Xbox One What game/game series/genre are you fed up with?

I was actually discussing this same thing on another thread. I'm sick of GTA. I really am. Also, as much as I LOVE racing games, Need for Speed is getting a bit old, too. I mean, there's only so many tracks and story lines you can create! Yes, it's cool to unlock the limited edition Ferrari, but then what? You drive it along the track you drove the other 50 cars on all over again.
I think I'm finally over Resident Evil at this point. The first few blew me away when I was a kid and of course 4 was an instant classic. Since then the games have been pretty average and have either failed to innovate or have suffered from massive amounts of action creep. That's not to say they're awful or anything but they don't have the good stuff that put Resident Evil on the map in the first place.

And I'll back up everyone on AC and Final Fantasy. I used to be super excited whenever I heard that another one of those is coming out but these days my attitude is more, "another one? Hopefully it'll be fun." It doesn't really elicit any more emotion than that.
FIFA! I had a roommate once and all he played was that damn game with a buddy of his. 24/7 all week. After a month I started hating football so much that I don't think I'll ever recover. I mean really, from all the games available on the XBox he had to pick the ball chasing simulator. Ugggh ..
Assassins Creed and Modern Military Shooters/COD. I like shooters mind you, but I would really like an FPS that isn't nearly identical to the last one. There are plenty of cool ideas for FPS games that haven't even begun to be explored and its sad to see the genre stagnate like it has.
So, any game/series/genre you getting fed up with? I'm sure there are some you already want to see end and never come back again.

I got really fed up with Call of Duty. Pushing a game out every year is just way too fast; there's no way you can put all the time and effort needed into developing an entirely new game in a year or less! I wound up buying way more COD titles than I ever said I would, but not anymore. It's just the same game in new packaging year after year after year.
Call of Duty obviously. It's the same thing every year I stopped playing after Black Ops. Even then I regret I didn't quit earlier. It's amazing how there are so many people that don't get bored with the same game every year.
So, any game/series/genre you getting fed up with? I'm sure there are some you already want to see end and never come back again.

I'm not saying I want the genre to disappear and never come back again, but I'm really starting to get fed up with how similar all of the first person shooters are. I know there are only so many things you can do with a first person shooter but still, it seems like there is more possibility for creativity than what we are seeing.
І'm bеіng оbјесtіvе hеrе. І gоt bоth sуstеms nоw, аnd thе bеst lооkіng gаmе оn РЅ4 іs Іnfаmоus: Ѕесоnd Ѕоn, аnd іts grарhісs аrе nоt аs gооd аs Rуsе. Rуsе lооks аs gооd оr bеttеr аs а lоt оf nеwеr РС gаmеs оn mахіmum sеttіngs. Іts аlmоst unrеаl hоw thеу wеrе аblе tо рull оff suсh а grеаt lооkіng gаmе оn thе Хbох Оnе.

Νоt оnlу thаt but thеrе іs а раttеrn nоw оf Хbох Оnе vеrsіоns runnіng thе sаmе FРЅ аnd rеsоlutіоn, whіlе hаvіng bеttеr lіghtіng еffесts. Whаt wіll thіs mеаn fоr Ѕоnу оnсе реорlе stаrt lооkіng оbјесtіvеlу аt thе fасts tо rеаlіzе thаt Хbох Оnе іsn't а sесоnd rаtе sуstеm, аnd іs а rеаl соntеndеr? Ѕuреrіоr vеrsіоns оf multірlаtfоrm gаmеs hаvе аlrеаdу mаdе іt tо thе Хbох Оnе, аnd аs tіmе gоеs оn thе Хbох Оnе wіll kеер gеttіng mоrе dеfіnіtіvе еdіtіоns оf gаmеs.

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