Original Xbox Favorite Game

Gotcha, I only played Desert Storm I and II. Both are excellent games. I never played Global or Vietnam, would they be worth getting? I have no clue what they cost but I imagine they can't be over $10, if they aren't new games.
To me it's probably Fable. The game was just a solid experience and a great time sink.
If you can find them I think they would still be worth playing, theyre not as fun as the Desert Storm ones imo but still good.
Word, I may check them out if any pop up cheap on ebay. Won't hurt haha.
Halo and Gauntlet were my first ones and I wore them out playing them tons of times. I still play them on occasion, I am a bit nostalgic so its a walk down memory lane when I play them on occasion.
I actually downloaded Desert Storm (first one) for PC a while ago, it was a pirated copy ( yeah im naughty :( ) .. my computer is pretty crap so it didnt even run it very well lol but its playable.

Maybe if you cant find them anywhere you could do this also, im really not trying to endorse downloading games via torrent, just yeah, puttin it out there.
I found a copy on ebay and got it yesterday. Haven't gotten around to playing it yet but am looking forward to it.
Well I am not going to overthink this one like I tend to do with questions like this, and say it was Halo. It was so new when it first came out that it really was ground-breaking in terms of shooter games. I played a lot of it too, and I still like to keep up with the series. I have never played the Family Guy game though, but it sounds interesting and I do like the show.
Definitely San Andreas. I have collected this game for as many systems as I could, and even got the roms on my computer. I remember playing this game so much, I still do. I stopped playing GTA 5 after I beat it, but even after so many years being out, I still play San Andreas as if it's still new.

I don't really care about the graphics at that time, and even now. It's was really all about the atmosphere, plus cheat codes make the game super fun.
For me it's Panzer Dragoon Orta a very beautiful XBOX game. I would like to add Jet Set Radio Future aswell.

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