Xbox One Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes Might Be Very Short.

Hehehehehe... well, I'll take back what I said here in this topic. I'm buying the game. Well, technically, my brother will buy it. He finished MGS4 recently and seems he's keen on trying out GZ. Can't really stop him from doing it so since he and I share the PS3, I'll be trying the game too. Me and my fast mouth XD hahahaha. Well doods, thedoodseven will be trying out the game. I'll let you guys know what it's like (and please, don't ask me about the graphics. i'mma play this on the PS3, so I can't give you guys a comparable distinction between that and the PS4 and Xbox One).

Haha. Well I know how you feel but I'm still skipping this game.
Hehehehehe... well, I'll take back what I said here in this topic. I'm buying the game. Well, technically, my brother will buy it. He finished MGS4 recently and seems he's keen on trying out GZ. Can't really stop him from doing it so since he and I share the PS3, I'll be trying the game too. Me and my fast mouth XD hahahaha. Well doods, thedoodseven will be trying out the game. I'll let you guys know what it's like (and please, don't ask me about the graphics. i'mma play this on the PS3, so I can't give you guys a comparable distinction between that and the PS4 and Xbox One).

Tell us how the game goes. Well I'm still skipping this game for now not unless I play it from someone.
Hehehehehe... well, I'll take back what I said here in this topic. I'm buying the game. Well, technically, my brother will buy it. He finished MGS4 recently and seems he's keen on trying out GZ. Can't really stop him from doing it so since he and I share the PS3, I'll be trying the game too. Me and my fast mouth XD hahahaha. Well doods, thedoodseven will be trying out the game. I'll let you guys know what it's like (and please, don't ask me about the graphics. i'mma play this on the PS3, so I can't give you guys a comparable distinction between that and the PS4 and Xbox One).

I've also changed my mind to it. I'm buying the game as well since my friends will be getting it as well.
Hehehehehe... well, I'll take back what I said here in this topic. I'm buying the game. Well, technically, my brother will buy it. He finished MGS4 recently and seems he's keen on trying out GZ. Can't really stop him from doing it so since he and I share the PS3, I'll be trying the game too. Me and my fast mouth XD hahahaha. Well doods, thedoodseven will be trying out the game. I'll let you guys know what it's like (and please, don't ask me about the graphics. i'mma play this on the PS3, so I can't give you guys a comparable distinction between that and the PS4 and Xbox One).

Hahaha. Where's Mr. "I'm not gonna get this game because of the 2 hour story?" It's all right, my friend. Yeah, tell us man. I hope it's good. I'll be waiting for your impressions on the game.
Hehehehehe... well, I'll take back what I said here in this topic. I'm buying the game. Well, technically, my brother will buy it. He finished MGS4 recently and seems he's keen on trying out GZ. Can't really stop him from doing it so since he and I share the PS3, I'll be trying the game too. Me and my fast mouth XD hahahaha. Well doods, thedoodseven will be trying out the game. I'll let you guys know what it's like (and please, don't ask me about the graphics. i'mma play this on the PS3, so I can't give you guys a comparable distinction between that and the PS4 and Xbox One).

Well, all right. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about this game. Better hope it rocks man~~!
Well, all right. Looking forward to hearing what you have to say about this game. Better hope it rocks man~~!

Same here. Keep us posted about what you find out thedoodseven..
Sure doods. Will do. I'm not sure if it's me or my bro who will pay for the game but hey, it'll happen. 'Sides, after watching the gameplay vids on Youtube, I'm already interested to try it out.
Sure doods. Will do. I'm not sure if it's me or my bro who will pay for the game but hey, it'll happen. 'Sides, after watching the gameplay vids on Youtube, I'm already interested to try it out.

Cool. haha. Show us a video of your game if you will just so we can see how it goes.
Hehehehehe... well, I'll take back what I said here in this topic. I'm buying the game. Well, technically, my brother will buy it. He finished MGS4 recently and seems he's keen on trying out GZ. Can't really stop him from doing it so since he and I share the PS3, I'll be trying the game too. Me and my fast mouth XD hahahaha. Well doods, thedoodseven will be trying out the game. I'll let you guys know what it's like (and please, don't ask me about the graphics. i'mma play this on the PS3, so I can't give you guys a comparable distinction between that and the PS4 and Xbox One).

That was fast. well, do your best and get the game. Tell us about it okay? I'm eager to know what it's like.
That was fast. well, do your best and get the game. Tell us about it okay? I'm eager to know what it's like.

Same here. I'm very eager to know how your experience went on the game.
I think the other day when I was scrolling through my Xbox live I saw the game there for about $19. I think I will purchase later today. Although I have heard also that the game is very short I heard that it makes up for this by being a very exciting game. I must admit though that I feel a little tricked because I was hoping that this game would be it but apparently its not. I guess I will find out later today. I'm hoping that it will be good although short.
20$ is the perfect price for this title. It's actually a good deal. I've played a little bit of it over a friend's place, and I must say that I'm impressed. As usual, the presentation is top notch,and the game play felt really smooth. I'm really excited about Metal Gear V!
2 hours worth of campaign? That's too short! I would be satisfied if it were at least 7 hours but 2? No. I don't think I'd want to pay $60 for a game that will last entertain me for 2 hours. If that would be priced for $20 then I might consider it.
I watched angry joe's review on this game and I became angry just like the joe. How can a 3-4 hr game be this expensive? The most hateful thing is that the game itself is amazing but not worth the money they are asking for. I'll wait until the full release.
It depends how you play the game, I think.
If you're interested in perfecting everything, and getting collectibles, then Ground Zeroes can (in my opinion) provide decent length. I'm still playing through it, I've completed everything in S-Rank on Normal, now I'm looking forward to doing it in Hard.

But if you're not into perfection or replaying missions, then indeed, Ground Zeroes will be a short experience for you.
Each to their own, but I'm getting my money worth so far :)

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