Xbox 360 Disc, Or Download?

Prices hold firm digitally. A game will be $59.99 for months when you could go on Amazon and find it for $10 less new or in the $35-45 range used.
Prices hold firm digitally. A game will be $59.99 for months when you could go on Amazon and find it for $10 less new or in the $35-45 range used.

They really do. I found it frustrating that prices would stick at $60 when I wanted to get the game digitally. Most of the time I just get the disc because of that.
I'm a fan of the disc. The digital download is nice but there's something special about the physical copy. hope the physical doesn't go away but I can understand the positive points of having everything digital.
I've got some weird connection with physically owning the disc. If there was a significant difference in price, I would consider digital. Since they're usually the same, I prefer having the physical copy sitting on my shelf.
I still enjoy the disk more because I can line all my games up and just look at them. I get your worry about disk scratches and such but for me, that rarely happens.
I usually still go with discs myself, for a couple reasons. I just like having a visual library of games on a shelf. I think it looks aesthetically pleasing to have them all lined up in view. This way I'm also reminded of old games that I may want to pick up and play again whereas a downloaded game can get lost in the shuffle pretty easily and I'll end up forgetting about it. I've also had a couple bad experiences with downloading games where they didn't work or just wouldn't download, or had to be re-downloaded and I lost all my progress. I figure eventually game discs will become obsolete, kind of like music CDs, but until then I'll keep building my collection.
Disk can get damaged easily if they are not taken care of which is why I prefer downloads. Even though they can take up a load of hard drive space they can be brought without having to go out and visit a store to get a disk which could get scratched and eventually stop working. But sometimes renting disk can be good if you wan't to try outa game taht does not have a demo.
Given the choice, I'll go with disc every time. I like having a phyiscal product, and it's nice to have the backup at the ready if something catastrophic happens.
I am completely behind digital download. I think its the best for the industry and the consumer. Its nice to not have people set various percentages that people take from a developer when you pay for a game. I would much prefer to pay for a game and that larger portion go to developers versus the stores that hole stock.

Also, I don't miss having one of my favorite games being scratched and unplayable. That just sucks.
Since I've had the Xbox One downloading games seems more efficient. Of course fast internet is preferred for this. Its so much more convenient to not have to stand in line at a store to grab a game. I do wish there was a system which allowed us to sell or trade them though. The majority of my games on x1 are downloaded.
Since I've had the Xbox One downloading games seems more efficient. Of course fast internet is preferred for this. Its so much more convenient to not have to stand in line at a store to grab a game. I do wish there was a system which allowed us to sell or trade them though. The majority of my games on x1 are downloaded.

My Internet speeds are horrible so it takes ages fro me to download gamesbut I do it anyway because I can just leave downloads running overnight if I have to. It beats waiting in line at a store to find out it's out of stock anyday
Generally I do both although I do like the fact that when I download I don't have to worry about the disk getting lost or scratched. If I end up really getting attached to a game then I generally will get the disk though.
I would say both. As long as the download size is not huge, I prefer to download my games instead of buying it on the retail shop.
I will and always stick with physical copies of games as long as they will sell them. I see no need to download a game and be restricted to playing in on one console, it also has next to no re-sale value which is a big thing for me.
I used to be a die hard physical supporter but now I have a change of heart. I started going digital not too long ago and it's starting to grow on me. The convenience is really tempting, it's also really easy to navigate through the game I want to play without having to stand up. No, I'm not lazy but it's really convenient and I don't have to risk damaging the disc drive in the long run.
Physical. You lose too much value by going digital. I sell/trade most games when I'm done, so it's like throwing away money to me.
Download usually. Steam has just made it far too easy to do, and with the frequent sales etc they've got far too much of my money over the years
I download mostly because I have to when it comes to my 360. The 360 itself is fine it's just the disc drive is pretty much kaput and I really don't want to spend the money to have it replaced..
I download mostly because I have to when it comes to my 360. The 360 itself is fine it's just the disc drive is pretty much kaput and I really don't want to spend the money to have it replaced..

Hmm that's true. The drive can give up the cost and then the console is pretty worthless if all you have is discs.

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