Xbox 360 Rumor: Next Borderlands game is called the "Pre-Sequel"

Hahahahahha XD Wow, they;'re actually calling it that? The Pre-Sequel? That's what I like about the developers. They just like to take things not-so-seriously. They want to really make people laugh, even with this. Hahaha. All right, I';m sold! Don't care what y'all think. If it's a game that lets me play as the Fragtrap Claptrap and the other three that are awesome, and lets me go in a low-gravity environment, then hell yeah i'm getting this!
Judging by the details, yeah, doesn't look much like a full-fledged entry. But on the contrary, the developers have said that since this is last-gen and since they want to create an experience like noother, you have to remember that this game will be flowering with DLC expansions like its predecessors you know. And we don't even know what else is on this moon. Will there be moon towns? moon caves? Moon rivers? There's so much we don't know about the moon that orbits Pandora so I reckon this game will be big on experience like its predecessors. What if the DLC expansions let us explore other parts we never knew existed? Ohohohoh... think that for a moment. THINK THAT FOR A MOMENT.

I guess you're right. Well we don't really have an idea what we'll see in the game but I hope it's more exciting this time.
It's actually true. All right, so we're getting it: the Pre-Sequel. But dood... Claptrap! Hahahaha. As for my opinions on this... hmmmmm... after seeing the screenshots, and the characters, and Claptrap... I'm actually interested. I don't know... something about this hits me nicely. I'd like to see more of it. And I think the developers did the right decision. It's true: the big userbase is STILL last-gen so if they want to say goodbye to last-gen, might as well make this one. It's like how GTA V came out for the last-gen's last few years. And it still made money right? I think I might get this. I'd LOVE to smack frozen enemies into pieces in low-gravity!

yeah. I agree. I'd love to play this and kick some enemy but in zero gravity.

Hahahaha. You're right. Everyone else keeps thinking, "Not a full-fledged game", "Waste of time", "Could've been an expansion" but you make a point. This is another entry in the Borderlands series. Which means that it may have the DLC expansions, those Headhunter, and all the other stuff that really fills the game to its awesome brim. Yeah, this is going to be awesome.

This will be man. I agree. It will be an awesome and successful game.
I haven't played any of the Borderlands games! Am I missing out? I probably did, I would buy one now but I am still waiting for a Trilogy kind of release, same as Mass Effect.
Judging by the details, yeah, doesn't look much like a full-fledged entry. But on the contrary, the developers have said that since this is last-gen and since they want to create an experience like noother, you have to remember that this game will be flowering with DLC expansions like its predecessors you know. And we don't even know what else is on this moon. Will there be moon towns? moon caves? Moon rivers? There's so much we don't know about the moon that orbits Pandora so I reckon this game will be big on experience like its predecessors. What if the DLC expansions let us explore other parts we never knew existed? Ohohohoh... think that for a moment. THINK THAT FOR A MOMENT.

THIS. Yup, seriously! You know, this is after all, Borderlands. I'm not much of a prequels fan but if a game has the title PRE-SEQUEL, then it's gotta be good. Also, yes, you make the point: we're just looking at it at one side. The other side is, of course, it's a new Borderlands game. How much of the moon is going to be explored? And it's gotta have DLC expansions so this'll add more to the experience. So yeah, I think I'm getting this. Hmhmhmhmhmhmhm./... Time for me to download Borderlands 2 on Steam and get prepped for this :-D

yeah. I agree. I'd love to play this and kick some enemy but in zero gravity.

Hohohohoh. Who doesn't love that? Check this out!


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the biggest issue i have is really the mentality of the developers... the statment went something like... "If you try to image the set of Borderlands players who have already upgraded, that's not 100 per cent. But if you try to image the set of Xbox One or PS4 owners who do not have an Xbox 360 or a PS3, the difference there is so close to nil you can't make a business rationalisation around that."

that just hits me as wrong... the type of boarderlands player would be the type to buy next gen... they were buying the games they wanted spending the money now... on the system that is out..

out of the 78.2 million Xbox 360 consoles have been sold worldwide. how many are honestly still on the market and working?? with the rrod issues,overheating,upgrading to next gen/pc... really how many are in use..???
as of december 31,2013 3million(xb1) consoles sold... titanfall sold 1.07m units in 1 week in march... that 1.07m is just in the game.. not console/bundle sales... i feel the next gen is strong... sales are happening...

i just think its a very greedy move on the developers part.. they have known for years the next gen consoles would be out now.. its not like we expect some killer new engine/graphics... its boarderlands... spend a few months shading and smoothing out the general map... its cartoonish not real life... i would much rather have a bl2.5 graphically and have a game on next gen than not at all... because they wont get a dime fro mme for pre sequal... i will watch people grind it out on twitch... yes i still have a 360 but im not buying games for it... nope not a chance in hell a new game will show up on my 360...

