Xbox 360 How often do you play?

I try to play a few hours a week. It's a stress reliever for me after the kids are in bed. Work drives me crazy sometimes!
I usually play during the weekend, or during breaks. I just don't have time to play during the week :p
I used to play every day for several hours each day. I had a ton of free time. Now that my free time is diminishing, i've found myself spending not many hours playing. I don't even play every day now.
I probably play every 3 days or less. I'm not addicted to Xbox, but I do enjoy a casual gaming session every now and then. Work has been busy lately especially in these Christmas Holidays so I haven't had that much time to play recently.
I know i probably dont play games for 12 hours but im defiantly on my xbox i'd say it was about 50/50 between playing games and being on Netflix.
I am playing the Xbox like 3 times a week.
2 times playing Fifa 13 for like 2-3 hours a time, and 1 time just playing GoW3 or BO:II in the Multiplayer.
I spend most of the time on my PC playing Counter Strike Source.
I have a friend that will play a game all weekend to finish it. Night and day. That's not me, I'm more a casual gamer. Play a few hours a week unless I get super caught up in finishing a level.
Sometimes close to 30 hours a week, easy. Lots of down time.
I used to play a lot more frequently than I currently do. If it is a game that I like, or an old game that I used to play all the time, I will sit there playing it for hours on end. If it an OK game, but not that appealing, I don't really play as much. I don't find the appeal to play Xbox for hours straight, maybe I'll go do something else and than come back.
I play it about once or twice a week because I'm so busy. When I have some spare time I'm either playing Hitman, CounterStrike, or Halo.
I usually play 2 or 3 hours a day if I have a brand new game in my hands, although I can stay long periods of time, sometimes even months without touching my console at all.
I don't play very much at all anymore, being busy with work and school. When I was younger, I use to play a good amount of hours a week, as long as I had buddies to play along with.
I play daily for about 30 minutes, I log on specifically to play multi-player on Halo 4 or MW and am good to go after getting 2-3 matches of kills. Any more than that and I get bored, any less and I'm not satisfied, 30 minutes is perfect for me.
I usually play two games at most and won't play another till i finish one of those two. I play all types of games except sports games and depending on the game and how much time I have, I could play a game from 1 to 16 hours.
My boys play more than I do, with my crazy schedule. I like to play at least once a week, maybe more if I get a few days off.
I play about 1 hour every other day of the weekday, and I play maybe 2 to 4 hours on the weekends per day.
It depends for me. The more time I have then the more time I will use to play my Xbox. Right now I have been really busy with school and work so gaming had to be put to the side. Plus I already played my games to much and I need to get some new ones that interest me. I still enjoy playing games with my friends and online.
I play everyday but for no more than two hours and I usually play one round of battlefield and take a break. Unless the game is brand new. In that case ill play it for hours on the weekends if I have the time.

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