Xbox One Xbox One is built for the future (VIDEO & Infographic)

Very informative indeed.
The design of the infograph is quite nice.
After reading, just had a huge urge to pre-order - seems like the secrets of the Advertisement Department are working fine. haha
Also the chance to "buy, trade, sell or give away" is a huge plus, so you won't be sticking with your old game when become bored with it.
I wish they would implement a good algorithm for this procedure though.
If you buy this, I have some beachfront property in Arizona that I'd like to sell you.

Valve's console is going to hurt this market, and Microsoft is trying to get ahead of that. Big problem there is that Valve's console, released later than the Xbox and the PS4, will be better, at least from technical aspects.

Besides, anything that changed about the xbox interface will just piss people off. Like what they changed about Windows 8
If you buy this, I have some beachfront property in Arizona that I'd like to sell you.

Valve's console is going to hurt this market, and Microsoft is trying to get ahead of that. Big problem there is that Valve's console, released later than the Xbox and the PS4, will be better, at least from technical aspects.

Besides, anything that changed about the xbox interface will just piss people off. Like what they changed about Windows 8

MSFt changed the 360 interface yearly and no one got bothered. I have a gaming PC already and that's all the steam box is minun unneeded OS using valuable resources. I don't see steam taking consoles except with those who prefer PC. For me it's about community and where my friends are

This sounds a bit over-reacting, but still close to the reality.
The hardware\software can indeed provide all the things depicted in the infograph, so we can expect a huge breakthrough on the release date
It is true! Giving the current specs and software performance, the X1 is surely a good buy and worth playing on for the next couple of years. It provides way more then it can deliver today. Its like a hand to future
It is true! Giving the current specs and software performance, the X1 is surely a good buy and worth playing on for the next couple of years. It provides way more then it can deliver today. Its like a hand to future

you might even consider it as an investment, since just after the release there wont be much games which might use even 70% of the X1 capabilities
I definitely do think that MS was thinking into the future when developing this console, which is smart, because I think each generation of console is going to get longer and longer. The 360 was out for 8 years before its successor came out. I could see the X1 being out for close to 10 years, just because gamers will be slow to upgrade to next generation. The 360 and PS3 still have a lot of life left in them, so, for the next 2-3 years, we'll still see those consoles selling pretty well and getting cheaper in price so they can hit different parts of the market.
This sounds a bit over-reacting, but still close to the reality.
The hardware\software can indeed provide all the things depicted in the infograph, so we can expect a huge breakthrough on the release date

it's no over reacting, my friend. It is the truth. The Xbox One is so powerful, that it can't even handle itself! Giving the fact, that more and more devs will get their hands on the console and create even more content, the future for the Xbox One is really optimistic
it's no over reacting, my friend. It is the truth. The Xbox One is so powerful, that it can't even handle itself! Giving the fact, that more and more devs will get their hands on the console and create even more content, the future for the Xbox One is really optimistic

Totally agree. I think this system has more potential than even the developers know about. Looking forward to seeing the future with it.

I also just like the clean look of the home screen. And I'm looking forward to using the Kinect more. I hardly used it for my 360

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