Xbox One Xbox loyalists want DRM policies back!?


Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2013
Yep, you heard it here. The supposedly Xbox fanboys, or "loyalties" wants Microsoft's DRM policies back. This includes online requirement, used game policy, and more. Not only will they do another complete reversal, but will disappoint many people if they actually go through with this. It's a lose-lose for Microsoft, I feel there's no way to redeem themselves anymore. sigh

Xbox One loyalists want Microsoft to reinstate the new console's tough copy protection controls and mandatory online connection requirement that were axed following a backlash.

Thousands of gamers have put their names to a petition piling pressure on Redmond to give them the Xbox One console it promised at gaming conference E3 in June.

Via: The Register
Microsoft had changed its policy not to lose too many players and save his Xbox One. Microsoft does not change decisions for the umpteenth time.
For now, the guide PS4 Xbox One. If the Xbox is in too far, it will be another failure. Microsoft is aware of this.

Loyalists lose some their time to be honest.
I love the new direction of Microsoft. They should not be planted on this one.
The departure of Don Matrick was good too.
I'm ok with it. But I think it should be an option for users. Some may not want it some may not be able to.. It would be interesting and I'd probably go with it no disk sharing I have connectivity 99% of the time so I am ok with it
They are idiots, even going as far as to say it was "essentially the same as Steam". What a nasty joke and an insult to Steam.

The worst part is that a lot of those signatures are people that wish the petition succeeds just so that the Xbox One fails...

Microsoft can not reverse their reversal now, that would be idiotic and they would lose favor from EVERYONE by doing so.
I know what they're trying to do, but this isn't the way to do it. As for the comparison with Steam: who honestly trusts Microsoft as much as they do Steam? But it's really no different from the NSA scandal when people say "if you aren't doing anything wrong, then you have nothing to hide." That's clearly beside the point, and I think the thousands of people signing these petitions are missing the point entirely.
Heard about this as well and it does seem strange, if not pretty funny. Seems like sometimes Microsoft can't win these days no matter what they do. Still, I'm sure we can all agree that Microsoft won't change their mind again so this petition won't change anything. The thing to remember though is that Microsoft brought all this trouble upon themselves.
I feel bad for Microsoft, what a rocky road the launch of this console is. If they had never gone this route to begin with none of this would have happened. I don't know what happened with Don Matrick if he fell on the sword over this or what but if he left right before launch that tells you a lot. Hopefully they can recover.
I thought the DRM was quite interesting and I preordered my Xbox One on the back of that. If this is the same petition im thinking of, it's not for a return of DRM, it's for the Xbox One to stay as it is now but with family sharing, which would be impossible.

Also, wrong to say that anybody that wants DRM just wants Xbox to fail, I was mine to progress, not just another 360 with better graphics.
News on Yahoo!

"PlayStation 4 fans flock to sign petition demanding return of controversial Xbox One features"
Without the 24hr connectivity and tea there'd games family share is not possible. Would open up to many loopholes for... It would be dream cast all over again.

You don't hear about ps4 in anything. Means they are doing nothing new. Call the ps4 a ps3.5.

I give Xbox credit for going after something new not a great delivery of how it all worked was the pitfall
My bet is either PS4 fanboys voting for this, or Microsoft employees voting for it. I don't see any sane person who is interested in getting the Xbox One would want the DRM back, I just can't see it. Family share is a cool idea, but it's not worth the DRM that comes attached.
Their are advantages to the digital system. Anyone who has a digital movie library can attest to it. I like MS current approach. You can choose to be apart of it or not. Personally, I've changed my stance on this. Digital may be the way to go. Everything linked to my account, keeps things clean. But alot of people may need time to realize it or decide its not for them and keep buying disc based games. I applaud MS for letting them choose for themselves. I'm sure they'll bring back some form of family share in 2014 imho.
My bet is either PS4 fanboys voting for this, or Microsoft employees voting for it. I don't see any sane person who is interested in getting the Xbox One would want the DRM back, I just can't see it. Family share is a cool idea, but it's not worth the DRM that comes attached.

You would be shocked at how skeptical people are of drm but also welcome the features. I know a few people I talked to loved the idea because they have stable network and its not an issue. But same time said I feel bad for people who don't.

It wasn't even digital library they were allowing disk purchases just tethered to the system. It's not as far fetched as people think. Ea sports does it with multiplayer games battlefeild3 requires a code to multiplayer. So if u buy a used copy you than have to purchase multiplayer/online ability.

