Xbox 360 Zumba!


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
I played Zumba - Kinect last night too and I am hooked on this one too. My hips were killing me this morning though - you wiggle them this way and toss them this way! What a workout and it was tons of fun.

Anyone have Zumba Kinect? Did you get sick of it after a while?
I'm kind of really intimidated by Zumba! I watched some videos on Youtube to see what it's about, and it looks so hard! I don't know if I have the stamina to actually do it, even if it's just a game.
I bought it got the wii, and after you have mastered all the levels its the same routines in a different order. I did get bored. I recently got the kinect and I downloaded the free zuba trial. It seemed better than wii, but would be repeditive after a while also.
I own the Zumba wii game and I love it. It's about exercise so even though I know the routines I still love it. I did not know there was a free zumba trial for the Kinect - I've got to try that!
For those that have tried the real thing as well as the Kinect version, which one is harder? The real thing is right? My girlfriend started taking Zumba classes and she is really sore from the workouts right now.
I still do not know what Zumba is. I know there are signs around fitness centers, where I live, advertising they now have Zumba. I do not know if I want to play a game that leaves me sore.
I still do not know what Zumba is. I know there are signs around fitness centers, where I live, advertising they now have Zumba. I do not know if I want to play a game that leaves me sore.

Zumba's a dance-aerobics thing with Latin influences, basically. If you look on Youtube there's some good videos of people doing Zumba routines. It looks really hard at first, but I think after a while you get used to it.
It's just latin dancing. You dance to music with a group of people -- it doesn't even matter if you don't know how to do it. You just dance along and burn a lot of calories with it!
For those that have tried the real thing as well as the Kinect version, which one is harder? The real thing is right? My girlfriend started taking Zumba classes and she is really sore from the workouts right now.

The classes are DEFINITELY harder than the game version! However, the game version is more fun to me because you're in the privacy of your own home so you don't have to worry about messing up and making a fool of yourself. And the game version is still a GREAT workout. :~)
The unnatural way in which I was forced to shake my body parts in this game made me laugh. It was good fun for awhile, but you're right - I did get sick of it before long.
What is the difference between zumba and that p9 thing? I keep hearing about both of these and I have no idea which really is better for me. Either people are confused and saying the are the same or I am reading horrible reviews on them.
I love Zumba, but I prefer to take the live classes instead of playing it as a video game, because the live classes change the dance routine every few classes, but the video game is always the same. It didn't take long for me to get tired of doing the same routine over and over again.
I have it now and I love it too. Everything hurts the next day not just my hips. I know its working though! I love the game and so do my kids! Its a sweaty game that is for sure. You are constantly moving. I love the music too, very uplifting.
Everything I have read about it is that its kinda just like dance workouts, but I am not sure if that can translate into everything other people need (like straight losing weight or toning). What else can you do with it?
You can drop weight if you do it each night. The PX90 workout and the Zumba kinect game are very different. If you are looking for a workout - you would want to buy the Zumba DVDs not the game. The game is fun and it's certainly a workout but not like the DVDs (or actual class). The game and the DVDs help with toning. You work your inner thighs, hips, legs, butt and even arms.
We are still thinking about the Kinect deal but oi! Another gaming system in the house and the only issue is to use it right we will need to move the living room table every single time we play it. I kind of wish the TV stand had a pivot on it or something to make it easier. How many calories can you burn in say 30 minutes?
In a class you can burn up to 1,000 calories an hour (high intense Cardio zumba). I'm not sure how many you can burn with the Zumba kinect game. I do know that it's a sweaty mess! So you have to be burning something.

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