Xbox One Official Xbox One Owner Impressions - Thoughts, Pictures, Other

I also love its texture. The materials are really high quality and I suppose a single XB1 case would cost around 50 dollars.
Well, the case doesn't matter that much, but it still has some fine details.
After a month of owning this interesting console, I've come to a conclusion : it is perfect. It doesn't have any problems. I have never needed to restart it. The games are really enjoyable and the fun you can have with the Kinect is unbeatable.
After a month of owning this interesting console, I've come to a conclusion : it is perfect. It doesn't have any problems. I have never needed to restart it. The games are really enjoyable and the fun you can have with the Kinect is unbeatable.

This is a good thing. Now that someone finally has a perfectly working xbox one that hasn't had any problems.
I actually haven't experienced any single problem with it. Have you?
I have tried the voice command to me and I've never expected it to be so well synchronized.
I would like to add one thing to this discussion : DO NOT TRY TO OPEN IT! I have done it yesterday just to clean its dust off and I have officially lost the warranty. I should have paid more attention to that. So if you still want a warranty, leave it clean and untouched!
Had mine about two months now and the only thing I didn't like was the fact of when I'm playing my wife flapping her arms around in the back ground interfered with Kinect. But since the update this doesn't seem to happen anymore. Overall I love the console and Titanfall is by far the best title yet.
I went out and got mine on release, and after getting home at like 3 in the morning (due to BestBuy being very unorganized), I finally got my Xbox set up, only to have to wait another hour or so downloading all the updates, and installing my games. :P Was annoying, but when I finally started playing it blew me away. The pulsated triggers really felt great, especially in NBA 2k15. And Fifa on Next Gen was a complete step up from the old gen version.
I wasn't disappointed. However, now I am kinda getting disappointed. They aren't putting games out fast enough, and a lot of the games they're adding to the market at just fluff arcade games that you can play on your computer for free. And seeing all these people still on the 360 getting 2 awesome free games a month, while we are getting rubish games, and sometimes only 1 game a month, it just irks me. I feel as if Microsoft isn't rewarding those of us who came and supported their new consoles. The final straw was how all these betas for games like Destiny are playable on the 360, and Titanfall is also playable on 360. These were games that made me get the Xbox One, and now I find out I could have saved my money and played them on the last years model? I really hope we get some more perks for being early owners soon.
I'm getting a new xbox one call of duty bundle and have some questions about the xbox.

1. Can you use wireless connection or does it have to be wired ?
2. Is there way to record tv shows?
3. Do you need the kinect?
4. Do you need the 1TB?
5. Do you think xbox gold live is worth buying?
1. Yes, wired is always better, as I understand it, but it has built in wireless capability.
2. No, unless I have missed something on an update.
3. No
4. I have not filled up my 500 gb and I have bought mostly digital games. Eventually I will probably have to buy external storage if I choose not to remove games but I don't think it will be anytime real soon.
5. There are frequent sales where you can get 1 year for 40 or 50 bucks. I think it is worth it. You gotta play COD online multiplayer, right?
1. Can you use wireless connection or does it have to be wired ? either... wired keeps you from buying batty's unless u buy a charger thing

2. Is there way to record tv shows? no

3. Do you need the kinect? no they sell knectless and i know people who has traded in their kinect

4. Do you need the 1TB? no but yes.. the big games are allot of memory 20-50gb. games and apps+updats can chew thru it.. plus 1tb helps the cpu not lag when your close to maxed out..

5. Do you think xbox gold live is worth buying? yup you can get it for less than 40 bux on ebay for a year.. but if you want to multiplayer and get everything from your one the gold will be the only way...
Im digging this tv in option...just did a nintendo xbox one combo
check it out!

vid is called (nintendo xbox one combo)
I purchased mine from Microsoft direct it was on sale for $400.00 with Kinect and 3 games refurbished. I have been playing a Ps3 for the past 5 years. I did a lot of reading before I purchased it and it seemed to be the weaker system but I liked the TV interaction. I have to say this system is nothing but amazing I have my cable box surround unit and TV all linked threw it and works perfectly. I found the Kinect to be a huge bonus to the system. When it comes to graphics they are outstanding BF4 call of duty and Forza look great. If you are thinking of buying the Xbox one do it you will love this system and I think Kinect is worth the extra cost.

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