Xbox One Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes Might Be Very Short.

2 hour campaign for the price that ranges $20 - $40 depending on what version you get..... I'll just wait until Phantom Pain comes out, I got a lot of other games to play anyway.
I'm not ignoring it but we have no idea how long the side missions will be as well. If the side missions total up to nothing longer than an average DLC then it's still not worth the price. I don't see why the need to have a separate release for a prologue that is supposed to be only 2 hours long.

Yeah, you're right. It's like a demo already. This kind of tactic feels kind of wrong for me already. And seriously man, I feel fooled. Kojima said this "game" was gonna be big, it was gonna be open-world.... then it turns out Phantom Pain was the game he was referring to, not Ground Zeroes. Man, he really trolled us good. Sorry but I'm waiting for Phantom Pain instead. I don't see myself buying this prologue. I'll do like spark_777 and just plow through my backlog.
Yeah, you're right. It's like a demo already. This kind of tactic feels kind of wrong for me already. And seriously man, I feel fooled. Kojima said this "game" was gonna be big, it was gonna be open-world.... then it turns out Phantom Pain was the game he was referring to, not Ground Zeroes. Man, he really trolled us good. Sorry but I'm waiting for Phantom Pain instead. I don't see myself buying this prologue. I'll do like spark_777 and just plow through my backlog.

Yeah, same here, I feel like we were tricked. I don't even want to buy this game anymore.
Yeah, same here, I feel like we were tricked. I don't even want to buy this game anymore.

Exactly. I believed Kojima when he said Ground Zeroes was the big game. But no, no... it wasn't. He said back in 2012 that Ground Zeroes was going to be the big game, where day and night was involved, where it was open-ended in terms of exploration of the levels, etc.... but man! It was a Phantom Pain. Context or not, it still pisses me off a bit that it's Phantom Pain that'll get the big stuff and not Ground Zeroes.
Exactly. I believed Kojima when he said Ground Zeroes was the big game. But no, no... it wasn't. He said back in 2012 that Ground Zeroes was going to be the big game, where day and night was involved, where it was open-ended in terms of exploration of the levels, etc.... but man! It was a Phantom Pain. Context or not, it still pisses me off a bit that it's Phantom Pain that'll get the big stuff and not Ground Zeroe

Yeah, he really had some misleading announcements. It's really quite disappointing that it ended up this way.
Yeah, he really had some misleading announcements. It's really quite disappointing that it ended up this way.

I know right? Yeesh man. I feel marthyrocks. I felt disappointed as well. Man, I remember Kojima saying all the good stuff about Ground Zeroes. MAN! Sucks that he had to do that, feeding us with so much praise for Ground Zeroes and then boom... it was all for Phantom Pain. Well, like I said, I'm waiting this out. I don't care if the 2 hours of this game is great and that there's replayability; the fact is, this game ISN'T the big game Kojima was referring to back in 2012. Well, time to plow through some backlog then.
I don't care if the 2 hours of this game is great and that there's replayability; the fact is, this game ISN'T the big game Kojima was referring to back in 2012. Well, time to plow through some backlog then.

Same here. I think I'll just go an reminisce the older games that he made.
Same here. I think I'll just go an reminisce the older games that he made.

Yeah, let's just go through the old games in the meantime. It doesn't matter, as I said, if those 2 hours are great with all the replayability. The fact is, and it still is, Kojima wasn't referring to Ground Zeroes as the big game we've all been waiting. I guess the only thing he retained in terms of the features was the part of the gameplay in the Phantom Pain AND the music you play in the helicopter. That's it.
Yeah, let's just go through the old games in the meantime. It doesn't matter, as I said, if those 2 hours are great with all the replayability. The fact is, and it still is, Kojima wasn't referring to Ground Zeroes as the big game we've all been waiting. I guess the only thing he retained in terms of the features was the part of the gameplay in the Phantom Pain AND the music you play in the helicopter. That's it.

I have no thoughts on getting this game even if they say it has great re playability (which would be useless because you still only have 2 hours to finish it)
I have no thoughts on getting this game even if they say it has great re playability (which would be useless because you still only have 2 hours to finish it)

Yeah, 2 hours is definitely not enough for anyone to play the game at all. it isn't fair to sell it that high with just a 2 hour gameplay.
It's really a let down that they just decided to make Metal Gear Solid Groud Zero a 2 hour game. Very disappointing indeed. I would rather just play the older games that are available than to get this 2 hour special.
It's really a let down that they just decided to make Metal Gear Solid Groud Zero a 2 hour game. Very disappointing indeed. I would rather just play the older games that are available than to get this 2 hour special.

