Xbox One Official Xbox One Owner Impressions - Thoughts, Pictures, Other

I had ps3 and 360 before this and just prefer the Xbox controllers over the PS ones. Loving the Xbox one so far except sending messages and invites are more awkward than the 360.
I had ps3 and 360 before this and just prefer the Xbox controllers over the PS ones. Loving the Xbox one so far except sending messages and invites are more awkward than the 360.
This all over again and again
I'm getting a new xbox one call of duty bundle and have some questions about the xbox.

1. Can you use wireless connection or does it have to be wired ?
2. Is there way to record tv shows?
3. Do you need the kinect?
4. Do you need the 1TB?
5. Do you think xbox gold live is worth buying?

1 wireless in everything but hdmi. But all can also be wired
2 if u use dvr u can record up to 30 mins.
3 not needed but a welcome and practical addition. I would NOT get another xbox one without it
4 deffo. 500gb is not enough. Each big game is between 20 and 60 gig U will fill it with 8 months free games with gold which brings me to
5 100% worth buying if not just for the free games. in 5 months u will make ur money back for paying for the membership. Also i suggest u get EA Access.
I wаs а PS4 оwnеr bеfоrе I bоught thе Xbоx Оnе.

I likеd:
Thе аmоunt оf multimеdiа аpps
Vоiсе соmmаnds viа Kinесt
TV Саlibrаtiоn tооl
Xbоx Оnе Guidе fоr TV with USB Tunеr. (My Sоny TV stоppеd gеtting guidе updаtеs а fеw yеаrs аgо)

I didn't likеd:
Windоws 8 UI. Didn't likе hоw I nееd tо оpеn аn аpp fоr еvеrything similаr tо thе PS Vitа UI.
Dоwnlоаding stuff dоеsn't shоw yоu hоw muсh MB оr timе yоu hаvе lеft, just а pеrсеntаgе.
Instаlling gаmеs frоm disс tаkеs а lоng lоngеr thаn PS4

Mоst оf thе stuff I didn't likе саn bе сhаngеd оr imprоvеd thrоugh firmwаrе updаtеs sо I'm оvеrаll hаppy with my purсhаsе.
A couple of years on now from when the Xbox ONE officially came out, I've no complaints really as to what Microsoft have given us and the actual console is fine, it's just the games that have been a bit slow to progress in my opinion.

Even now I'm still not sure if the game developers are making the most of the power that the Xbox ONE as got, and that's a shame and maybe the reason that the PlayStation 4 as now started to look the better deal.
I'd love to see a few more games thrown our way from Microsoft. Yes we already got 3 Forza's (just let that sink in, there's already 3 of them this generation) a Halo, a Remedy Entertainment game and we're getting a Gears of War but I would love to see more. It's a shame that Fable 4 will probably never come to fruition. Meanwhile PlayStation 4 doesn't have a whole lot to shake a stick at either but at this point they might have more. I don't know, I guess none of the three do really.
I think we all want to see more, but it's not just the quantity if games that needs picking up a level, it's the quality of them aswell. Like you pointed out 3 Forza's...why?

I know they sell well, and as far as that genre if games go then it's up there as one of the best, but I'd there really any need to invest time and money into bringing out a new one every 12 months when other genres of games are getting looked at.

Look at what Konami did with the next gen version of Silent hill for example. Made it, advertised it and then shelved it and it will never be released. Why?
I love my one. I love the way it looks, feels, sounds when it's running...the only thing I don't like is the HUD. I would so much prefer if there was more customization available, but I'm not holding my breath.

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