Well-Known Member
Well don't jinx it, Outrun! We've got to expect the best for Far Cry or we'll get Far Cry 2 + 2.
Being a FPS it's going to be kind of repetitive fast, but the main thing it has going for it over other FPS is the environment. While you can go straight through and just do the story missions and call it a weekend, Far Cry 3 being open world and give you the choice to do more than "reach this check point", "get from this end of the map to other", "kill all these targets", and deal with the corridor-room-corridor gameplay of some titles. Far Cry as a whole is known for being repetitive though.
People were excited about FC2 when it was released because it was something new, but then its flaws leaped forth (repetitive missions, safe houses being a good drive from the mission location, the mission location always being on the opposite side of the map [good thing for the buses though!], and malaria hitting at the worst possible moment)
I get your point. I guess there were times it was repetitive. After capturing the nth communications tower... yeah, it did. But it was still a good game, nevertheless. Now that Mt. Everest,,, me want to climb!
Really? For me this is the best game ever (for FPS that is). But I would dig climbing Mount Everest too.
I image sc_shark standing in the middle of a room asking people to take it with a grain of rice, but everyone is handing off stuff about Far Cry 4.
Ride able elephants is not something to take with a grain of salt. The hype cannot be contained
I don't think you understand just how cool being able to ride an elephant into battle would be.You seem very excited about ride-able elephants? xD
I'm excited to- I'd like to see some kind of elephant jousting multiplayer scenarios going on.