Xbox One EA Named Worst Company in America

EA made a mighty cock-up with games such as Dead Space 2 and Battlefield 3, and it's not surprising they were voted worst company of 2013. The online pass ordeal that many gamers had to go through is a nightmare, because they tried to grab money from people who bought pre-owned games. It's not right, if i'm honest with you...

What was wrong with battlefield 3? Besides people cheating I thought it was a pretty solid game, not quite as epic as battlefield 1942 but it was up there. From all the gaming companies it's suprising that blizzard or relic weren't voted the worst. Blizzard completely ruined Diablo 3 which had so much potential it seemed impossible to mess up, and Relic Entertainment screwed everyone over offering pre-orders of company of heroes 2 then went bankrupt and still hasn't released the beta that I know of lmao. I paid for a copy Company of Heroes 2 around 5 months ago and still haven't heard anything about an alpha, beta, or release :( That's shitty. My other vote for worst company (not game developers) is the people who made vBulletin 5. Who releases unfinished products at a couple hundred dollars a license then doesn't communicate with the customers about support or refunds, etc...That's a bad company. EA has made a huge impact on the world of gaming, and whether ppl are disappointed in a couple things here or there, they're far from the Worst...
I personally think my favorite part about this news is the fact that they have won this award for two years straight now. I am surprised, however, to hear that nobody has heard of EA outside of sports games. They publish some of the biggest titles every year. Battlefield, Dead Space, Crysis, and Army of Two to just name a few. Not to forget the Mass Effect series which they sucked the life out of, and Dragon Age, which they completely destroyed.
I think they totally deserve this award for the second year in a row. I actually wrote a blog about it last week on my site. I mean, all of the points they make against EA are completely true. They are more worried about getting DLC into their games rather than real original content. Their freemium apps on iOS and Android are a little out of control too. One of the executives publicly said that they are just putting DLC/freemium crap in everything to see what people will buy.

EA occasionally makes a good game, but you have to wade through the sea of crap that they have come out of their factory. SimCity being the last game I liked, had a rocky launch (all EA's fault) but the game was good once they got server issues figured out.
I think they totally deserve this award for the second year in a row. I actually wrote a blog about it last week on my site. I mean, all of the points they make against EA are completely true. They are more worried about getting DLC into their games rather than real original content. Their freemium apps on iOS and Android are a little out of control too. One of the executives publicly said that they are just putting DLC/freemium crap in everything to see what people will buy.

EA occasionally makes a good game, but you have to wade through the sea of crap that they have come out of their factory. SimCity being the last game I liked, had a rocky launch (all EA's fault) but the game was good once they got server issues figured out.

I agree with this - they do come out with some really good stuff every once in a while, but they do screw up quite a lot. I don't think they should be the ones releasing big titles such as Battlefield 3, but that's business and I guess we can't really do much about that ourselves.
Honestly, EA deserves much better credibility. Although they do come out with horrible games, they have not let me down. I mostly play sports games (FIFA, NHL, etc) and EA makes those games. And it might seem pretty repetitive, but they are pretty good games. I guess the majority of people might say that it isn't a good company at all, considering its fluctuating stock. But regardless of all that, they deserve the awards because they have come out with great titles (the Crysis series!!!)
SimCity is no doubt what got them this title. The always online issue with it, then they LIE to customers saying the game has to be online. Then a modder comes along and removes the feature, proving it playable. Made EA look like an ass, I'm not sure they deserve worst company in America, but surely a runner up.
SimCity is no doubt what got them this title. The always online issue with it, then they LIE to customers saying the game has to be online. Then a modder comes along and removes the feature, proving it playable. Made EA look like an ass, I'm not sure they deserve worst company in America, but surely a runner up.

Indeed. When a modder who doesn't work at your company can remove your product features in order to test if you were lying, then you haven't implemented it very well and it's suicidal. I believe there was major uproar about that, because people disliked EA very much after what happened with SimCity.
Yeah, I must agree with Dante. SimCity is definitely what got them the title this year... I still don't think they really deserve it compared to other companies but yeah... the SimCity screw up was just huge. I bet the addition of microtransactions to Dead Space 3 also helped.
I think their games are priced kinda high at times. The Madden NFL games are just horrible to be honest. It is no wonder people are still comparing it to the old 2K Sports version. Their NBA Live franchise is basically non-existent as 2K Sports took over. Hopefully soon they will take over the NFL and give fans a decent game.
Well who needs NBA Live anymore when you have real basketball and of course, fantasy basketball? Most people have abandoned NBA games for fantasy basketball. Only really young people like teens still indulge in NBA video games.
EA might as well go bankrupt now. Seems like a majority of their fans now are going against them, and I don't blame them for that. The products and content they are selling are very poor quality, and noone should buy them.
The sad thing is that EA doesn't care.
Well they'll start to care when paychecks get smaller. And people start to lose their jobs. And everything else begins to cave. Or then again, if EA dissolves and goes under, they might just have some folks go and work for other game companies.
NBA games still are popular with gamers. I know that 2K Sports version in way better than whatever EA tried to do. That's why I hope they lose their NFL contract because they make the same crap every year.

I remember one time they said that they was the best NFL game on the market. It is the only NFL game on the market you fools!!
I found NBA games more popular when I was a kid though. But as you get older, NBA games offer great graphics, a realistic playing experience, etc. But in the end, it's not really...."real". Especially if you live in a city, or are a fan of a team in the NBA that stinks. You can make all the trades and stuff you want. But in reality, your team still stinks.
I saw this and apparently EA have said it doesn't bother them. The voting was based on aspects that EA don't focus on, so why would they worry?
I saw this and apparently EA have said it doesn't bother them. The voting was based on aspects that EA don't focus on, so why would they worry?

Reputation is everything though. But perhaps this story or this vote didn't get out to the major news outlets like CNN, etc. So they feel as long as it doesn't get cable news or news media press, it'll just die as an internet thing.
I think the EA should be concerned with this. I mean getting called the worst company does a blow with your reputation. Though, their reputation wasn't all that great anyway.
I read about this and thought it was pretty funny. A lot of people have been unhappy with their games.

I don't really play their games anymore, but my brother got the new SimCity and said you had to be online to play it, no matter what, and apparently that made A LOT of people upset.

I don't understand the logic behind it, but it does seem that EA has been making some bad decisions :/

Have to be online to play a game? doesn't really make sense at all someone is either sleeping on the job or smoking some really illegal stuff in order to come up with such ridiculous decissions! lol
I think the EA should be concerned with this. I mean getting called the worst company does a blow with your reputation. Though, their reputation wasn't all that great anyway.

Just like some people. Still, when your rep whether it be corporate or otherwise, is whittled down to a single crumb. It may not be much in the big scheme of things, but....that's still, "your" crumb of a reputation. And one would think, you'd do almost anything to protect it. :)

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