Xbox 360 Why Would You Choose a Console over PC?

I purchase consoles because it's not very social to fire up the PC to play games. It's much easier to put on GTA with your friends and play with a controller than getting totally nerdy with a PC.
I picked consoles mainly because I didn't want to have to make sure my PC would play a game and end up needing to get something else either when I read the requirements before getting the game or afterwards once I have the game. Like honestly I just want to play my games, man. If the back of the box or the online blurb has more requirements than how many players, if an internet connection is required, and how much space is needed for saves, it went too far.

I play stuff on Steam, but it's usually stuff with low minimum requirements. I'm not all "RELIECE TEH GRAFIX!!!" when it comes to games. I just want to play them and enjoy them.
It's definitely a debatable question but there are times where I prefer the PC over a console. That mainly comes down to when I can install mods on certain games. The only thing that turns me off PC gaming (and I'm sure it turns many other people off it too) is needing a PC that is powerful enough to run the game due to requirements. This is where consoles will always have the upper hand as everyone has the same game play experience.

The reason I choose a console over the PC is that majority of my friends use consoles so I'll play with them.
I'd chose a console over PC for convenience. However I do like the price of PC games and the regular deals they pick up at times. I could care less about graphics, but cheaper games, constant regular deals, and mods for some titles get a thumbs up from me. If it came to PS/Xbox/PC I'd likely go with PC if had the money to cover a PC that could do minimum required settings for titles I'd play.
Well, I'd prefer console for gaming because you don't need to upgrade it every once in a while just to play some new games. But on the other hand if you upgrade you pc, yes it's a lot of money, but you save money from buying games since it is so easy to download and install games nowadays.
My wife asked me this the other day, as apparently NPR is doing a report on Console gamers that switched to PC, but I wanted other console users views on this.

Do you prefer Consoles to PC? Why? What would make you switch?

My answers are simply a matter of convenience. One thing I hated as a PC gamer was that in order to play the latest and best games I would have to upgrade my PC every couple of years. Compare that to my Xbox 360, which I've had for four years and can still run anything that comes out for Xbox (also consider that the last time I upgraded my gaming PC the bill was around $800, which was more than I paid for my Xbox and the amount of live subscriptions I've had for it).

Now I am not saying I do not have an ever growing steam library (I do), but when given the option, I get the game on my Xbox. Not a great thing for some games, like Skyrim, where modding might be better, but I'd rather know it works.

One of the reasons that I like my consoles better is that my TV is WAY larger than my PC monitor. I like being able to play games on a big screen. ;)
One of the reasons that I like my consoles better is that my TV is WAY larger than my PC monitor. I like being able to play games on a big screen. ;)

I fixed this by connecting my TV to my PC as a secondary monitor :D

As for the topic, consoles are "easier", there's no worrying if this game or that game will run on your machine with a decent performance, you know that it always will and have the best performance possible.
Another reason I forgot (and someone probably mentioned) when measuring PC against 360 is that online multiplayer is basically free. You bought the game, you have Steam/the game disc/download, and you have internet that is already paid for.

It's can get juice from the fridge without the guy standing in front of the fridge requesting a toll for everything you already have ready. I'd say this applies when comparing PC to the current generation as well.
There are a lot of strong points for both sides here. This is a good debate.
I love PC gaming, but I'm the only one out of all my friends. I also grew up on console gaming so not it is out of habit.
I just pick consoles over PC for convenience and having the prettiest graphics is like a moderate concern to me.
I'd only purchase a console because to get the specs of a PC up to, or beyond console performance is really expensive and takes a good deal of technical expertise and know how, but I prefer gaming on the PC, its just better to me, and games are a whole lot cheaper on Steam than the $60 a pop Sony and Microsoft wants.
I personally like both. I think if I had to choose i would choose a console because the gaming experience on the console is a little better for me.
I have a nice gaming PC, but I want a console because I like to relax on the couch and bum out. I love PC gaming, and I love all the games that I am able to play and all of the advantages PC gaming offers, but the one thing that can be a little fatiguing is sitting at the desk for hours on end. I like the option of relaxing on the couch with a controller and gaming on a bigger screen. Plus, it's really necessary if you have friends over and you don't want to crowd around a PC and take turns.
My parents were the ones who made that choice for me when they surprised me with an awesome green box that said "Xbox 360" 7 years ago!
Couldn't be happier (:
I have tried playing games on the PC before (many years ago) and simply found them to be less appealing than those played on a console. Maybe I am missing the latest and greatest versions of PC games, but I've always heard how expensive real gaming PCs are, which has kind of offput me to getting into them. I am perfectly happy with console gaming and until I can find a compelling reason to switch, I probably won't.
well think about it this way, you can't really play an Xbox 360 game on a 1st gen Xbox can you? So you still have to upgrade every few years, and with services such as steam, you can download games directly to your hard drive and do whatever you want with it, even copy it to a thumbdrive and give it to a friend or whatever... also the other stuff you can do on a PC, like chat on skype, make pictures with photo shop watch any media file depending on the program you use etc, consoles are just now catching up in regards to these features...
I don't really like many PC games. Consoles usually have better games to choose from that I enjoy playing more often. I have played a couple PC games that I liked, but there aren't many.
I think mine is a combination of both. I like the PC for the modability, better graphics and immersion, but i like the console for being able to just chill on the couch and play, even pass the controller around

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