I cannot say much, but I will say that I have worked for Microsoft. It is not just the NSA that you have to worry about. I do know for a fact that they do spy on their users as well as use their collected data to make their services better. With that said, everyone is doing the same thing, it isn't something that is just solely Microsoft. What I do not like about the Xbox One is that it has the ability to use voice and video as well. The only redeeming thing I can say about their collection of data is that they typically do not single a person out, the data collected is for the most part nameless, and only used to enrich their services - as far as I know anywayWhere it becomes a problem is if they are hacked - kind of like Sony was, that data can get into the wrong hands.
Hahahahaha. You know, you make a point. Do they have the staff to monitor that many people? You know what... whatever. Let them handle it. If they want to do it, fine. That's their thing. You and I just spend our good hours playing the games while the staff spends their time watching us, keeping note of our behavior. I'd rather just enjoy my time killing zombies than watching somebody or other people for 8 hours a dayYes, their secret got out! They are also using subliminal messages to brainwash you into quitting your job and playing more games everyday! They are monitoring you to see if it works and to find better ways to brainwash if it doesn't!
On a more serious note though, do you really think they have the staff to monitor 1 MILLION OR MORE people? Think about it!
It sounds a bit extreme to be true. What are they going to gain from spying on us? Find out what the average gamer looks like. Plus, I don't think that they would want to be seeing everything that happens in front of a Kinect, that would be nasty.
The NSA can check out my junk all they want. I have no political ambitions. LOL
When Xbox One sends a notice directed to you saying "Xbox One noticed you were eating chicken wings last week. Maybe this week you'd like chicken wings from one of our partners." Then you get worried and make extra strength foil hats.