i would almost bet if the game flops somehow it would magically be ported to next gen and developers would stop this game of pumping out rehashes and not be willing to step up... 3 years randy pitchford you have had to make a boarderlands game... prequel,sequel or not... bl2 won tons of awards,, blew cod out of the water in awards for fps... and yet you hold the game back from the community because your team is lazy..
the biggest issue i have is really the mentality of the developers... the statment went something like... "If you try to image the set of Borderlands players who have already upgraded, that's not 100 per cent. But if you try to image the set of Xbox One or PS4 owners who do not have an Xbox 360 or a PS3, the difference there is so close to nil you can't make a business rationalisation around that."

that just hits me as wrong... the type of boarderlands player would be the type to buy next gen... they were buying the games they wanted spending the money now... on the system that is out..

out of the 78.2 million Xbox 360 consoles have been sold worldwide. how many are honestly still on the market and working?? with the rrod issues,overheating,upgrading to next gen/pc... really how many are in use..???
as of december 31,2013 3million(xb1) consoles sold... titanfall sold 1.07m units in 1 week in march... that 1.07m is just in the game.. not console/bundle sales... i feel the next gen is strong... sales are happening...

i just think its a very greedy move on the developers part.. they have known for years the next gen consoles would be out now.. its not like we expect some killer new engine/graphics... its boarderlands... spend a few months shading and smoothing out the general map... its cartoonish not real life... i would much rather have a bl2.5 graphically and have a game on next gen than not at all... because they wont get a dime fro mme for pre sequal... i will watch people grind it out on twitch... yes i still have a 360 but im not buying games for it... nope not a chance in hell a new game will show up on my 360...

i would almost bet if the game flops somehow it would magically be ported to next gen and developers would stop this game of pumping out rehashes and not be willing to step up... 3 years randy pitchford you have had to make a boarderlands game... prequel,sequel or not... bl2 won tons of awards,, blew cod out of the water in awards for fps... and yet you hold the game back from the community because your team is lazy..

You made a point there sc_shark. Hard to get past that notion. Well just hope they do well this time.
They have to man. Unless they want to make something that would suck entirely like BF4.
sc_shark, these developers and publishers have better access to statistics than we do. They see it more profitable for 360/PS3 so they release for them. It's that simple. No doubt they would be making it for next-gen if they thought it was more profitable but the increased development costs (due to the increase graphical quality of the next-gen) and install base make them see more profit from current-gen. If anything, I constantly read people that are holding out of both PS4 and X1, preferring to just play the 360/PS3 for the time being and it's not Gearbox's job to support consoles made by someone else, that's Microsoft's and Sony's job.

Honestly, I couldn't care less about which consoles it's released for. I have a 360, PS3 and PC. It's being released for those. It looks great. I can't complain.
Exactly. As much as we can all say what sc_shark said, we have to realize: the developers and Randy got resources to back them up. They got the stats, and they know people will go for Borderlands. And they know the install base is still big. So they know their market is still last-gen. Like Persona 5. It's coming out for the PS3, not the PS4. Atlus knows their audience still have a PS3 so it's better to go for the audience that's there than the audience that;s not there yet. So I say it was right to make the new Borderlands for the last-gen before plunging for the next-gen.
Exactly. As much as we can all say what sc_shark said, we have to realize: the developers and Randy got resources to back them up. They got the stats, and they know people will go for Borderlands. And they know the install base is still big. So they know their market is still last-gen. Like Persona 5. It's coming out for the PS3, not the PS4. Atlus knows their audience still have a PS3 so it's better to go for the audience that's there than the audience that;s not there yet. So I say it was right to make the new Borderlands for the last-gen before plunging for the next-gen.

Yup. All I just want is to experience the low-gravity. I mean, c'mon! Smashing an enemy into pieces using the freeze rocks! I love that!
I haven't played any of the Borderlands games! Am I missing out? I probably did, I would buy one now but I am still waiting for a Trilogy kind of release, same as Mass Effect.

Well, it depends. If you want to find more background on what the heck is happening, I'd say buy Borderlands 2 right now. That's my first Borderlands game and even I like it despite not knowing what happened in the first. But if you want to know what the villain of Borderlands 2 was like before he became the villain in the said game, then get it. But also, yeah why not? It's a PRE-SEQUEL so I guess it's made to be a game for the ones who haven't got any Borderlands game and for the ones who have them. Yeah, get it man! ;-D And yes, get Borderlands 2 as well.
Hohohohoh. Who doesn't love that? Check this out!

