Xbox One How Many Hours a Week Do you Spend Gaming

Very little lately. Have a year old and it's difficult getting gaming in. But on average, I'd say at least 2x a week.

That's tough, Livvy. I'm sorry to hear that. I used to be in a similar situation, and I was eating cardboard-like cheap pizzas from the supermarket just about every night. Hard work and some perseverance will get you out of that situation. I hope you get some more money and time to relax soon enough.

God, I know what you mean. I was going to buy some cardboard pack of pizzas that had three in one pack-which should have clued me in to how bad they'd be really-and the shop declined my card since they can't accept prepaid cards for some unknown reason. So I said that was fine, and I'd planned to just walk up the road to get a pizza from the shop which does accept my card, but some very kind woman offered to buy me them. Which was extremely nice since I was able to buy more food that way. Still, I'll pay her back by donating to charity, but those pizzas were awful

Luckily just bought what is probably a month or two worth of groceries. Now if only it'd be 10am tomorrow morning so I could eat already!
The weather is so nice out right now that I hate to be sitting inside and playing. If a play an hour or two total during the week its a lot right now. During the weekend its a little more depending on the weather. A rainy weekend is prime time for me to game.
Very little lately. Have a year old and it's difficult getting gaming in. But on average, I'd say at least 2x a week.


I have my first one on the way, so I'm anticipating an end to my late night gaming sessions :)
I better try to get him to watch me play while on my lap or something, that way I could get a quick game in if he keeps me up at night :D
I've decided tomorrow. Tomorrow I will give myself a day off and just spend it playing Borderlands.

It's probably not the best of ideas, but I just really need this break I think.
As I'm older now I don't get in the mood to play and I'm only 24 lol then again the cap they make now a days and the price of Video games is not helping.
I don't play as much as I used to when I was a teen. Maybe 10 hours of gaming per week is already my ceiling. I thought I would play more after graduating, but nope, the opposite happened.
If I had to roughly average, I'd say 10-12 hours per week. Which is broken down into 1-2 hours a day. Between work and a social life, I don't game as much as I used to anymore. However, I still find time every day to work some type of gaming in my schedule (PC or console). Despite not playing as much as I used to, I do keep up to date with all the current affairs in the gaming world.
It's hard for me to say a specific number because it depends on each day and what I do in real life. I have way more time to dedicate to gaming during the weekends - Saturdays are the best!

Probably somewhere between 1-3 hours per day. Sometimes less, sometimes more. I often spend way more time gaming when there's a brand new release of a big title or something similar. I wish I could play more but it isn't possible due to my work hours.

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