Xbox One Why 100 dollars over PS4 means little to me.

It's an investment we all can't swing. Some of us are fortunate to be able to do so, but there are some that find it difficult to justify an extra 100.00, whereas, it could be used for something practical such as groceries.

Personally, if it wasn't for the fact I could pay it off in installments, I wouldn't be on this forum talking about my acquisition at the end of the week.

I wouldn't say $100 is miniscule, but I wouldn't get a PS4 over a Xbone just to save $100. If $100 is that important, then I would wait until the Xbone drops in price. But, by the end of the generation, you're going to spend well over $1,000 on the console ($50/yr for online, $60 for games, $60 for controllers), so it's better just to get the system you want rather than trying to save $100.
Now that I have a career and a nice paycheck every two weeks I can say that the extra $100 for the Xbox One as opposed to PS4 is a non-issue. During the last console launch I was 14 and $100 bucks was a huge amount of money.
I've got a career and, unfortunately, a lot of it goes off to paying student dent and my mortgage. I can afford an extra $100, but it is a pretty big factor for me. Not enough of a factor to deter me though.