Xbox One How Many Hours a Week Do you Spend Gaming

Ahh of course it does vary around exam times etc. but I would safely say I get a good 7-10 hours in a week. Nothing spectacular I realize but I'd call that a healthy amount. Enough for me to keep some kind of skill on the multi player platform and also enough for me to get a lot of other things done in life. Personally, I cannot wait for summer holidays to hit for me to sit down and really hit the gaming hard.

Wonder how much the gaming companies love summer holidays, and what happens to their bank balance when summer comes round. It would be like Christmas for them I'm guessing, all the joys of the year come at once.
Now i have a break from uni until i start my second year, i have been playing quite a bit. Probably play 5-6 hours a day at the moment.
Play alot of different games but mostly play some classic Hitman games and played some Call of Duty:Ghosts to try and rekindle my love for the call of duty franchise.

In 2010 - About 50 hours
In 2011 - About 90 hours
In 2012 - About 70 hours
In 2013 - About 40 hours
In 2014 - About 20 hours

By 2015, I think it will sink to around the 10 hours mark :(
My hours vary according to what game I'm playing. I still do have a tendency to play new games for many hours and then taper off as my interest wanes or if I'm done the main part of the game. My current amount of gaming is due to the fact that I'm a part time receptionist, so I don't have any work to take home after I'm done for the day. Even if I was a full time receptionist that wouldn't change really, because you would get eight hours a day with nothing to take home.

If I had work to take home that would be different, I had just finished my office admin program last year, and when I took that, there were courses that took my full attention. I wouldn't pay a video game for three months straight because there was so much at home work to do.

Also I play on handhelds, and I take the bus, so, some of my playing is the result I have time to kill while waiting for the bus, riding the bus, waiting for my shift to start and so forth.
Now i am spending barely anytime which is really sad to be honest.
Just busy with gym and work now which means i have less time.
Hoping to play a lot more again though.
I haven't been gaming too much, or at all actually. Recently I started up just because I have so much free time, I'm playing maybe 14-20 hours a week max, probably less since some days I haven't played.
I would like to say about 5 hours during the weekdays and 4 on the weekends. I try to limit myself to an hour a day on weekdays or else I might just play for the entire night and not even be ready for work LOL. Weekends I like to to lay back and have a good gaming session unless I have some project to finish up, I might not spend any time gaming because of that, but usually I get 7-12 hours of good gaming.
Not that many right now especially with work and other responsibilities. I do have time off but with it being summer I want to get out and enjoy the nice weather.
I would say about 15 hours or so a week gaming and more if I have nothing to do on the weekends.
I do try to not spend all my time gaming if I have something else I could be doing that would either be more productive or just something different because you don't want to get bored of games.
Way more than I am happy to admit :)

Well it's not as bad as it used to be back in high school where I could spend every waking hour outside school playing games, which could easily make 40-50 hours per week. Nowadays I usually only do 1-3 hours per day, so somewhere around 15 hours per week (give or take a few hours) sounds about right.
I honestly play about 4-6 hours a day. depending on what else I need to get done that day. It's how I relax, it's how I get my mind ticking, it's fun for me. Plus, most of my friends are gamers too so it always gives us something to talk about. I will say that I tend to stick to playing one game at a time, and if I am really into it, I could probably play endlessly. I wouldn't worry too much about "getting addicted" to gaming. It's a hobby, and if you're passionate about it then that's not a bad thing. If it starts affecting your daily life, you stop taking care of yourself, showering, etc. then it's probably time to set down the controller and walk away for awhile.
I think in my prime, as in when I was a child I would play about five hours a day and I loved life. I think nowadays I rarely have time to play games because I do not find them as fun as they used to be because of all the changes. The biggest reason why I have not been able to play games as I used to was because many of my friends had switched over to different consoles and I have stayed loyal to one and I remember when I found it I thought it would be the same experience but it is totally different, the reason it is different because the multiplayer experience is not as fun as it was in a party talking to your friends while playing Halo 3 custom games and genuinely enjoying your time without a goal. The second reason why I have minimal time is because school can be a big problem because of studying and trying to grasp everything you learn daily.
I don't spend that much time gaming due to work and other activities. On average I will say it is around 6 hours every week to be honest. I am able to pull myself away from gaming, unlike my boyfriend who can be a little more obsessive with it.
I play 5 to 10 hours per week, depending upon how much work or outside obligations I have that particular week. I used to play around 100 hours per week, some of it competitively. That wasn't the best time of my life, but I was really good at most video games.
Considering that I live a fairly modest lifestyle and don't have to work much, I spend a good amount of my free time gaming. I play video game's at least every other day for about 2 to 3 hours, but I can play up to 7 hours if I am playing with friends or online. I usually spend most of my time gaming on my PC but I also play on my console's from time to time.
I think in my prime, as in when I was a child I would play about five hours a day and I loved life.

Good times, eh? Growing up is no fun. I sure played way over 5 hours as a kid, that's rare nowadays.
In the past few months, I haven't even spent a second gaming, because I've been too busy trying to earn some money. It's taken over my life. From waking until sleep, I'm working, so I've no time to actually sit down and relax with some gaming. God, I hope this ends soon. I'd like to have August just to myself, to relax before I head back to school.
In the past few months, I haven't even spent a second gaming, because I've been too busy trying to earn some money. It's taken over my life. From waking until sleep, I'm working, so I've no time to actually sit down and relax with some gaming. God, I hope this ends soon. I'd like to have August just to myself, to relax before I head back to school.

Aw, Livvy. That's tough. You have to find some time to relax, even if that simply amounts to playing a Flash game for an hour per day. You'll burn yourself out working so hard, whether you have a choice or not. Relaxation time is still necessary!
Aw, Livvy. That's tough. You have to find some time to relax, even if that simply amounts to playing a Flash game for an hour per day. You'll burn yourself out working so hard, whether you have a choice or not. Relaxation time is still necessary!

Well like I said, I can't really take the time to relax. I need the money quite bad-drinking water only for the next few days, and only dried cornflakes to eat-so whether I want to or not, it's a necessary thing to keep going. I'm almost to the point where I don't have to do it every waking moment, but still not quite there yet. I do try and relax before I go to sleep by reading some comics and such, but it's still not great you know?
That's tough, Livvy. I'm sorry to hear that. I used to be in a similar situation, and I was eating cardboard-like cheap pizzas from the supermarket just about every night. Hard work and some perseverance will get you out of that situation. I hope you get some more money and time to relax soon enough.

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