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Hoping to use your current-generation gaming headset with the Xbox One? You'll have to wait until next year. According to a press release issued by Turtle Beach, Microsoft's headset adapter won't ship until "early 2014." The adapter, which was announced earlier this year, will allow users to connect headsets that use the Xbox 360's chat cable to the Xbox One controller's proprietary digital audio port. Without the adapter, players will still be able to access in-game audio via the console's optical digital audio port, but chat audio will have to be routed through the Kinect.
The news comes alongside Turtle Beach's announcement that it will release its first wave of Xbox One headsets in Q1 2014 and that it would be bundling Microsoft's Xbox One headset adapter with existing headsets. What remains unclear, however, is how much the adapter will cost when sold separately.
This is a let down since I wanted to use my current Turtle Beach headset to play Battlefield 4 sooner than 2014. Ah well, beggars can't be choosers. At least they're making an adapter. They could have forced me to throw down another $300 for a new headset.
via IGN