Xbox 360 Rumor: Next Borderlands game is called the "Pre-Sequel"

sc_shark, these developers and publishers have better access to statistics than we do. They see it more profitable for 360/PS3 so they release for them. It's that simple. No doubt they would be making it for next-gen if they thought it was more profitable but the increased development costs (due to the increase graphical quality of the next-gen) and install base make them see more profit from current-gen. If anything, I constantly read people that are holding out of both PS4 and X1, preferring to just play the 360/PS3 for the time being and it's not Gearbox's job to support consoles made by someone else, that's Microsoft's and Sony's job.

Honestly, I couldn't care less about which consoles it's released for. I have a 360, PS3 and PC. It's being released for those. It looks great. I can't complain.

Whatever the case man. we have all these new consoles so we can't really complain about it.
with that mindset why even have a ps4 or xbox one.. we already have the 360/ps3...

its the developers job to produce games right..? they have known for the last 5 years(at least) that xb1/ps4 were getting released.. its not like 2013(september) came around and it shocked the world.. they had dev kits the programing everything... its not like gearbox is an indi developer...

the development costs are a mute point.. the game was already built.. its a reskined bl2... even randy pitchford says it.. and its coming out in fall of this year.. roughly6 months away.. all they did was tweek the mapping and character skins..

yes im upset because i love boarderlands and its a ****ty thing to do to the community that supports you..

My point wasn't that there's no reason to have new consoles, my point was that Sony and Microsoft are the ones at fault. They should be giving more incentives for developers to support the new consoles instead of continuing support of the old if they want people to move to the new ones. But they aren't doing it, so it isn't happening. The developers and publishers aren't gonna move to systems with smaller install bases if they have no reason to. Though at least it's better than Microsoft telling everyone to stop doing stuff for the Xbox once the 360 came out.

There's nothing about Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel that would make it even be worth releasing on next-gen. If anything, people would whine and moan more if it was a next-gen exclusive.

Development costs still matter. Saying "lol it's reskinned BL2" is honestly ignorant. There's new gameplay mechanics, with the two big ones being the zero gravity and the new cryogenic weapons but they also have 4 new characters with their unique skill trees and systems, they have to make the models and program the new enemies, they have to write the story, they have to hire and pay the voice actors, they have to get composers for the music, etc, etc. I know it's not a huge change, especially compared to BL1>BL2 but it's not as simple or cheap as it sounds like, either. I don't know how easy or hard porting the game to the next-gen systems would be, but they seemingly didn't think it was worth even going for a cross-generation release so they aren't doing it.

Your last paragrap implies that everyone moved to the next-gen already but honestly it seems to be the opposite. If anything, people are relunctant to move to the new consoles still because the games just aren't there. I know of many who are prefering their old consoles even if they also own the new ones. You could complain that it's because of developers like Gearbox but I would just point out, again, that it's Sony's and Microsoft's job to get the developers to support the consoles. The old systems have been out for a long time so they have an immense install base and it's gonna take a while before the new systems can compare.

But in the end, why does it even matter so much? Does it even matter which system they're being released for? The game's not being held back by the platforms it's targetted at. My livelihood doesn't depend on the consoles succeeding or failing so I only care about getting fun games to play regardless of the platform, not about the platforms they're being released on. I wanna know, why does it matter so much to you that you sound almost like you feel betrayed?
Okay, that's a solid viewpoint right there. You make your point with the install base. It's almost like the case with Persona. Persona 5, the latest of the Persona series, is coming out on PS3 this Winter and yet, PS4 is out now. Why release it on the PS3 when the current-gen is out now? 'Cuz the "install base" is right there. Yup, brought it up again but to each his own I guess. But still, considering that there are like 80 million PS3 users out there, and more Xbox 360 users as well.... yeah, I think it's still good to have the last-gen Borderlands released before embarking into the current-gen.
Are we really going to do this again, to see who wins or loses in this argument about the future of Borderlands? This is getting outrageous. For me, whatever is best. sc_shark makes a point, Claptrap (funny how it sounds. The name itself) makes a point. The developers make a point. Whatever it is, it's clear that the game is happening. Period. But whatever the case, it's up to the gamer to decide whether they buy it or not. But what we can't stop from happening is the game being released. So say what you will, it's coming. But will you buy it or not? That's the question for you.
Regardless, I'm getting this game. Seriously, Claptrap (not the user here) is a favorite character of mine, and to be able to play as him? Now THAT rocks for me.
Okay, that's a solid viewpoint right there. You make your point with the install base. It's almost like the case with Persona. Persona 5, the latest of the Persona series, is coming out on PS3 this Winter and yet, PS4 is out now. Why release it on the PS3 when the current-gen is out now? 'Cuz the "install base" is right there. Yup, brought it up again but to each his own I guess. But still, considering that there are like 80 million PS3 users out there, and more Xbox 360 users as well.... yeah, I think it's still good to have the last-gen Borderlands released before embarking into the current-gen.

