Xbox 360 Disc, Or Download?

Download usually. Steam has just made it far too easy to do, and with the frequent sales etc they've got far too much of my money over the years

I have just figured out steam and I must say that I think that it is the greatest thing that has ever happened to my video gaming life. I mean it just makes it so easy for me to get my games and they are so affordable I mean they are all at a price that you just cant beat right now.
I have just figured out steam and I must say that I think that it is the greatest thing that has ever happened to my video gaming life. I mean it just makes it so easy for me to get my games and they are so affordable I mean they are all at a price that you just cant beat right now.

How have you only just worked out Steam now? Man, you have been missing out!
I prefer downloading, since I live in South America and it's usually cheaper and faster to download the games than to import them from the USA, though the option is not always there...
i love the idea of downloading games nowadays. its really great and more convienent for me and others. no need to wait for shipping and handling and a trip to the store anymore. now the only thing your going to need is a bigger hard drive or flashdrive to save your game files.
I have just figured out steam and I must say that I think that it is the greatest thing that has ever happened to my video gaming life. I mean it just makes it so easy for me to get my games and they are so affordable I mean they are all at a price that you just cant beat right now.

You think they're affordable now? Just wait until the next Steam Sale and you're getting triple A games for a few pence
I prefer digital myself, because I very rarely sell games after I play through them anyway, so I might as well save some space, and sometimes even save some money, because digital sales are much more frequent than physical sales, at least in my experience.
For PC, I'm all kinds of behind the digital downloads offered by Valve, and sometimes Amazon. When it comes to consoles however, I think I'll go with the disc. I just like having the library in physical form even if it takes up a lot of room.
downloads can be massive, up to 20gb which takes up to a day to download but disk can get scratched and damaged in under a year which is why I usually do both.
downloads can be massive, up to 20gb which takes up to a day to download but disk can get scratched and damaged in under a year which is why I usually do both.

True, but just invest in a decent internet provider. Although of course, not everyone has that option of course, considering that I believe in America your choices are very limited based on where you are.
i have 3 diskds but i hate swapping so im really liking diskless.... idk id realyl like to stay diskless at this point

even games that are disk connected require the disk to get a update.. where diskless are autmatic... just err.... i wish we could lock a disk or use a code to lock it to a console
This would HELP against the second hand market.

Want to only play the game off of a disc? Fine, do nothing, want to download and play it without a disc? Then tie the game to your XBL account and it can no longer he sold to someone else.

I would 100% do this as I love the simplicity of just selecting the game rather than rummaging through my collection to find it.
Just as I did on 360, mainly discs, but a few digital titles. Mainly arcade or indie.

Maybe some bigger name titles once they come down in price.
Okay, after going digital for a couple of games I can see where they're coming for. For once, I can easily select the game I want to play without having to look for it. It's also nice to see all the games I own easily which is always a plus. I'm definitely going to continue with digital for a while to see if I continue to like it.
How are you going buy your games?

I personally like the idea of downloading my games, because disc scratch, and break rather easily. Downloading them would eliminate that problem all together. You can store them on HDD, and keep them forever.

Even if something were to happen to the HDD. You can still download it from the game store. There is really no advantage to buying a physical.

How are you going to buy your games?

I disagree that there isn't an advantage to owning the game on a physical disc. Yeah, it can get scratched if you don't handle it correctly, leaving it lying out, etc., but if you just download the game and then something happens to your hard drive... What then? I know theoretically you can re-download it but part of me is just paranoid they'll want you to buy it again. I'd just rather have the game in my hands.
Actually, both. I hate downloading 10-20 GB for games with my slow internet connection. Hence, I'd prefer discs. But, going digital sometimes is good, especially during the sales. I don't mind downloading games once in a while. But, still, physical discs would be a better choice. You can share them with friends or rent them too. You can also take selfies of yourself with the discs. :p

And, getting discs scratched isn't a huge problem if you maintain them and be extremely careful while handling them. :)

I love the idea of downloading games but for those of us still with a slow internet connection (most of Australia) the idea is better than the reality at this stage.

For example, I purchased my xbox one as the titanfall bundle about 3 weeks ago, I got home from the store excited to play to discover that the game was a digital copy, no worries I thought and proceeded to download the game. I stated the download at about 5pm on the Friday night and it was ready to play by Sunday morning!!

I actually went out and bought a copy of assassins creed 4 just so I could play on the Saturday, I put the disc in and immediately I was informed that it needed a 2.4GB update, all in all I was able to play my first game at about 5pm on the Saturday night after having owned the xbox one for over 24 hours.

As I mentioned, I love the idea of downloading games whenever I feel like it but for me there are two issues.

1) the massive game sizes and slow download times if like me you are on a slow internet connection.

2) the price of the games is the same, if not more, digital than they are for the physical disc copy.

For now I'm going to be sticking to buying discs.
I got my Xbox on Christmas day which was Friday 2015 I started a download at around 12 pm that day I didn't get to play a single game for over a week because of how long it took (that Saturday and Sunday my internet was down from a storm I'm not counting those days)

I will and always stick with physical copies of games as long as they will sell them. I see no need to download a game and be restricted to playing in on one console, it also has next to no re-sale value which is a big thing for me.
Same here I like the fact that you can get the same game and the disk version could be a lot cheaper for example a week ago I went to game stop and got watch dogs and destiny for around $20 plus a free game on top of that while the digital version for 1 of them would be $50
^^^^in other posts you said you were only did disk now your saying you are doing download.. you claimed it took 2+hours to install/download now your saying over a week.. so which is it really???

if your download speed is that slow that's on you not Microsoft..

Microsoft is actually quite competitive on game in the xbox store.. often have sales shortly after releases.. sure some of the gamestop stuff is decently priced..

just for argument sake destiny on Microsoft store is 29bux as a digital download.that is normal pricing for it at the moment(not a sale). they don't let games sit at 50/60bux and hope they sell..
Downloading is the way to go because it is much easier and also does not cause any issues later. The best part is that for any reason you need it again, you can download it again and get it back on your system.
downloading is cool for a lot of reasons, but I always sell off games, not really interested in collecting so I like to get as much of my money back as possible. Always nice to know you've got an extra $120+ sitting there to sell if you need it.

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