Xbox One - Best is yet to come

The gaming industry as created a few millionaires over the years I would have thought, not just on the technology side but on the gaming front aswell.

There's no reason to say that this won't continue as we are getting more and more advanced, and gaming is no longer just a hobby. To some now it's more a way of life than just something to do when you're bored like it used to be all those years ago.
^ Yup, factor in VR and you have one of the most successful industries on the planet. Games will eventually be closer to "reality suspension" or augmented reality will end up more as "reality enhancement," both of which being worth so much money to people that the people involved in creating AR/VR are going to be loaded.
Also, I believe that after VR becomes something mainstream, some reality drug enhancer is going to be developed, just so you would feel more into the game.
@pwarbi also, gaming has become a job for lots of people, as they are being sponsored by several gaming brands as well as they earn lots of money from twitch streaming.
The gaming industry these days is just that, an industry and so with that in mind, I think there's only one way technology is going to keep being pushed and that's forward.

While in recent years there as been an uprising of retro gaming, the real money as been at the opposite end of the scale, the cutting edge end, and that's why VR is the next step in that direction.
Can't wait, the thing about VR and the current transition is the best game companies are off the map now. Everything is going on behind closed doors, so the market is basically "asleep," but about to wake up and have their coffee...this is gonna be a CRAZY awesome year!
Well I have to say that I love what @StockSwockle had to say above about how we are sill waiting for the best of what these companies have to offer. I must admit that I think I assumed that sales generally peak soon after release, but now I am certainly rethinking that assumption, and now I am excited to see what they have in store for us. Thanks for sharing, and for providing me some excitement on an otherwise pretty dull Sunday afternoon.
Personally I don't even blame Microsoft for how the Xbox ONE as so far failed to live up to expectations, and I put the blame squarely at the door of the software developers themselves. Microsoft (and Sony with the Playstation 4) have both produced consoles that are far superior to their last models, but the companies producing the games haven't been quick enough to embrace it.

Even now, two or three years after the release of the so called next-gen consoles, the games that are being developed are only slightly better than what we used to play on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3.
I totally agree that the children who are growing up now will become the new generation that will take gaming to a whole new level.
With virtual reality, the best is off course yet to come for any of the consoles.

Once VR kicks in, in most of the games which are being released, that is when people would really see the magic features which these consoles provide, as then the games become much more interesting and also much more interesting.

Also, in the developing countries, people are still discovering the gaming consoles for the first time around.
It's interesting that you bring up the countries that aren't as developed as others, and while of course countries such as the UK, USA and Japan will be at the cutting edge of technology, in some parts of the world the original Xbox is still the best seller, and I think that's maybe a market that a lot of console manufacturers need to focus more on.
I don't know about that, they make statements like that to bring about anticipation. I'm fine with the line up of games that I have been playing so far, and I'm ready for some games that are coming out in 2017 like Halo Wars 2.

I want more stuff for VR, I'm so interested in that technology. I know that when more games become more developed for VR, they might not be the best since it's new, and there needs to be a lot of testing which means there will be a lot of crap games. But I'm ready for it none the less.
Building up the anticipation of a new release is fine, that's all part and parcel of advertising and marketing. Without little teasers and leaked write ups of certain features then when the game or console comes out then there will be a lack of interest, I do get that, but all hype and no substance is pretty much what we're getting now, and I just think there needs to be a better balance.
It is right that Microsoft has been successful when it comes to Xbox ONE sales, but I personally think that they should not release the new Xbox ONE S in order to keep the ONE in the game for a couple of years, otherwise Sony will take a big advantage with the PS4, that's just my opinion though.
The S is a fine model to release, it's similar to how they released the Xbox 360 S (which was far superior to the original model, just as how I'm sure that the Xbox One S is far superior to the original model) I'm assuming you mean the Scorpio though which I agree with. I don't like the idea of releasing something so much more powerful only four years into a console lifespan.
What sells consoles is games. If there aren't any games that will make people buy the xbox one then it just won't sell. I know that there are some really good games coming in the near future but I think that sales will only go up when they are launched.
@SirJoe You're somewhat right, but it does not matter if you have the best game ever, if you do not have a good console to play it with then you're basically out ofthe game, you certainly need good games to sell the consoles, but these mostly require of each other as well, that's how this kind of stuff works.
The problem is though, I would have thought that with video gaming being around as long as it as, why can't the console manufacturers and the game developers work more closely with each other so the games that do come out are the best that they can be for that particular console?

Even now after all this time we are seeing games come out for the Playstation for example that are brilliant, then when they come out for the Xbox they are just a poor version with only half as many features as what the other version as got. Is it too much to ask that the game developers work as hard on their games across all the platforms, and not offer a fantastic game on one, then a half hearted attempt on anther.
@pwarbi Usually the only thing better about the PS4 version of a game than the Xbox version is that it'll a lot of times have a bit better resolution (720/900 or 900/1080). Usually if you have a higher end PC the difference between the PC and PS4 versions of a game are far, far greater than the differences between the Xbox One and PS4 versions of a game. When the PS4 version has exclusive content like Assassin's Creed or Destiny it's usually because Sony bought it up so Microsoft couldn't have it. This works in reverse as well with The Division and Xbox getting the content first.
@Casiox I agree you can't have one without the other I was taking into account that the console was good but you are right. If the console isn't any good it doesn't matter how good the game is people won't buy it.
The problem is though, I would have thought that with video gaming being around as long as it as, why can't the console manufacturers and the game developers work more closely with each other so the games that do come out are the best that they can be for that particular console?

Even now after all this time we are seeing games come out for the Playstation for example that are brilliant, then when they come out for the Xbox they are just a poor version with only half as many features as what the other version as got. Is it too much to ask that the game developers work as hard on their games across all the platforms, and not offer a fantastic game on one, then a half hearted attempt on anther.

Because there's something named marketing and you have to follow some standards, there's no way that two console companies can work together, they would be losing a lot of cash and they would not ever want that to happen to themselves, that's my opinion though.
I wasn't talking about the like of Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony working together though, I was more meaning the game developers such as EA or Rockstar liaising with the console manufacturers more than what they do now.

One exampl off the top of my head is when Rockstar released GTA V. That game was in development for a number of years and just as it was released on the Playstation 3, Sony released the Playstation 4 with greater capabilities. Surely if they had let Rockstar know the specifications of the new console, then GTA V could have been developed for that, rather than having Rockstar then having to release a slightly different game 6 months later for the ne device?

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