Well-Known Member
It's a nice start, and that's all I'll say about that. 

Well, both are pretty popular. Maybe Microsoft should come out with more games. Make the selection of games more appealing and add more to choose from. I'm actually not sure why PS4's seem to be more popular.
I think both the makers of both consoles have done a great job of promoting their product and getting it sold. Does not make a difference to me. I will enjoy both consoles.
I think both consoles have done very well and Microsoft has nothing to be ashamed of, 3 million consoles in the first few months is amazing! I think this console generation is going to be full of healthy competition, but I do think Microsoft has to make some adjustments to win back some fans before they can take over Sony.
Not surprised. Sony is a huge brand worldwide and has the leg up in Europe and Asia. the One selling that much flies in the face of all the doom and gloom people predicted for the console. People really underestimate just how popular the Xbox brand is.
Who cares? Do you think the execs at Burger King look at their huge profits, but consider their year a failure if McDs sold a few more burgers? The X1 has gotten positive reviews and has made a ton of money for MS.