Why is Xbox One more expensive than PS4?

I think it's obvious that part of the reason that the Xbox One is more expensive is because of the Kinect but it's not a bad console. There are plenty of good reason to buy it, I'm just not ready yet. Eventually I'll probably get it as long as there is an exclusive that entices me towards it. Until then I'm probably going to go PS4 first, Xbox One later.
It's mostly Kinect. Take Kinect out of the equation, and I believe the Xbone still costs slightly more for them to make, but they would have probably been more likely to sell it at $399.
Yeah, it pretty obvious that the reason for the price hike is the Kinect. Which doesn't make the Kinect bad , it just pushes Microsoft to sell more consoles and so far their doing a pretty good job at it. With any luck soon they'll be able to make a profit on the Xbox One, though I still think that they should sell models without the Kinect they'd probably be able to push way more consoles.
It doesn't make the Kinect bad, but it does make it a crate that could be dumped overboard. I agree there should be models without Kinect available. They'll sell like hotcakes without it.
I don't really like playing the the kinect and really do think that it is just there to spy on me. I sometimes even put a post it over it because I am that paranoid. Microsoft already knows too much about me anyway from my Skype conversations with my boyfriend. I don't doubt that it would cost more to make either.
I can't say I believe this. Microsoft is a business, and like any business if they aren't making a profit on something they won't sell it anylonger. I find it extremely difficult to believe that Microsoft is knowingly going to take a bath on consoles and just hoping to make it up in game sales

The 360 did not make a profit for it's first three years. I don't think you understand how business actually works. They are not looking to solely make money off the console sales, the money comes from having an install base. The PS3 did the same thing. It's no surprise nor is it a new strategy. Do a little research and you will see it has all been done before, by both MSFT and other companies.
I was about to say I think that the console is probably worth more. I mean the Xbox One probably cost more, because it has more to offer its players.

It's probably because Xbox One was built to have more functionality compared to other consoles. Besides they've always said that this thing isn't just for gaming.
Other the kinect I would say it costs more because it's also a entertainment system not just games
I agree, but yeah, the console itself is built for more than gaming, so we can expect other uses to it.
I agree as well. Well Xbox One has lots of space for improvement and will continue to evolve into something better for everyone and anyone.

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