This is a prologue to MGS5: Phantom Pain. The game itself is not two hours just the main campaign. One of the guys over at IGN played the game for 8 hours straight so clearly there's a lot more to do.
This is a prologue to MGS5: Phantom Pain. The game itself is not two hours just the main campaign. One of the guys over at IGN played the game for 8 hours straight so clearly there's a lot more to do.

Wow, really, I thought that it would be 2 hours long as well. Haha, I got confused by the threads that I read here.
Wow, really, I thought that it would be 2 hours long as well. Haha, I got confused by the threads that I read here.

That's the estimated average time of completion in the main campaign, as KN1GHTMARE pointed out. If you decide to complete the story. But when you want to do side stuff, then you'll have a lot to do. BUT despite that, I'm still disappointed that Kojima didn't keep on his promise. Before he revealed Phantom Pain, what he said about Phantom Pain was about Ground Zeroes. He said the features: the open-world, the new elements etc... and he got everybody confused when he revealed Phantom Pain. He said Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes were one game, but then he retracted and said it was 2 parts of a game, etc... everybody got confused, probably in context when translating his responses. Now, he's finally shown that Ground Zeroes is a prologue and it's smaller than the planned game.

Ah well, to each his own. I don't plan on letting everybody be with me on this. So that's just my opinion: disappointed that this Ground Zeroes is NOT the game I thought it would be. Phantom Pain IS the game, but that'll take a while. Hmmm... just gonna wait for this game to go on sale.
That's the estimated average time of completion in the main campaign, as KN1GHTMARE pointed out. If you decide to complete the story. But when you want to do side stuff, then you'll have a lot to do. BUT despite that, I'm still disappointed that Kojima didn't keep on his promise. Before he revealed Phantom Pain, what he said about Phantom Pain was about Ground Zeroes. He said the features: the open-world, the new elements etc... and he got everybody confused when he revealed Phantom Pain. He said Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes were one game, but then he retracted and said it was 2 parts of a game, etc... everybody got confused, probably in context when translating his responses. Now, he's finally shown that Ground Zeroes is a prologue and it's smaller than the planned game

Yeah, that's true, But I won't be getting this game. This is quite disappointing.
That's the estimated average time of completion in the main campaign, as KN1GHTMARE pointed out. If you decide to complete the story. But when you want to do side stuff, then you'll have a lot to do. BUT despite that, I'm still disappointed that Kojima didn't keep on his promise. Before he revealed Phantom Pain, what he said about Phantom Pain was about Ground Zeroes. He said the features: the open-world, the new elements etc... and he got everybody confused when he revealed Phantom Pain. He said Phantom Pain and Ground Zeroes were one game, but then he retracted and said it was 2 parts of a game, etc... everybody got confused, probably in context when translating his responses. Now, he's finally shown that Ground Zeroes is a prologue and it's smaller than the planned game.

Ah well, to each his own. I don't plan on letting everybody be with me on this. So that's just my opinion: disappointed that this Ground Zeroes is NOT the game I thought it would be. Phantom Pain IS the game, but that'll take a while. Hmmm... just gonna wait for this game to go on sale.

I feel you dood. Ah well, to each his own as you say. Same here, may get this on sale. 'Sides, like you, I got way too many games to plow through so by the time this goes on sale, I'll have already got through more games. I can wait my time for Phantom Pain.
Well, whatever the case, Ground Zeroes will be the prologue that is 2 hours in story but has a lot of side stuff for us to all do. It's the peek into what Phantom Pain will be for all of us. Will I buy it though? Ehhh... I';ll just wait for Phantom Pain, unless GZ gets on sale. So I'm joining thedoodseven and spark_777.
Well, whatever the case, Ground Zeroes will be the prologue that is 2 hours in story but has a lot of side stuff for us to all do. It's the peek into what Phantom Pain will be for all of us. Will I buy it though? Ehhh... I';ll just wait for Phantom Pain, unless GZ gets on sale. So I'm joining thedoodseven and spark_777.

I will definitely skip this game, Not something worth the money.
Hehehehehe... well, I'll take back what I said here in this topic. I'm buying the game. Well, technically, my brother will buy it. He finished MGS4 recently and seems he's keen on trying out GZ. Can't really stop him from doing it so since he and I share the PS3, I'll be trying the game too. Me and my fast mouth XD hahahaha. Well doods, thedoodseven will be trying out the game. I'll let you guys know what it's like (and please, don't ask me about the graphics. i'mma play this on the PS3, so I can't give you guys a comparable distinction between that and the PS4 and Xbox One).

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