Xbox One Far Cry 4 Set in Himalayas With Rideable Elephants

Rideable elephants doesn't sounds very exciting if you ask me. Unless they can sprint and the game has amazing vegetation physics. Imagine riding an elephant through a forest of breakable trees. That would be something!
I thought Far Cry 3 was a great game, but it's kind of repetitive. I sure do hope that in this next installment they something new, I mean sure riding elephants is one thing but I hope they add a more unique twist in variety when it comes to the overall game experience. And I do hope they will us to climb the top of Mount Everest!

Being a FPS it's going to be kind of repetitive fast, but the main thing it has going for it over other FPS is the environment. While you can go straight through and just do the story missions and call it a weekend, Far Cry 3 being open world and give you the choice to do more than "reach this check point", "get from this end of the map to other", "kill all these targets", and deal with the corridor-room-corridor gameplay of some titles. Far Cry as a whole is known for being repetitive though.

People were excited about FC2 when it was released because it was something new, but then its flaws leaped forth (repetitive missions, safe houses being a good drive from the mission location, the mission location always being on the opposite side of the map [good thing for the buses though!], and malaria hitting at the worst possible moment)
Being a FPS it's going to be kind of repetitive fast, but the main thing it has going for it over other FPS is the environment. While you can go straight through and just do the story missions and call it a weekend, Far Cry 3 being open world and give you the choice to do more than "reach this check point", "get from this end of the map to other", "kill all these targets", and deal with the corridor-room-corridor gameplay of some titles. Far Cry as a whole is known for being repetitive though.

People were excited about FC2 when it was released because it was something new, but then its flaws leaped forth (repetitive missions, safe houses being a good drive from the mission location, the mission location always being on the opposite side of the map [good thing for the buses though!], and malaria hitting at the worst possible moment)

I know what you mean but well man, I love the game even if it is repetitive. It's just like my love for hitman. I never get tired playing it.
People were excited about FC2 when it was released because it was something new, but then its flaws leaped forth (repetitive missions, safe houses being a good drive from the mission location, the mission location always being on the opposite side of the map [good thing for the buses though!], and malaria hitting at the worst possible moment)

You're forgetting the respawning guards. Damn, that pissed me off so much. The game was beautiful and the setting was incredible, but all those flaws really put a stain on the whole experience. I've heard there are some mods that fix a few of them, but I don't think I'll ever play it again.
You're forgetting the respawning guards. Damn, that pissed me off so much. The game was beautiful and the setting was incredible, but all those flaws really put a stain on the whole experience. I've heard there are some mods that fix a few of them, but I don't think I'll ever play it again.

Too bad man. I really love this game.
I love 1 and 3 but 2 was just awful. It tried to hard with its realism and the respawning guards were terrible.

I'm glad 3 went fully ridiculous (invincibility syringe!) and was so different from 2.
Respawning guards was a terrible part of the game. Sometimes there could be too much brown during the day and you'd take "phantom" shots when in reality it was just some guy who blended into the grass ridiculously well. Like you know there are two people to a jeep (driver and the swivel gun shooter), but the driver would disappear into the grass sometimes.
I love 1 and 3 but 2 was just awful. It tried to hard with its realism and the respawning guards were terrible.

I'm glad 3 went fully ridiculous (invincibility syringe!) and was so different from 2.

Yeah, heard a lot of bad rap about FC2. So I guess I should be glad not to have played it eh?
YES. This was in my top 3 wish-list for new gen, along with a Red Dead sequel and supped up GTA V port.
Far Cry 3 was my ****, some of the best game play I've ever experienced. I played through it 3 or 4 times doing every damn thing, after a while I could do virtually the entire game undetected.
YES. This was in my top 3 wish-list for new gen, along with a Red Dead sequel and supped up GTA V port.
Far Cry 3 was my ****, some of the best game play I've ever experienced. I played through it 3 or 4 times doing every damn thing, after a while I could do virtually the entire game undetected.

I'd love to play the new one soon.
Far too late for that. I am far too hyped to think rationally.


I image sc_shark standing in the middle of a room asking people to take it with a grain of rice, but everyone is handing off stuff about Far Cry 4.
I image sc_shark standing in the middle of a room asking people to take it with a grain of rice, but everyone is handing off stuff about Far Cry 4.

lol Yeah that's already happening. People ran with it and with good reason, we want another Far Cry!
Whether the pictures are authentic or not, I'm sure we can expect a great Far Cry 4 (or whatever it will be called). They nailed it with FC3 so no need to take steps back (although that's always possible).

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