Xbox One What game/game series/genre are you fed up with?

I'm not really a fan of puzzle games. So that's on my number 1 list of one of the genres that I don't like to see at all. It's kinda boring to me to play games like that since I get easily annoyed with all the things that you need to do in it.

Depends on the puzzle game but I guess in general, they're getting more and more annoying. For as long as the puzzle game is actually interesting, yeah, they gotta stop making them for the sake of making them.
Depends on the puzzle game but I guess in general, they're getting more and more annoying. For as long as the puzzle game is actually interesting, yeah, they gotta stop making them for the sake of making them.

I agree. Most puzzle games are really irritating. They just have the same feature and they go on and on.
I'm not really a fan of puzzle games. So that's on my number 1 list of one of the genres that I don't like to see at all. It's kinda boring to me to play games like that since I get easily annoyed with all the things that you need to do in it.

You tell me man. Well still depends on what the actual game is. As for pure puzzle games, this is something that I don't like as well.
I'm not so much tired of genres as the hype that goes into them. The big two FPS are #1 on that list. CoD and BF are so overhyped that you'd swear that each time the games come out they were bringing something so groundbreaking that it completely and utterly changed the genre into a whole new genre and rocked gaming forever. Those games haven't done that in some time. Series-changing? Sure.

Doom, Wolf 3D, Quake, Unreal and Counter Strike weren't hyped that much and they were the grandfather and father series of the genre. Like the games are enjoyable and for a period I played COD on a regular basis before I realized you actually weren't buying it for the entire game, just MP...and that was like a money leech.

Keeping with current FPS and going with something different, I also get sick of particular elements and settings. The modern warfare thing is old to me. I'm ready to go back to WWII for a bit, try something new give me bayonets, horses, canons, and field doctors who will stop your campaign in its tracks if your character took a bullet in the leg or arm.

Also I like puzzle elements in games. An action game with puzzles to solve work for me. Zelda always had the right balance of that. Full on puzzle
Clearly the Call of Duty and Assassins Creed franchises have run dry. I think World of Warcraft should stop expanding also. Gears is pushing it, and Need for Speed.
Essentially anything tracked over 5 is doomed for a smut career for the money.
Clearly the Call of Duty and Assassins Creed franchises have run dry. I think World of Warcraft should stop expanding also. Gears is pushing it, and Need for Speed.
Essentially anything tracked over 5 is doomed for a smut career for the money.

I agree, that's why we need something new for a change. Something that we can have a new experience with.
Clearly the Call of Duty and Assassins Creed franchises have run dry. I think World of Warcraft should stop expanding also. Gears is pushing it, and Need for Speed.
Essentially anything tracked over 5 is doomed for a smut career for the money.

You said it man. Anything just stretching out and milking out is going to get tiring to play with already.
Games I'm fed up with? The generic type. The type that's "been there, done that". I'm always seeking the game that's got some uniqueness to it. I hate generic games 'cuz they're so boring when you know that it's already been done before.
Games I'm fed up with? The generic type. The type that's "been there, done that". I'm always seeking the game that's got some uniqueness to it. I hate generic games 'cuz they're so boring when you know that it's already been done before.

Makes sense. I've been fed up of those sequels that keep on coming.
Makes sense. I've been fed up of those sequels that keep on coming.

Sequels.... ah yeah, there is one thing I'm fed up with: making a sequel SO INFERIOR to the original. You know, like they try to hype it to be better and then.... boom. That's it. I've no problem with sequels if it can improve but man, when those sequels keep coming and you know it begins to suck further... yeah, we've said it before but still, it irks me so much.

And COD/Battlefield. I know it's been said but still, I really, really want it out of here. Enough.
Sequels.... ah yeah, there is one thing I'm fed up with: making a sequel SO INFERIOR to the original. You know, like they try to hype it to be better and then.... boom. That's it. I've no problem with sequels if it can improve but man, when those sequels keep coming and you know it begins to suck further... yeah, we've said it before but still, it irks me so much.

And COD/Battlefield. I know it's been said but still, I really, really want it out of here. Enough.

Well, I think we've pointed what we all don't want to see. COD/Battlefield wins here.
So, any game/series/genre you getting fed up with? I'm sure there are some you already want to see end and never come back again.

There are two that I can think of right offhand. The first is Call of Duty. I am so fed up with this game, not because it's a bad game, but because each subsequent release is exactly the same as the previous game. It's like you're paying $60 to keep buying the same game over and over again. The other game is Battlefield, but I'm fed up with it for a completely different reason (glitches, save issues, updates that make the game worse instead of better, etc.).
There are two that I can think of right offhand. The first is Call of Duty. I am so fed up with this game, not because it's a bad game, but because each subsequent release is exactly the same as the previous game. It's like you're paying $60 to keep buying the same game over and over again. The other game is Battlefield, but I'm fed up with it for a completely different reason (glitches, save issues, updates that make the game worse instead of better, etc.).

I have to say, you're right on Battlefield. I'm still hanging on to COD but as for Battlefield it really has to go.
There are two that I can think of right offhand. The first is Call of Duty. I am so fed up with this game, not because it's a bad game, but because each subsequent release is exactly the same as the previous game. It's like you're paying $60 to keep buying the same game over and over again. The other game is Battlefield, but I'm fed up with it for a completely different reason (glitches, save issues, updates that make the game worse instead of better, etc.).

To be honest, aside from COD and Battlefield I'm sick and tired on seeing The fighter within. A friend of mine loves it (probably he's the only one)
To be honest, aside from COD and Battlefield I'm sick and tired on seeing The fighter within. A friend of mine loves it (probably he's the only one)

Who isn't. I mean BF4 still has some ongoing issues and it continues to pile up no matter how many times they update it.
AC series should really com to conclusion or at least in a way different direction, its getting too old now. The first few games are good but it just spirals down to CoD territory. Also, sports games. Why not just make a decent NBA game then update the roster every year and not make a completely new game out of it, I mean it would be alright if there were actual changes to the game, but no, its the same game with different rosters.
I've been tired of CoD since MW2 and Assassin's Creed since AC3 was such a disappointment.
Probably Final Fantasy. The series is as good as dead to me and I wish Square Enix would just go bankrupt now or just become regular Enix. I loved the snes and psx games but I'm sick to death of this "super anime" matrix garbage with and I've accepted long ago that the series isn't turn based rpg anymore. Its just an action anime simulator with all "style" and no substance whatsoever.
CoD series I guess. To me it's like they keep resurrecting a dead body year after year. Cod4 was a wonderfull games. Cod 6 was fun aswell. But please now the series is a big joke. They don't need to end the series. I want them to take time to explore new directions instead of making a new one year after year with the only purpose of money.

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