Xbox One Why 100 dollars over PS4 means little to me.

I rock the amd 8core fx8350 4ghz, 8gig ddr3, gtx680 4gig vram dd5, 128ssd along with several raptor drives that are removable. I also have 2 benq monitors with 1080p. My PC setup is pretty sweet too. Game hard or go home imo. PS4 is less than PC.

Very sweet! I'm only guessing that was an expense!

Sweet Rig. That's my next goal. If you don't mind me asking what did that run you? (ballpark)
The original build itself was around 520 after rebate. I originally meant it as a game/app dev build, with photoshop and flash usage as well. It only included 1 SSD and 1 1TBhdd, no video card and a 1600x900 monitor. I considered the 8350 but ultimately settled on the 6350 due to price.

Once i got the build together i ended up having to swap the mobo for one that didnt have on board video, so i got a radeon HD 5450 1gb. Around that time the Humble Origin Bundle came out which included Battlefield 3 and Crysis 2. I immediately tried to fire up Crysis 2 but obviously my video card made that impossible.
I worked on one guys car and he gave me an old but in good shape phone, and i also had other old but good shape phones lying around. I traded those to best buy for 315 bucks and bought some visa gift cards with the best buy credit.

I then turned around and used those gift cards to purchase a 7970 from tiger direct.
Later i decided i needed more storage and added the 128gb SSD and a secondary 1TB HDD
So all in all id say a little over $1000 including the monitor, which i unfortunately havent replaced with a 1080p model.

Heres the build if you want to see the parts i used. This is without the second SSD or Second TB hard drive

I rock the amd 8core fx8350 4ghz, 8gig ddr3, gtx680 4gig vram dd5, 128ssd along with several raptor drives that are removable. I also have 2 benq monitors with 1080p. My PC setup is pretty sweet too. Game hard or go home imo. PS4 is less than PC.
That is a pretty sweet set-up, like i mentioned above, i almost went with an 8350, but scaled it back because my original build was for development. I knew alot less about it all then and i didnt want to be that guy that had an 8 core processor to browse the internet and write code. If i could do it again id go 8350 and 1080p monitor
While it may not be a huge deal to you or any die-hard Xbox fanboy, it IS a deal-breaker for the average consumer, especially with all of the relatively negative press Microsoft has been receiving leading up to the start of this generations console wars. I wouldn't be surprised to see an Xbox One price drop in the near future.
I am the average consumer as I bought the Xbox One more for the non gaming features than to play games and the extra
$100, some say because of the kinect, IS the reason I bought it over the PS4. if not for all the neat kinect features, I would
not have bought one.

With every preorder sold out, and preorders sold out thru the end of the year, I doubt there will be a price drop anytime soon.
I agree. It makes me laugh how folks say the XB1 isn't doing well in regards to preorders. There is a post I just responded to whereas someone was asking about the chances of scoring a system without preordering it. Chances are HIGHLY unlikely. That makes me think, hmmm... XB1 must be doing well, might not be PS4 well, but well nonetheless.

If thats really the case, maybe i should have preordered a few to flip after all.

Thats said, i dont pretend to know the numbers, but even with some of us not wanting to fork out 100 for a kinect, im sure the xbox is doing JUST FINE!
Trust me, next week... No pre-order, good luck getting a system.

If thats really the case, maybe i should have preordered a few to flip after all.

Thats said, i dont pretend to know the numbers, but even with some of us not wanting to fork out 100 for a kinect, im sure the xbox is doing JUST FINE!

Yeah, all this talk of X1 tanking is mostly baseless. I hear that the PS4 has more numbers but the X1 is still selling out everywhere. That sounds like a good sign to me.
well, i totally agree with your opinion.
seems like most of the time it's just ridiculous comments about the difference in price, which makes the topic seem ridiculous as well.
Of course, it might be an intentional business strategy, but who knows?
Even being 100.00 more, the XB1 is selling out everywhere! I think MS is doing ok... Not worried at all.

I'm not sure if you all have great paying jobs or maybe you're not concerned about the price because your parents or someone else might be buying it for you, but $100 is a considerable amount.

It did bother me a little bit to see how the PS4 was cheaper, but buying a console I don't want and wont have the franchises I'm interested in is pretty much pointless, so I went ahead and made the pre-order.

I don't think I'll be disappointed at all. Even if I am, there's nothing I can do about it, and if it's anything major then I'm sure the whole fan base will complain about it.
First off, I don't think Microsoft, or Sony, need to worry about anything. These things are going to sell like hotcakes.

Personally, as someone who is a semi-broke college student, $100 matters a lot. I personally won't be buying either for a while, but if the PS4 is still 100 dollars keeper than the Xbox, I might just get the PS4. I want to get both of them, to be honest.
Honestly, what is saving 100 dollars more? If you go with the PS4 only real excuse would be exclusives. If you are doing it because it has slightly better graphics... my PC is better. I am going for the xbox because it is advertised as the one in all system. If you all are broke enough that 100 dollars matters... dont buy a system at all, again 100 dollars is a tank of gas for me in my truck, or not going out 1 night with the wife. I mean seriously what a piss poor excuse. I'm not rich, I do well for myself, but if 100 dollars meant alot to me this day an age... well I wouldnt get a system at all. Get your priorities in order if that is your decision making, 100 dollars means crap in this economy.
im a student in college, and that extra 100 can go a long way. Games, text books, food. It makes a difference for us students and it is a deciding factor.
lol. being a student and buying an entertainment console for 500$, at the same time being worried for a 100$ difference. Funny, really.
If you are considering on buying an XBoxOne for 500$ as well as a TV, and a sound system, which all can get up to a 1500+, then a 100 bucks don't make that much of a difference.
I agree, that the hundred dollars should not mean much to someone. I could see a teenager debating over whether or not they want to spend a extra hundred dollars, but adults should have nothing to worry about what so ever.
100$ is money, and quite big amount for those who are a bit poor. But if you are poor? why would you consider on buying such a console? 1500+ for all the pack +internet bills, etc. Just curious?
Agreed. Not to mention time spent on the console is time not generating income. Nothing wrong with that, no need to be generating income ALL THE TIME, but if your poor you should really be spending more time trying to generate income and less time spending money.
I guess that's true that if we can't afford an extra hundred bucks and claim it's because we struggle, perhaps buying a new console costing hundreds plus at least 50 per game is the last thing we should be doing. We can't afford it just yet, but when we can we will go all out on it.

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