Xbox One Xbox One Headset Adapter Won't Ship Until 2014


Former Moderator
Aug 31, 2013
Hoping to use your current-generation gaming headset with the Xbox One? You'll have to wait until next year. According to a press release issued by Turtle Beach, Microsoft's headset adapter won't ship until "early 2014." The adapter, which was announced earlier this year, will allow users to connect headsets that use the Xbox 360's chat cable to the Xbox One controller's proprietary digital audio port. Without the adapter, players will still be able to access in-game audio via the console's optical digital audio port, but chat audio will have to be routed through the Kinect.


The news comes alongside Turtle Beach's announcement that it will release its first wave of Xbox One headsets in Q1 2014 and that it would be bundling Microsoft's Xbox One headset adapter with existing headsets. What remains unclear, however, is how much the adapter will cost when sold separately.

This is a let down since I wanted to use my current Turtle Beach headset to play Battlefield 4 sooner than 2014. Ah well, beggars can't be choosers. At least they're making an adapter. They could have forced me to throw down another $300 for a new headset.

via IGN
no biggie.. people with the 200 dollar headsets will wait those with cheap ones who wanted new ones will go after the new tec stuff..
as much as i want a set of turtle beach's i have no problem waiting for a mid price point direct plug in for the xb1. and if i had 200 dollar set i wouldn't care to wait a few months for that to come out.
Kinda bummed, but definitely glad that Turtle Beach WILL have an adapter since Paul has the super expensive headset and I want to use mine as well!
Kinda bummed, but definitely glad that Turtle Beach WILL have an adapter since Paul has the super expensive headset and I want to use mine as well!

i want a turtle beach aswell.. ive tried about 3 or 4 on.. some fit my head better than others. i have held off getting one so i cna get one for the xb1 as i know the furture of my 360. if i had a high end headset id be upset but at least its not outdated and an addapter is on the way. they ould have 3rd party locked it out.
You can always use Kinect in the meantime. The other alternative is to just rig up the mic to a regular set of headphones (assuming you have a receiver to go through). I've tried a bunch of gaming headsets, and even the more expensive ones don't seem to have very good sound.
You can always use Kinect in the meantime. The other alternative is to just rig up the mic to a regular set of headphones (assuming you have a receiver to go through). I've tried a bunch of gaming headsets, and even the more expensive ones don't seem to have very good sound.

I disagree. I have crisp and clear 5.1 sounds coming from mine. The kinect is also only used for chat, the issue about the adapter is you can't use your old headsets for sound until they release the adapter. You don't need to use the kinect because the console comes with a chat headset.
But why? Why does it take so much to launch a simple adapter for headsets? Is it really that complicated or they just want to hold the market for some time to make money out of their own headsets?
Let's just hope they don't hold this until December 31 2014
But why? Why does it take so much to launch a simple adapter for headsets? Is it really that complicated or they just want to hold the market for some time to make money out of their own headsets?
Let's just hope they don't hold this until December 31 2014

when u buy a rand new first model vehicle do you get the jumper harness for a new radio on them market day it releases? what about bolt on performance parts??
companies dont offer stuff normally. its almost always 3rd party for add ons.. im happy mcrosoft is taking the project on and not leaving it to mad katz or some random 3rd party company. microsoft is going to make money off this reguardless but at least it will be a quality built part.

could it be released at launch proably. its an in house project. does it make sense from a marketing standpoint. ehh... microsoft dosnt offer a 200 dollar headset or really care to. they let turtle beach polk audio get that merket and bring in whothey want. if they had all the bugs worked out do i think it would be released at launch... most deff.... it would be a pre order for allot of people.
You can always use Kinect in the meantime. The other alternative is to just rig up the mic to a regular set of headphones (assuming you have a receiver to go through). I've tried a bunch of gaming headsets, and even the more expensive ones don't seem to have very good sound.

