which is what I'm trying to say here. PC's have their advantages compared to consoles, and consoles have their advantages compared to PC's. Games, are obviously programmed on PC's before being ported either directly or indirectly to consoles, which I guess is another reason why hardcore PC elitists say "PC > consoles", but that's only one side of the story. Learn to accept both sides, people are entitled to their own opinions.

I am in no way supporting either side. Personally, I stopped playing my 360 as I am in favour of PC gaming nowadays, but that doesn't mean I'm saying PC > consoles; I've owned a 360 and played hundreds of hours worth of games on it after all. Honestly, there are some console players who are also jealous of PC players, and simply due to this fact, you have what we call snobbish PC elitists responding to the console fanbase's reactions. It's a vicious cycle I suppose but nothing worth arguing over.
So you re saying that you don't like the sight of PCs, right? C'mon now, don't behave like those typical fanboys. We all have one thing in common - we love games and that's what should matter.
No, I spend a lot of time on the PC because I'm a freelancer. That said - my point is rather valid. It isn't fanboying or anything of the like. I mean the other day I'm looking up an article for research and I happen to glance at the comments and the entire section has gone off the rails thanks to some PC elitist randomly dropping in and blasting off. That's what I'm talking about, and while that might not apply to you it's common enough that all PC gamers get tarred with the same brush.

FPS games are not only on consoles. Many Xbox and PS4 games are also released on the PC. If I've only played the PC version, then I'll talk about the PC version. If I've played both and enjoyed one more, I'll tell why.

Yes, but if you are on a site like this one talking about an FPS game exclusive to the Xbone and all of a sudden someone starts on about how PC kills Console when it comes to FPS.... that is beyond annoying. It is also really pointless.
I think my opinion has been stated repeatedly by others but, I don't HATE PC gamers OR console gamers.

Both have their pros and cons. Both have their fanboi's. I've seen console gamers act like all PC gamers are nerds in a basement and console gamers are cooler. I've also seen PC gamers act as though console gamers are porr simpletons because they didnt spend $3k on a system.

I think the bottom line is we need to appreciate both for what they are. The console hardware race isnt as heated as the PC hardware race. Without a PC hardware race we wouldnt have the hardware for consoles we do today. However, since the majority of gamers DO game on a console, they get more games available to them. Without consoles having shifted to a less proprietary method of putting hardware together, we'd have less awesome ports to PC than we do in this day and age. Without PC gaming we would probably not have XBox Live type services as early as we did or voice chat or hard drives for saves or matchmaking services for games. Without console gaming we wouldnt have games that are at once casual and hardcore.

Once again, the bottom line is we all love video games. We should stop the silly bickering.
I don't think that they are hated by the console crowd. I think the console gamers resent the idea of using a mouse and keyboard to control a game. Also, it is more difficult to stare at a laptop screen or a computer monitor screen for long periods of time compared to a large television screen that is used for console gaming. Don't overhype the conflict between the two groups though, as it is practically non-existent these days.
It would probably be the elitist attitude that PC gamers are stereotyped with. One more reason could be that consoles are more fair. There aren't many differences between an Xbox One at launch compared to the next so when the specs are the same, it gives a sense of fairness. Where as with PC, someone can run a 6-core Intel i7 and have 200 FPS compared to someone with a pentium getting 30. I also thought that the PC world of gaming had hackers everywhere, so I avoided it as much as possible. I now play both console and PC, and I love to play both.
As a PC gamer who plays on consoles as well, I had to ask this to you guys. There are so many differences to resolve here, but I am not going there, you know. It's just a simple question. What do you love or hate about the PC gaming?

I feel like certain games lend themselves better to PC gaming but others are best on console, so what I like is being able to use a mouse and keyboard on those games that the mouse and keyboard are better suited for. I don't hate PC gaming by any means but there are certain games that I would never play on PC. On the flip side, there are certain games I'd never play on my console.
Most console gamers have used 500$ laptops which are good for nothing.

