Do you replay the games after you finished?


Aug 2, 2012
When you finished a game once or twice, do you like to replay it until you can't stand it any more or do you leave it aside and start another one?
Of course. Once a year :)) I've played San Andreas and NFS Most Wanted like 3-4 times. I just like'em that much. And if I think better, there are some more games which I've played twice.
I don't think I have any games that I've only played through once! I love to go back and play a game over again after I beat it. Usually, once I beat it the first time, I go back and try to beat it again on a harder level.
Well, once I beat the game the first time, I do usually set it to the side and start playing another game, however I will come back to the first game at some point later on down the line. Like gamesgalore said, I've played and beaten all of my games more than once.
Absolutely, I have never just played through a game one time and never played it again. I have a few games that I have played through and beaten 3 or 4 times. I do usually set them aside for awhile after I finish them though.
I am just like southpark here, I finish it and start another but after a while I remember I have an old game I could beat my own scores at. It's fun replaying games, every time you find something new, if the games are good.
Yes lol. There are so many games which are worth playing again and again. Sometimes it just happens to go through something that reminds me of a game I rally I start playing it again.
After ive finished assassins creed I usually never play them again!Red dead and similar games are the same for me.
I tend to dust off older games to play them again but the last one was quite sometime ago. Thinking back to it now I am pretty sure the last two I dusted off were a Need for Speed and Champions of Norrath, its been eons!
Most of the Zelda games. Speed run lulz.
Also I like to replay Mario too, but Zelda just makes me want to play it 10 times over again...
I replay them. I have a few I like and tend to stick to them. I am trying to master Civilization Revoution at the moment. I loved the ps1 version but never really got into the computer versions. So I was really happy to see it come to xbox. So between that and a few of the Kinect games I just cycle through the same few trying differnt things. I can understand how people let them sit for a while and try something new when there are so many new games coming out and only so many hours available in the day to game lol.
I will usually replay games if they have replay value. Certain games like the Mass Effect series are the ones I will replay the most. Mass Effect 1 and 2 (I don't count 3 because the ending is generic and it's hard to get an alternate ending) had choices that had to be made. I like going back and trying different choices.
It really depends on the game. There's some that I haven't beat, some that I've played through once, some that I've played through a few times, some I've played through a ton of times. If we're talking about the main campaign type modes in a game, then the story definitely has to be creative and unique to warrant a lot of plays. If it's a game like Deus Ex where you can go about the story different ways, then it's hard NOT to play through it a bunch of times. Some games you just have to put down after a full play through or two though, at least for a couple of years.
I definitely replay games! You can't get the full experience of most games in one run through. There's always difference races, classes, quests, side quests, etc.
Games that I get bored of and drop for a while usually get replayed as well. Most times I get bored because I overplay it. Once that wears off, I can realize things I missed.
The best games though, are the ones you always want to replay no matter what... For me, that would be Super Mario Bros for the Original Nintendo.
It really depends on the game. If it's a sports game, or a fighting game, then of course I replay it. However, there are some games that have little replay value (games that give only a little bit of extras when you finish the game) like some RPGs. After I finish a 50 hour RPG, I normally don't bother to play it again unless the story is really enthralling, or there are multiple endings, etc. so again it really depends on the extras that they put in the game after you finish it.
If there are no incentives to warrant another play-through, I just move on and play another game.
It really depends on the game. If it's a sports game, or a fighting game, then of course I replay it. However, there are some games that have little replay value (games that give only a little bit of extras when you finish the game) like some RPGs. After I finish a 50 hour RPG, I normally don't bother to play it again unless the story is really enthralling, or there are multiple endings, etc. so again it really depends on the extras that they put in the game after you finish it.
If there are no incentives to warrant another play-through, I just move on and play another game.
With RPGs, I like to replay with different characters. A lot of times the storyline changes some per race or class.
There are also other extras specific to them or different ways to build your character. After so many play throughs though, it can get old.
At random times I feel the need to replay a game I finished months, maybe years ago. I may not even still have the game. I will hunt it down across the internet just to get swept back into my youth.
Honestly, I don't repeat games that I have beaten...But there are some that I have to repeat since I couldn't just do well in the first instance...:)

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