Xbox 360 Would you say some games are too girly to be played by men?

Look at it this way. They could be playing something stupid instead like Call of Duty that is just mindless shooting and doesn't engage their brains or let them use their imagination.

Yes that is very true! They have asked about getting more COD games. I admit I like playing the shoot 'em up games has just mindless relaxation. At least they are not *too* into the COD, they play other type of games just as much as COD.
No I don't think so because if a game is fun then it's fun. I don't believe that games are gender specific. As long as I can have fun playing a game I could careless if it seems girly. Fun is fun no matter what type of game it is. I really like any genre though as long as it engages the gamer and provides good game play.
Oh yes, some games are to girly for anybody to play . . . but it doesn't matter . . . we play them anyway!
Screw that, I really get into a game, if I like the mechanic, doesn't matter if there are pink unicorns farting rainbows all over the screen (Robot Unicorn Attack, anybody?), or if it's the most grimdark piece of gritty reboot out there. I used to be a DDR maniac back when arcades were still a thing, and I was real good at it. Yes the music was horrible J-whatever, but did that stop me playing in front of a crowd of a dozen people? No.
I think dance games such as Dance Central and Just Dance are made for girls mostly. I do enjoy dancing and I bought both of these games to have a good time dancing with my wife, but most of the moves seem too girly.

However, I enjoy dancing some of the tracks with moves that a man does not seem weird doing. :)
1. Tell me how majora's mask has anything girly (let alone anything not completely messed up haha) in it.
2. The terms girl game and guy game are more like casual vs hardcore so it's kinda relative to how you feel on those games.
3. Barbie Horse Adventure is too hype for this universe...
I understand how you feel as I was under such 'discrimination' as well! :D

I love to play The Sims on the PC and Harvest Moon on the Nintendo consoles. They are often considered "Girly" games by the masses and my friend often mock me for that. But I really enjoy them as I enjoy simulation type of games. It is totally wrong to say only girls can play them. It is the same as adults playing Pokemon and saying only kids are entitled to play them.

Games are made for everyone, and anyone of all ages to enjoy!
I do not believe that there is a such thing as a video game being to girly or to manly. Games are made for an individuals enjoyment. If it makes you happy then play it. Who cares what other people think. They are not the ones playing it, you are. I am a woman and I play all different types of video games. From Dance, fighting games, puzzles, shooting games, etc. One of my guy friends was making fun of his buddy. He said that he saw him playing The Sims. He abused him for weeks stating he was a sissy boy for playing such a girly game. Turns out my guy friend owns the same Sims game. I saw it on his book shelf when we had a video game competition night going for some good money. When I told him I saw it, he turned fire engine red lol. Now I see why he was so hard on our buddy. He was PROJECTING! Play what you want. Have fun :)
Not really, games are games and any gender can play them to be honest. It's all down to personal preference, not sex.
Yiddo makes a good point. There are no rules stating "can only be played by men/women"
It's your choice. You decide what you play.
As I play anything and everything to test it for my little sister. I have to say they are fine. But I do agree that the games are mostly girly and there are times where I stop playing because I can't stand the games anymore.
I kinda can not avoid those types of games because my gf loves them. She makes me play with her and tells her friends. :(