Xbox One Will you buy Call of Duty Ghosts?

Yes, I'll probably be buying Ghosts. I don't think I'll be playing it as much as I used to though. Every year I play less and less CoD and although I buy the game every year I'm starting to have second thoughts after buying each one.

I'll keep my hopes up though. I don't believe Infinity Ward is a bad developer.
Yes! I will buy Ghosts on launch day and probably for Xbox One, as I prefer Live and they get the COD content first. They also have Halo and the promise of 8 new games and 15 exclusives!!! Xbox FTW!!!
Can't say i will. I abandoned the COD series with Modern Warfare 2 and it's going to take a lot to win me back, a DOG is not gonna do it for me. Maybe if the next one has a dragon i'll be sold again :P (seriously, why isn't there an FPS where im riding a dragon? Why will no-one make this happen?)
It really just depends. I honestly haven't seem enough of Ghost to justify a purchase, but if things are actually different and fresh then I could see buying it. I haven't bought a COD game in the last couple of years, so this could get me back into them.
Haha honestly a better question would be who isn't buying Call of Duty: Ghosts? I am definitely going tl be buying it and I'm sure 99% of people buying a new console will too.

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