This is either going to be one of the best things introduced to the series, or it's going to be used once and be horrible, never to be used again.
you realize how long bf4 "engine" has been around and how many games it runs other than bf4??

frostbite has been around since 2008... running 17 or so games... the engine has powered everything from 360-xb1 and multi platform... please dont buy into the bs about an engine and not being able to port it... they can do it but choose not to... since boarderlands2 was only within a 2 years i would suspect it was running on the latest 360 software...

boarderlands itself is nothing graphically stunning... its not like it runs at 1080@60fps.. fwiw bl2 on 360 was locked at 30fps.. when pushed to 45 it had frame rate drop with the bomb's/explosions.. so that was an early patch to keep the stability.

and bl2 is build on the Unreal engine. the engine itself is almost 16 years old.
Gearbox Software’s Borderlands More Awesome Than Ever with Unreal Engine 3
(unreal engine..)
Unreal Engine - Wikipedia

hey look febuary 2014.. it released its stable unreal engine for window phones.
Initial release version 5860, November 2009
Stable release version 12097, changelist 1999891 / February 2014
Written in C++, C#, UnrealScript, GLSL,[13] Cg,[14] HLSL[15]
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Platform Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, iOS
Type Level editor / Software development kit
License Free for noncommercial use

so again dont buy into the bs... its all greed... and again i dont give a spit about the profit margins. you know that latest engine was built in 2009 and would have been what ran bl1 and 2... so the prequel will be on the exact same tec... and the engine is already payed for so yea.. again 0 fawks are given on my end..

and yes i still have a 360 and its hooked up... but im not buying a thing for it... i also have a dreamcast and about 5 other systems from back in the day... dosnt mean i buy games for them or even play them.
you realize how long bf4 "engine" has been around and how many games it runs other than bf4??

frostbite has been around since 2008... running 17 or so games... the engine has powered everything from 360-xb1 and multi platform... please dont buy into the bs about an engine and not being able to port it... they can do it but choose not to... since boarderlands2 was only within a 2 years i would suspect it was running on the latest 360 software...

boarderlands itself is nothing graphically stunning... its not like it runs at 1080@60fps.. fwiw bl2 on 360 was locked at 30fps.. when pushed to 45 it had frame rate drop with the bomb's/explosions.. so that was an early patch to keep the stability.

and bl2 is build on the Unreal engine. the engine itself is almost 16 years old.
Gearbox Software’s Borderlands More Awesome Than Ever with Unreal Engine 3
(unreal engine..)
Unreal Engine - Wikipedia

hey look febuary 2014.. it released its stable unreal engine for window phones.
Initial release version 5860, November 2009
Stable release version 12097, changelist 1999891 / February 2014
Written in C++, C#, UnrealScript, GLSL,[13] Cg,[14] HLSL[15]
Operating system Microsoft Windows
Platform Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, iOS
Type Level editor / Software development kit
License Free for noncommercial use

so again dont buy into the bs... its all greed... and again i dont give a spit about the profit margins. you know that latest engine was built in 2009 and would have been what ran bl1 and 2... so the prequel will be on the exact same tec... and the engine is already payed for so yea.. again 0 fawks are given on my end..

and yes i still have a 360 and its hooked up... but im not buying a thing for it... i also have a dreamcast and about 5 other systems from back in the day... dosnt mean i buy games for them or even play them.

Hmmmm.... a valid argument. Well, it's still a long way before this game is released so I'll give it some thought.

Hmmmmm.... a valid, valid argument indeed. It's a good idea to think this out first. Still, the gameplay looks nice.
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sc_shark, these developers and publishers have better access to statistics than we do. They see it more profitable for 360/PS3 so they release for them. It's that simple. No doubt they would be making it for next-gen if they thought it was more profitable but the increased development costs (due to the increase graphical quality of the next-gen) and install base make them see more profit from current-gen. If anything, I constantly read people that are holding out of both PS4 and X1, preferring to just play the 360/PS3 for the time being and it's not Gearbox's job to support consoles made by someone else, that's Microsoft's and Sony's job.

Honestly, I couldn't care less about which consoles it's released for. I have a 360, PS3 and PC. It's being released for those. It looks great. I can't complain.

with that mindset why even have a ps4 or xbox one.. we already have the 360/ps3...

its the developers job to produce games right..? they have known for the last 5 years(at least) that xb1/ps4 were getting released.. its not like 2013(september) came around and it shocked the world.. they had dev kits the programing everything... its not like gearbox is an indi developer...

the development costs are a mute point.. the game was already built.. its a reskined bl2... even randy pitchford says it.. and its coming out in fall of this year.. roughly6 months away.. all they did was tweek the mapping and character skins..

yes im upset because i love boarderlands and its a ****ty thing to do to the community that supports you..

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