Xbox One Xbox One is built for the future (VIDEO & Infographic)


Former Moderator
Aug 31, 2013
A lot of great stuff coming to us from the officially XBOX ONE news source as we near launch. Below is a nice little video and another infographic (which MSFT seems to love.) Be sure to check out the source for a lot of information from the article not found on the video or picture. I'll provide the link below. Does any of this stuff matter to you? Let us know. This all sounds great to me, but at this point I need some hands-on time already!


I like the "Raw Power" part of the advertisement. The Raw Power to play Netflix! The Raw Power to turn on I jest partially, but I am excited at the Raw power being used to show off some really hard core graphics for the games!
That is great information. I agree Xbox is really built for the future with these new features. I especially like the idea behind controlling your system. Who wouldn't want to be able to control their Xbox 360 through devices. Considering Apple devices were not compatible with the Xbox 360. While watching the video I also peeped the voice control system. They stated the following " When I say Xbox power on, it will power on not only the Xbox but the Television as well". Both of which are great features to have.
I like the "Raw Power" part of the advertisement. The Raw Power to play Netflix! The Raw Power to turn on I jest partially, but I am excited at the Raw power being used to show off some really hard core graphics for the games!

They do need "Raw Power" seeing how this will be using Internet Explorer for browsing. Just that will take 80% off all that Raw Power out there. I just wish they could use a bit of Raw Power to run games at full 1080p resolution, run at constant 60fps or both.
They do need "Raw Power" seeing how this will be using Internet Explorer for browsing. Just that will take 80% off all that Raw Power out there. I just wish they could use a bit of Raw Power to run games at full 1080p resolution, run at constant 60fps or both.

They are.
Update, 4:38PM ET: We’ve spoken with a representative from Microsoft, who provided the following statement: “Xbox One fully supports native 1080p output at 60 fps. It is up to individual developers to determine what resolution best fits their design goals. At launch, Xbox One will present all titles at 1080p—whether natively or upscaled.” It’s worth keeping in mind that just because a box can output at 1080p doesn’t mean it will. For instance, we already know that Ryse – a high-profile launch title — will be running at 900p. The further we get into a console’s life, though, the more experience developers will have with that console, and can figure out methods to get the most out of it. The representative said they could not comment on the rumor regarding the stress test boxes outputting at 900p.

It's always the same at console launch and its a good catch, just because the hardware supports it doesn't mean the software will. The better games tend to be a year after launch at the minimum. Just as the article said, once the dev teams get to grips with the hardware they develop better software and on it goes these games of ours. I for one look forward to see what can be accomplished, its a great time to be a gamer!
Yeah, Microsoft never seemed under-pressure when everybody said the PS4 was better. I bet know 87% who wanted the PS4 are now getting the Xbox One.
That's a very specific percentage lol

He ran a poll and used statistics and stuff or you know he is completely making this up - which is fine. If nothing else it means he can be a game analyst like the one guy - you know the one who predicted the Wii and the 3DS would fail and stuff.
Man! I'm almost too excited for this! Haha
Is it possible to have too much anticipation? I believe I have accomplished this level. The Xbox One must be mine, and I'm a man on a mission.
Hmm looking at what ive been reading the xbox one wasn't built for tomorrow but built for next year if u know what im saying (built for FUTURE) very intresting to see what happens with the console
Better to be built for the future than to be built for the past. As long as it lives up to its own hype I won't mind, but I'd expect a next-gen console to improve anything and everything from the generation below it.

It's always the same at console launch and its a good catch, just because the hardware supports it doesn't mean the software will. The better games tend to be a year after launch at the minimum. Just as the article said, once the dev teams get to grips with the hardware they develop better software and on it goes these games of ours.

Exactly. I'm excited for the next year or so because that's when we'll start to see the cream of the crop.
Better to be built for the future than to be built for the past. As long as it lives up to its own hype I won't mind, but I'd expect a next-gen console to improve anything and everything from the generation below it.

Exactly. I'm excited for the next year or so because that's when we'll start to see the cream of the crop.

I agree. When the programmers become more familiar with the hardware, I know we are going to see even more awesome games next year.

Wow this seems really cool. I am supper excited to purchase it and play on the game system and experience the new features. My husband is going to totally love this. He has been talking about it for about a week or so now. I am thinking about making this his Christmas present. I am understanding that the picture quality is supposed to be way better and it has 3D on it now, right?
Yeah, I don't expect a whole lot from the first year or two of the system's life, but like all systems before it, once that third year hits we are gonna see some major leaps in graphical fidelity, and I'm definitely excited for when that time comes. For now? I'll bide my time.
Yeah, I don't expect a whole lot from the first year or two of the system's life, but like all systems before it, once that third year hits we are gonna see some major leaps in graphical fidelity, and I'm definitely excited for when that time comes. For now? I'll bide my time.

Oh, future games will be amazing... I feel Titanfall will be the first of the breed to usher in the next wave of gaming.

Nice video but is pure marketing because the gaming industry progress is alarmingly fast this days and the technology power doubles every 18 months. With this hardware specs the Xbox one will run on full specs only the games that are released in the next two years after that it will become obsolete.
Yeah, Microsoft never seemed under-pressure when everybody said the PS4 was better. I bet know 87% who wanted the PS4 are now getting the Xbox One.

Not sure if it's that high, but I'm sure some are changing their minds.


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