Xbox 360 Disc, Or Download?

I think downloading is better because there's always the chance the disk could get scratched or something like that. I recently bought a laptop and realized it didn't come with a disk compartment. That made me realize how disks are outdated now! Everything we use is downloadable because it's so much safer. You can even download it again with codes (at least in most sites like steam and origin) if something goes wrong and you need to get it back.
In the future I think that more and more games might be download only anyway, so even if you DO prefer to still buy the physical copies then the choice will be taken out of your hands. I prefer to download my games these days but I do understand why people still prefer to buy the discs as you do feel that paying $60+ for some games, you actually feel like you've bought something.

With download you pay the money and it just appears on your system, you don't get the whole game buying experience like we've been used to for all these years and it feels like you're missing out on a fun part of being a gamer.
I download. Had too many disc that ended up lost or scratched. No more.
That's probably the major upside to downloading, as we don't have a shelf full of games anymore and have to hunt through cases if games have been put in a wrong one like I'm sure we've all had to in the past. Now it's just a case of selecting on screen and pressing play, life's much easier.

In a strange kind of way though I do miss not having a stack of games to look at, and even though we have just as many games probably downloaded, it always looked more when you see them all lined up (and in alphabetical order) or was that just me that did that?
Well you can call me old school all you want, but I still prefer to have a physical copy of the game. I am not sure what it is, but that just seems to lend itself to me feeling more secure in my ownership, which matters to me I guess. The convenience of downloading them is nice, and things may change, but for now I will stick with the disc. I am curious to see how things change here in the near future, though, because the trend is definitely going towards the download.
I prefer downloads because games tend to get scratched to often for me. I don't really worry about them getting lost on whatever server they are being held, I think its just the easier option.

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