The new sim city is a 24hr connected game it has had bugs but it has been adopted before. Microsoft wasn't doing anything new or crazy it's all stuff already on market. Just on a bigger market/scale where everyone knows it
While I can attest that change is a good thing, reinstating the DRM policies and forcing all of their users to follow them wouldn't be very beneficial to the company if there is a division between users on the matter, which there clearly is. I agree, I love the idea of a digital library, but I also like propping up a collection of discs, there's just something too satisfying about it to not want to give it up. It may just be that this is what I'm used to, but if this is the case then they ought to make it an option, not a requirement.
There were some benefits to the DRM version of the console, you could log in to any other console and have your full library, sure it checks on it often, but that's still pretty nice to just know your login and access all of your games at a friend's house without toting a bunch of games over. So, I mean, I can't say I don't entirely see the benefit of the old way. I agree though with sc_shark's post that maybe it should be optional for some users, if you have a great internet connection and it works for you, fine, if you travel overseas and it doesn't, then there's an option for that. Although my argument the DRM all along has been for simplicity, it was just too complicated to figure out what all you can and can't do with your own games, and adding more options certainly wouldn't be that. I agree with some of the other posts as well, surely Microsoft cannot go back now.
I think they should make it optional as it is applied via an update, it's not to late to make it an optional update. Those who want it click no on the update, those who don't just update and all is well. I don't see why they cannot do the share games thing still as games will still be locked via your profile and console ID (form of DRM on xbox 360 already). The main reason for the online DRM was to check game Keys same as PC games to verify owner at that time of use and that it is not installed on multiple systems at once (nothing new to PC gamers) plus to allow games to be played without discs. You may say how then can they keep sharing if u cannot play without the disc, but to share the game must be uploaded to the cloud in which then server side DRM could be implemented. If the same game (game ID/serial) is uploaded on more than one system they could simply disable the first uploaded copy.
The new sim city is a 24hr connected game it has had bugs but it has been adopted before. Microsoft wasn't doing anything new or crazy it's all stuff already on market. Just on a bigger market/scale where everyone knows it

Do you not remember the issues caused by this? The game was shot down because of this implementation of DRM (not because of DRM, but because it's very annoying DRM) and became extremely unpopular (the fact that the game itself was apparently lackluster in comparison to previous entries in the franchise didn't help either). Even Diablo 3 got crapped on for its "always-on" DRM. So yeah, they weren't trying anything new... which means they should have known how people would react...
Ohh trust me I am aware it is the reason I didn't get my copy of sim city for this reason.
I am also one of the questionable drm/xb1 pre orders due to my unstable network/dsl. It's why I was semi happy for the 180 Microsoft made... I do worry about gaming where a connection loss looses allot of progress or drops multiplayer play. I've had issues with big title games and not letting me join friends lobby's due to latency on my dsl connection.

As much as I am ok with trying drm/sharing/24hr checks. I am just as happy to have it how Microsoft changed it if given the option I would actually go with the new style and do xblive purchases on games to do digital library.. I wish my network was better but it's not
Guess what, not everyone has access to internet. I know when I moved and had no internet, I played my Xbox to kill the time. It'd be annoying if that can't happen again.
Do you not remember the issues caused by this? The game was shot down because of this implementation of DRM (not because of DRM, but because it's very annoying DRM) and became extremely unpopular (the fact that the game itself was apparently lackluster in comparison to previous entries in the franchise didn't help either). Even Diablo 3 got crapped on for its "always-on" DRM. So yeah, they weren't trying anything new... which means they should have known how people would react...

Sim city was always online which overloaded the servers as opposed to single online checks daily which is what Xbox one was going to do via sending a single few kilobyte file containing system Identifiers and game IDS/keys to the server for verification. Not saying that I agree with it but they are different in certain ways, yet many people act as though they are the same. If they made it optional or tried it out over time would have been better than trying to ram it down our throats up front. But also Sony had the same ideas yet pulled mentioning it last minute at E3 after Ms got blasted along with the inclusion of the Sony Eye to undercut pricing. I give Ms credit for being honest and up front about it opposed to Sony who hid it as much as they could as soon as they saw peoples reactions, then took this as an opportunity to take cheap jabs at Ms knowing that they had worse in store for their own.

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