Xbox One Thoughts on PS4 selling 4.2 million VS Xbox One selling 3 million

I think that these are both fantastic consoles and pieces of technology. With that, it's inevitable that one of them is going to have an edge on the other at launch. It really comes down to marketing, not so much the actual hardware. After the hype over the releases of the consoles subsides, people will be looking at the actual specifications of the consoles a little more closely (at least those people who aren't fanboys) and then we may see a switch in the number of units sold between Microsoft and Sony or this trend will continue. Time will tell.
I think both of these consoles are absolutely amazing but I thought the Xbox would have more sales because I thought it had a bigger fan base. PS4 has been getting more and more fans over the years and personally I think I prefer the PS4 better because I have more friends on there and online's always fun with more friends.
It's a good start for both sides really, with the price of the PS4 being less it is no surprise it has sold more. Plus it has hit more regions so we will see how the sales compare as the years progress. I wouldn't be too surprised to see them very close, sales wise, similar to how this last gen ended.
I think both the makers of both consoles have done a great job of promoting their product and getting it sold. Does not make a difference to me. I will enjoy both consoles.
Yes! The consoles have shown us they made a great start. So let's all clap together and be feelin' good the rest of the next-generation now the current generation started great. It just shows gamers are out there, wanting to experience the new generation now!
We all knew PS4 would have the early lead and given the price point maybe even the lead throughout. Regardless both consoles have done great and will continue to do so. Think about it this way, in the 2 and 1/2 months since launch both Sony and Microsoft sold more units than Nintendo did in the last fiscal year.
I think that's pretty true. Right now it's early in both in their lives but price is a factor and I think that Microsoft realized that. As time goes on things will even out in sales, especially as we get furthur into the life in the One and they finally do a price drop. I never really pay attention to which console is winning early into their lifespan. It's about 5-10 years down the line.
Well, both are pretty popular. Maybe Microsoft should come out with more games. Make the selection of games more appealing and add more to choose from. I'm actually not sure why PS4's seem to be more popular.
Well, both are pretty popular. Maybe Microsoft should come out with more games. Make the selection of games more appealing and add more to choose from. I'm actually not sure why PS4's seem to be more popular.

Because right now the bulk of purchases are being done by the very hardcore gamers, and the "cool" choice is the PlayStation 4, even if there aren't as many great games out for it as the Xbox One.

As time goes on and the mainstream and casual gamers begin to move from the Xbox 360, you will see the XB1 gain its momentum.
I think both the makers of both consoles have done a great job of promoting their product and getting it sold. Does not make a difference to me. I will enjoy both consoles.

Sony did sell a lot because of the market countries that they have. Microsoft just has a few countries on the list.
I think both consoles have done very well and Microsoft has nothing to be ashamed of, 3 million consoles in the first few months is amazing! I think this console generation is going to be full of healthy competition, but I do think Microsoft has to make some adjustments to win back some fans before they can take over Sony.
I think both consoles have done very well and Microsoft has nothing to be ashamed of, 3 million consoles in the first few months is amazing! I think this console generation is going to be full of healthy competition, but I do think Microsoft has to make some adjustments to win back some fans before they can take over Sony.

I guess so. They did quite a good job on sales. I'm seeing a possibility of both selling more this year.
My xboxone discharges my game or movie in the middle of movie or while playing my game randomly for no reason and cant figure out why any help????
Not surprised. Sony is a huge brand worldwide and has the leg up in Europe and Asia. the One selling that much flies in the face of all the doom and gloom people predicted for the console. People really underestimate just how popular the Xbox brand is.
Not surprised. Sony is a huge brand worldwide and has the leg up in Europe and Asia. the One selling that much flies in the face of all the doom and gloom people predicted for the console. People really underestimate just how popular the Xbox brand is.

I agree. Just think about it. Xbox sold 3 million just on a few countries, what if they have more countries to sell it, this would mean triple the sales rate.
Who cares? Do you think the execs at Burger King look at their huge profits, but consider their year a failure if McDs sold a few more burgers? The X1 has gotten positive reviews and has made a ton of money for MS.
True, but the point is being #2 in worldwide sales isn't bad at all. Especially since Xbox doesn't historically do well in many countries and obviously isn't even available in many. I mean, how many X1s is MS going to sell in Japan? They have no chance there. They probably couldn't give them away for free. ;)
I've seen quite a few people switching over to PS4, which may contribute to these numbers. Also, it seems like quite a few Xbox users are still on 360, where as more PS3 users switched to PS4. Price may have also contributed to this.

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