Xbox One Xbox Hates Trash Talkers. Do You? Xbox One Update

This concept sounds good. However, I never found that I ran into anyone talking crap while playing online in fact, I can never hear anyone I'm playing against online unless I'm in / They're in my party so, this feature seems kinda redundant.
Secondly, how are they going to discern who is 'talking trash' and who isn't?
Will they be constantly listening in on every user 24/7? Or will it be report based where someone reports someone for trash talking then they monitor that account? Seems a bit intrusive don't you think? Nice to get away from the idiots but, I don't know if I want to get away from them enough to have my conversations monitored or recorded.
This could be abused. A person could get a group of friends to report someone and get them put in another group so they don't have to play with them. just think about how badly the top of the leaderboard people will end up getting treated.
I wonder what the point of the ESRB rating system is if no one is even following it. All it takes is someone 18 or older to buy a punk kid a copy of Modern Warfare and he's free to sour the experience for everyone else. But then I think that's indicative of another underlying problem, and I'm not really sure what to do about that.
This sounds like a system that won't work. True, players who play nicely and play by the rules will be paired with others like them. But I have a feeling that players who are jealous and such will abuse the system and demote other players. In my opinion, Microsoft is trying way to hard to become better than the new PS4.
Ah, Microsoft... I don't think you have thought this through very well. To see how easily this can be abused look at Amazon. It is amazingly easy for someone to get on Twitter or LiveJournal or Blogger and ask their fans to vote up their book/ any positive comments about said book and/or vote down any negative comments about their book. I have literally read comment threads off the site that promote this BS, and something tells me that;s what's going to happen to this new system. So then what? Well you lose Live members because they get really tired of being paired with jerks. Or worse you get people leaving because they hate having a negative rep they don't deserve.
I'm all for anti-troll measures and regulations, but I don't necessarily want a police-state or thought police sitting backseat to my gaming sessions. If an area is just too immature or troll-ed out for my taste, I just leave. There are so many other lobbies and clans that monitor and enforce good behavior that I'd rather the people sort it out.

I just would prefer it standardized that every multiplayer game had player muting, booting, and blocking options. I can fend for myself then just cutting off the cancers on my own.
That sounds like it could be pretty darn awful for a few reasons. What do they mean by being bad, such as cheating or low score? Also do the players themselves give the score because if so this could go wrong very fast.
A group of players could get together and basically down vote anyone and everyone they come across which would quite surely mess everything up.
This is basically how player ratings on Xbox Live already work. It's kind of a silly mentality to match up badly rated players with other badly rated players, because it'll just make everyone in that equation frustrated and make them far more likely to end up, well, quitting Xbox Live. If they feel that they've essentially been abandoned by Xbox Live and there's no chance of getting their old rating back, things will just go badly from there.
Interesting , I think this is what they did with GTA 4 with hackers. They made is so that they could only play online with other hackers. I'm not sure how practical this is because you could just ban them or kick them and it would be much quicker, but I think that it's an interesting concept if made properly. There will probably be ways to bypass it and maybe even get other people falsely reported as being haters, so you would have to be careful here.
Considering how horribly behaved the gaming community tends to be -- especially players of certain well-known shooters -- I think this is a breath of fresh air, assuming it actually works as intended. I'd have to see it in action before I believed it, though.
This is a pretty nice feature, perhaps i can finally play an online game without an obnoxious twelve year old, screaming in my ear about my mother. That would be kinda nice, might feel a bit weird though -- like wearing someone else's pants.
Swearing is something very common in the gaming community. I heard they arrested some people just because they threatened to kill someone and their friends in school! Maybe, adults have the right to use all those four lettered words yet it isn't a pleasant experience to listen to it. Young kids should definitely stop doing so and this update on Xbox One is what some of us might be expecting to put an end to this issue. Look forward to a cleaner multi-player system.
In theory, this sounds like a gaming utopia...paring one up with their 'match'. However, unless it's not flawed, I see trouble on the horizon for many.

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