Those are the PC graphics they have seen. Once you start playing 1440p @ 120FPS on a real rig, consoles look kinda bad. Now, playing on consoles gives me headaches.
my big turn off towards pc gamers

bragging about their 1200++ dollar gaming pc...
always hacking the games..
always acting like they are the spit.... when in reality they are still a gamer and 99% of the time nerdier than console players.

always talk it up like they are top 10% of the players online... than you get them in a game and ohh its a bad day your controler is lagy ect ect.. ifi was on a pc i would be powning this newbz

i am by no means cutting console players slack.. xblive is a prime example of the trolls that come out the wood work. but in all i know allot of regular working people that have hobbies outside gaming. we usually suck the same and when out in the real world can laugh our asses off about something stupid we did in a game or some cool way someone good killed is in bf4/cod..
As a Mac owner, it's pure jealousy.

No, I'm kidding. I have many friends who play either console or PC or both. I have noticed though, especially recently, there are quite often a lot more games available where the player plays alone -- no online multiplayer. Consoles, by contrast, are more and more becoming a social machine.

Don't know what that means, but it's interesting.
As a PC gamer who plays on consoles as well, I had to ask this to you guys. There are so many differences to resolve here, but I am not going there, you know. It's just a simple question. What do you love or hate about the PC gaming?

I've always hated the controls needed for a PC game (i.e.: Keyboard, mouse, etc...). I'm used to using just a controller.

As a PC gamer who plays on consoles as well, I had to ask this to you guys. There are so many differences to resolve here, but I am not going there, you know. It's just a simple question. What do you love or hate about the PC gaming?

My guess is that, mostly, those who choose PC gaming are either unavailable to buy a descent console, or simply don't want to. A console is fairly expensive, if you include the TV, internet and sound system. For that money you could simply by an over-powerful PC, giving you not only gaming, but also work, leisure, office, studying etc. Its just a matter of what you want, and how much you want to invest in the issue.
I don't hate PC gaming, I just don;t prefer it. I have never been one to drop loads of money into a PC just to run games at top notch. That really isn't important to me at all.
my big turn off towards pc gamers

bragging about their 1200++ dollar gaming pc...
always hacking the games..
always acting like they are the spit.... when in reality they are still a gamer and 99% of the time nerdier than console players.

always talk it up like they are top 10% of the players online... than you get them in a game and ohh its a bad day your controler is lagy ect ect.. ifi was on a pc i would be powning this newbz

i am by no means cutting console players slack.. xblive is a prime example of the trolls that come out the wood work. but in all i know allot of regular working people that have hobbies outside gaming. we usually suck the same and when out in the real world can laugh our asses off about something stupid we did in a game or some cool way someone good killed is in bf4/cod..

Well, to be fair, PC Gamers hate hackers too, and it happens on consoles too, not hacking so much as glitching
Not every PC gamers brags about $1200+ setups, AND, alot of times those setups are called out for being wasteful in multiple areas, for example, a 1000 watt power supply for a system that draws 400 watts under load.
Console gamers never act like theyre better than anyone? No?

Bottom line is, PC gamers are just gamers. A certain percentage of gamers tend to be buttholes.
I am a PC user and a 360 owner. I do like using the PC from time to time for games, but mostly i use it for work, and the games are quite casual just to kill time while stuff is rendering. Xbox offers a way new level of interaction with the game, making you feel as if you are really a part of the game. that's what i value the most.
Xbox offers a way new level of interaction with the game, making you feel as if you are really a part of the game. that's what i value the most.

Thats because you play casual games, as you admiited, on your PC.
I am a PC user and a 360 owner. I do like using the PC from time to time for games, but mostly i use it for work, and the games are quite casual just to kill time while stuff is rendering. Xbox offers a way new level of interaction with the game, making you feel as if you are really a part of the game. that's what i value the most.

well, i also play casual games on my laptop. That's pretty fun, since you can play anytime, even when you are at work (haha). And the PC also provides you with a wide range of software such as office, graphic editors, music workstations, programming compilers and IDE's. etc. This is what makes PC so cross-dimensional

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