Xbox One go home cod your drunk


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2013
game looks so sick.
Its "Go home cod, You're drunk", but never the less - it looks like a solid gameplay trailer! I can't wait to get my hands on a PC copy! I'm going to get it for PC first, because I believe that the best graphics are going to be on it. :)

I also can't wait for the naval battles! :D
Haha, the headline caught my eye. Classic insult! I'd be lying if I say that I am not excited for Battlefield 4. It's going to be epic!
Lol, I don't get the title... you're mentioning COD in your title, but that's a BF4 gameplay video? Anyways, wow! looks like a pretty awesome improvement. Graphics look pretty cool in the gameplay trailer, but I bet that it'll look even better when played on PC, Xbox One or the PS4. Definitely excited for the release.
i played cod black ops2 last night and actually started the campaign mode i kinda like it more than the multiplayer. but still i dont find it that great. i think the maping in campaign should be in multiplayer it seems they did much better job in story mode. but i still think fps are going away from story and will lean more on multiplayer as we progress with next gen.

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