Xbox One Xbox One Always Online Requirements

I don't like the idea and was opposed to it from day one because sometimes I just don't have wifi or internet! Does that mean I should no be able to play? It shouldn't. I think it's ridiculous and I hope they change it.
I don't like the idea and was opposed to it from day one because sometimes I just don't have wifi or internet! Does that mean I should no be able to play? It shouldn't. I think it's ridiculous and I hope they change it.

I still believe that anyone would be able to play offline. Just majority of the features need online to function the way they're designed or some all together.
i find this very unfortunate. My internet is spotty at best. So does that mean I can't enjoy the games that I bought on the console I bought? Well that might just be a deal breaker on buying the xbox one.
I feel like we should stop saying "Always On" and instead say "Often on".

I personally have no problem with my internet and I do not plan to pirate or jailbreak my console so there will be no problem on my end. However, I am not worried about me. I'm worried about Microsoft. What happens if Microsoft's servers go down for a week? Not only will people not be able to play online but they won't even have access to their games. Much worse then what happened to Sony.

They also say that all games will be available for download on day one. You know what's going to happen on christmas morning? All the kids wake up and start downloading games at the same time you're doing your daily check. Servers crash. There must be a better way.
Microsoft is just mucking things up here. If this console does well in sales when it's released it'll be a miracle.
I still believe that anyone would be able to play offline. Just majority of the features need online to function the way they're designed or some all together.

I have a hunch you're right; Microsoft makes poor decisions at times, but I think this is more along the lines of what they meant with this.
Microsoft is just mucking things up here. If this console does well in sales when it's released it'll be a miracle.
Even will all the dumb rumors going around it is still selling very well even with the price being $100. more. #2 on Amazon and sold out at several online stores.
There is going to be a huge problem with this online every 24 hours. first i dont play everyday( thats not prob a problem) The main problem is after i save the xbox one after spending thousands and i want to hand it down to my child i cant cuz its needs online to play in the future... how long are the servers going to be up? forever... i wont have a problem now the whole require to b online but then i would never own the games. its like i rent it and its never going to be my game. my game is going to be on probation for life. I dont buy used games at all but at the end of the day its a investment that i would love to use it in the future. now i cant take it on vacation to a 3rd world country cuz it needs online. (those raining days).... well ps4 is taking it this time around.
I agree, many do not have the internet and it's quite hard for the Xbox One to compete! It's horrible and very stupid. I really have no idea what the driving factor behind this idea is. The fact that this is so reinforced already is really stupid... I would really like to hear the reasoning behind the motion though!

They driving factor is that the system is going to be completely digital and in order to continue to offer services people are used to on console you have to setup ways to stop people from exploiting.

Hopefully Microsoft can work out a offline mode before launch.
Major Nelson was on Reddit yesterday and said that he'd talk to the engineers about the ability to continue play offline.

They ARE looking for solutions for the people concerned. Give them time to come up with an answer. I'm thinking that it'll probably be something along the lines of...if you don't do the check, a message will pop up that says that you have to insert the disc to continue to play. It HAS to authenticate off of something and that, I'd imagine, would be the simplest way to do so.
People hate change, and Microsoft is changing things, but it's for the better. People have to understand their cloud integration. The cloud is really a bad name for it since it's somewhat of a buzzword, and most people don't really grasp what the cloud is anyway. They're going from 15,000 servers to 300,000 servers this year. That means where ever you are and whatever you're playing you'll have a good multiplayer experience since everything can be on a dedicated server and not p2p.

Please watch the following video where the Giantbomb guys talk to the Respawn team about Xbox One and the cloud. It's already cued up and it lasts for about 3 minutes. (sorry, I can't post links yet, but just copy and paste)

It's really an advancement in gaming, not just what you see on the screen, but the infrastructure behind it. I know it's tough to filter through all the PR talk, and MS has not been good at all getting information out there, but they are going in the right direction. Also don't worry about losing your games, now that the xbox and ps4 are using x86 architecture, I would bet that's what any future consoles are going to be using as well, which means easy backwards compatibility. You'll still have used game sales, you can share your games with friends through the family sharing, and even "gift" games to friends (which means you can sell direct instead of going to Gamestop).
Are you a GB fan, Daylight? Love that site.

I do agree with you. Right now, people are loving Sony because they are sticking with the status quo which is a strategy that works for them short term but like you, I do believe Microsoft have the long game in mind. We all know we're heading to this all digital future and MS are laying the ground work right now so they won't be stuck in the past as it continues to be the norm in the next 5-10 years and beyond.The fact that they'll have digital releases of all retail games day one shows their commitment to this. The PR talk aside, the cloud sounds like it could be a game changer. The dedicated servers and the 'Drivatar' feature that Forza has it just the beginning. We're already seeing games blend that line between Multiplayer and singleplayer in games like The Division and The Crew and I see that being more of a trend moving forward.

Also, while I don't think it'll be to the extent of Steam I also think the direction MS are going could result in greater sales for gamers on their marketplace.
Thanks FordGTGuy, could you edit your post to tell people it starts at 1h24m32s. It's only about 3 min they talk about it, which could be hard for people to find because the video is like 4 friggin hours long.

I am a fan Scottish Sin. I think they're funny, but also get down to the facts. I don't agree with them all the time, but I really respect them. They have so much knowledge between them, especially Jeff and Ryan.
Yeah. I really like Patrick as well even though he seems to get a lot of hate from the community.

I'm not normally a podcast type of guy but I make an exception for the bombcast.
So after looking around and browsing the internet, I came upon this article: From the looks of it, it's pretty recent, and seems like a good idea to be honest. This potentially solves the always online requirement, and I don't see any harm in doing this. Finally, an example of what Microsoft should do, LISTEN to your users! Microsoft should hire more people like Major Nelson, he's an awesome guy.
It would be a cool if something like that was implemented because I can see it placating some of the people that are not happy about the way things are going with their policies. Also, I agree about Major Nelson. He gets a lot of flak but I think he's a pretty solid guy, definitely one of their better employees when it comes to PR anyways.

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