Xbox 360 Xbox 360 Bargain Deal Thread

I agree with the GameFly comment. They are always reasonable when it comes to returning something that you feel is not up to par. I also like eBay. I know you're thinking 'how can you trust this person to not sell you a damaged product?' I understand that logic completely but I have gotten some great deals when buying in bulk. You can always find someone who wants the games you do not in the bulk bundles so it depends on that as well.
Not very often when you can buy games and xbox's at a great deal, i find black friday is always the best day for these buys.
If anyone here lives in the Uk, just last week I found an excellent bargain at Cash Converters. The entire console, controller, and to games were only £60. I was tempted to buy it myself but I'm trying to save money. Perhaps I might save up and buy the highest tier Xbox 360 console next year. They are sure to plummet in price what with the release of the Xbox One. At least I hope so anyway. The games are sure to be hitting rock bottom prices too, which is excellent news.
I bought my 360 off a friend for £40 but I wouldn't say that counts. I wouldn't go for bargain prices anyway, the console will most likely have disc tray and disc reading issues as well as potential RROD which no one wants. I would definitely buy the newer 360 slim than an original 360 though anyday.
In case you didn't know, today is the Cyber Monday sale in which there are some amazing deals for one day only.

This includes

  • Red Dead Redemption for $7.49 (75% off, normally $29.99)
  • Dark Souls for $5 (75% off, normally $19.99)
  • L.A. Noire for $7.49 (75% off, normally $29.99).

I will definitely be picking up Red Dead Redemption as I have heard it is one of the best console games in the past couple of years. These games are classified as "Games on Demand" meaning they are digital and need to be downloaded to the hard drive. You can find the rest of the Cyber Monday sales on

Also, Gears of War is free on the XBOX 360 for the first half of the month as part of the Games with Gold program which Microsoft launched. The next title will be Shoot Many Robots.
This is the site I use to see awesome deals every day. EDIT: I can't post links yet! It's dealzon.comDASHgaming
You can save a lot by buying a 360 used, but I would get it from a game store with a limited warranty of some sort rather than a pawn shop. Oh yeah, and try Sam's Club for games -- you might be surprised by how affordable some of them are. Trading in old games at places like GameStop is a good way to make some extra cash or to get better games. There are definitely ways to save money; you just can't buy, buy, buy; you have to calm down, calm down, calm down. ;)
Ebay is always having daily sales, you can get a brand new 360 for as little as $170 USD...
Well the one thing that I will add to this discussions, which I am pretty sure has covered all of the different sites out there for X Box games and consoles, is the importance of knowing what you are getting. Twice in the last couple of months I have bought games in bulk, for cheap, and they came in terrible shape and some barely even worked at all. For this reason, I still like exploring local, in-store options before going online, but the deals online are so much better.

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