Xbox 360 How often do you play?

I play all day....everyday...all day...everyday...Just kidding.
I don't play that much, but on weekends you'll see me on probably the whole day lulz.
I go on gaming sprees. Some days I play, some days I don't. But when I do, like on a weekend or when I have free time, you can't stop me from playing. I rarely go on for more than 4 or 5 hours, because I either get bored or my eyes hurt from staring at the screen. Plus I'm moving up in grades and I have less and less free time.
I'm 23, but I don't play it nearly as often as I did in high school. Back then I would play 15+ hours per week. Now, with college, I play maybe 5 to 8 hours per week maximum. I just have so much else going on, that I can't play as often. I enjoy it just as much as I did in high school though.
I've only owned my own Xbox for about a year. I used to play 3-7 hours a day... now I rarely ever play it.
I'm more of a PC gamer. My time is spent at the computer gaming rather than on the Xbox. That's why it took me forever to get an Xbox.
I think I can put my frequency at once a day of about 4 hours. I believe I'm not addicted since this frequency only applies when I have flexible work timetable.
I usually play for a couple hours after midnight. Drop off my girlfriend jump on the xbox with some buds I went to school with
Just wanted to post this article here in this thread - Man dies after 40-hour Diablo III marathon.

This may be old news but it's just a reminder that we should NOT play for 40 hours straight. The maximum number of hours that a person can play video games is 39. Ok? 39!

And we should always remember to pee when we feel the urge to pee. That's why we have the pause button. Also, we should eat if we are hungry. Pizza and fries can be eaten while you play.
Nowadays I don't play as much as I used to do. I've got work to do :-D So, mh, let's say that I might spend an afternoon or two, each week, gaming. I'd like to play videogames more, but there is not enough time for me anymore :-(
Who has 12 hours a day to devote to gaming? I work from home but I still have to strike some sort of balance between work time and fun time. I might play 5-10 hours per week sometimes more or sometimes less depending on my meeting schedule for my home business.
Can't play much now I am banned for 2 weeks :( Not fun offline
I play when I can but it isn't 12 hours a day that's for sure. I maybe get in an hour or two every day after work and before I hit the sack for the night. I wish I had nothing better to do than sit around and play video games sometimes.
Unfortunately, I don't play as much as I'd like to. Having a family and a job really puts a hamper on the little free time a person has. But I try to squeeze in about 2 hours if possible. That's the most I seem to be able to get on a good day.
My girlfriend is usually all over the Xbox so I play every couple of days or so. I think not playing everyday is a good thing, lets me focus on my work and family.
family and work has to come first but i usually get 2 hours in a night when the kids are in bed and the wife is watching tv.
i play gta 4 a lot slit between my pc and my xbox360, im a big fan of the gta franchise, i think they did a good job with it on the xbox, i have it connected to my 22inch monitor and it looks great for the most part.
I personally have two kids and one is a 6 week old baby. I have NO TIME! :( :( I would play with my friends if I could, but most of the random times I have available to play they are not online anyway!!

I do squeeze in time on live when I can (when baby is alseep!) but nowhere near as much as I used to.
My boyfriend was on it all day. He had it up and running for Netflix or he would use it to chat with friends and message them. I hated when we were watching movies and alerts that his friends were signing on would keep popping up. I just spend around 2 hours a day on it. I play for sometimes 6 hours on the weekend. I can easily lose a day just playing GTA.
I usually play everyday for about 30 minutes up to 5 hours. I stop playing because I get bored, rage quit or I have to go out somewhere. Sometimes I can play for about 8 hours but that doesn't happen very often anymore.
I am the kind that LOVE to play in groups because I love the energy that it provides. I HATE playing alone because I feel as if I NEED someone to talk to but I can't because am alone :( But if there is literally no choice, I do play alone.

Usually I play the Xbox for about 3-5 hours due to the fact that its so fun!
I play for maybe a few hours a day during a whole week, then I don't even turn on my console for a few months. I guess I just get bored too quick ;)
I work more hours now than I did when I first bought my 360, so I don't have as much time to enjoy video games. It's kind of a bummer that I don't finish entire games like I used to a couple of years ago. It's been a while since I've seen the ending credits to a game. I still hope that sometime I'll take a vacation and spend hours on end relaxing and making a dent in my backlog of games. I also don't subscribe to 5 or 6 video game magazines like I used to.
It's not that I care less about games. I love them, but adult responsibility and family obligations tend to cut into my gaming time.
When I retire, I'll be the old lady killing zombies instead of knitting.

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