You should try a pair of Astro's. Excellent sound and if you decide you want to upgrade the headphones you can do that and keep using the mixamp. As a matter of face, if you get the splitter cable from Astro you can run 2 headsets off one mixamp. Pretty cool and they sound great.
I never got into the Turtle Beaches and Tritons.My tv is pretty good when it comes to sounds of the multiplayer.The Microsoft headset is what I used for years.So I am cool.I did have a pair of cheap TB headsets that I got for reserving HomeFront with Best Buy.They was so f-ing cool looking and my cats ate threw the wires!%*&!$#& $&#*& $#& cats!I wanted to kill them!
It does stink to have to wait a little bit for an adapter, but as it was stated at least they are making one. I could see a company create a number of headsets and just ignore backwards compatibility but Turtle Beach is pretty reputable with most things they do. I haven't had a bad headset from them.
All of my hardcore gamer friends play with their fancy padded headsets anyway. They always talk about how cheap the Microsoft headsets are and how they are poorly made. I am on the other end of the spectrum and buy the cheap knockoffs on Amazon for under $5. I don't play for extended periods of time so I deal with the basics.
Multiple people have confirmed by doing simple modding, cutting the wire from the Xbox one headset and soldering it to their 3 parties wired headsets that they can use their third party headsets. Microsoft won't release new headsets nor 3 party headsets till 2014 so this is an alternative to saving time and money. I for one must say I Dont condone anyone doing this and am not responsible for u ruining your headsets for attempting this but this does work. There are already confirmed YouTube videos and tutorials on how to do this!
Wait what headsets do you guys have? I have X12's but I bought the DSS1 for $45 a few months ago. This turns them into virtual 71. and it works amazingly. Thing is its only 7.1 on 360 when I plugged it into my XB1 it goes to Pro Logic IIx, which is still good but I believe is only 5.1.

The DSS1 has optical out which is why I'm able to use it on the XB1. I have my game audio/game chat (though its hard to hear most people) from the XB1 and I have my 360 turned on with the mic plugged into my 360 controller so I can chat with friends since nobody I know has XB1 yet.

The TB XO Four ($100) and XO Seven ($160) have been posted on Amazon for months. They come out Feb 14. I may shell out the money for it but the only issue is that I won't be able to do this chat trick anymore so I might just buy the adapter unless MS gives in and allows us to chat with 360 (though I doubt that will happen)
Wait what headsets do you guys have? I have X12's but I bought the DSS1 for $45 a few months ago. This turns them into virtual 71. and it works amazingly. Thing is its only 7.1 on 360 when I plugged it into my XB1 it goes to Pro Logic IIx, which is still good but I believe is only 5.1.

The DSS1 has optical out which is why I'm able to use it on the XB1. I have my game audio/game chat (though its hard to hear most people) from the XB1 and I have my 360 turned on with the mic plugged into my 360 controller so I can chat with friends since nobody I know has XB1 yet.

The TB XO Four ($100) and XO Seven ($160) have been posted on Amazon for months. They come out Feb 14. I may shell out the money for it but the only issue is that I won't be able to do this chat trick anymore so I might just buy the adapter unless MS gives in and allows us to chat with 360 (though I doubt that will happen)

The issue is with the voice chat connection not the system sound
It's annoying but it's not a complete disaster as far as I can see. At least the Kinect is good for something in that the mic allows you to chat. Besides I'm guessing that some enterprising online retailer will come up with a cheap alternative either before Microsoft or shortly after Microsoft as the internet is wont to do. Hopefully the Microsoft approved headset doesn't cost to much.
Ahhh it's b/c you said you can't use your headset, when you can. I can easily hear people who are using the included headset, which is rare in BF4. People seem to be able to hear me fine when I use the Kinect.
Ugh really? I LOVE using turtle beaches and now I can not use it with the Xbox one? WHAT? I hope they fix this problem because I am not the only one in this world that is mad...

Hopefully this problem catches Microsofts attention because to them it may be small but to us gamers, it is a HUGE one.

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