Well on Persona's case it's also because Persona games are kind of huge and Atlus isn't a huge company so they have more budget limitations and such. Persona 5 has probably been in development for a long time too. The install base does play a part though, I would bet.

I think Atlus did the same with 3 and 4 too, releasing on PS2 after the PS3 had come out.
its microsofts job to support the 360 as a console.. i agree... the worst thing that microsoft did is say.. oh we are not letting the 360 die... we are still going to support and allow developers access to develop games for it.. so what microsoft allowed the developers to so is not support the current gen but allow them to develop lest gen...

this goes hand in hand with current console sales... if say grand theft auto was next gen, bl prequel,titanfall, and a slew of other games thus far were next gen it would push sales up... both in systems and games...

think of it like apple... once they release an iphone... say iphone 5... they no longer build iphone 4's or 4's... sure their is stock left on the shelf.. but guess what they reduce the price and sell them off.. same goes with the software... sure you can have ios6 and it still works... but no more updates nothing is built directly for it... we are now on ios7 and really apple dosn't acknowledge ios6 anymore... they even made it so you cant go back to ios6 if you have ios7...

in no previous generation has a manufacture still supplied and ready offered for the last gen once next gen was out... playstation has offered the ability to play games from last gen... but never directly developed games and sold them once the next system was on the market..

so why does this get to me as much as it does... i have both generations... but why should i support last gen? its gone right..??? xb1/ps4/wii-u are the current gen. the fact that 360 sold 78million consoles in its life span is great. but in reality their is no way 78million consoles are still working... heck how many consoles alone had rrod... how many have disk driver issues and dont play except on live? how many are just straight up broken...
so hear is my point... at what point does the next gen get anything...?? next year.. the year after... why should i wait till 2015 for games?? why should the 360 still get everything?? titanfall was suppose to be next gen right.... nope... its on 360... thats not next gen. so the biggest blockbuster game to hit next gen was technically a port... sure they held off releasing it to drive sales up on he xb1 but they still offered it on 360...
how many sales did they loose on xb1/bundes because people knew it was comming on 360...i can tell you... EVERY SINGLE ONE THAT SELLS ON 360 thats the simple truth...

as far as bl prequel... it is a direct port from bl2 randy pitchford stated that not me... the whole no gravity and jetpack jumping isn't a huge feat( if you followed bl2 you would know the developers showed off the last dlc pack via flying around (they called it the alt e) and did it and explored all over even went above)... the voices in bl2 were done by the creators of the game... even tiny tina was a girl and they took her personality and transferred it over to the game... along with many other cast/characters.. (look it up its nothing new) as for the skill tree's they are already in place.. a few tweeks hear and their on stats is not a huge change... the freeze gun... well yes its "new" its just a small adjustment... you have fire,explosion, and slag...(slag itself is very much like the freeze gun) only it lockes them in place...

so the game is a port... yes it has new artistry... and tweeks to animation/voice... but its borderlands.. and probably took less effort to develop than cod ghost.. they developed the game is less than 1.5 years... that should say allot... and it wasn't developed by gearbox... so how hard was the port? couldnt have been very hard.. it didnt have the same team working on if people who have never built the game can do it in 1.5 years that tells me they are either smarter than gearbox... or they had a very big platform to start out with...

so why should boarderlands be on next gen.. or even cross gen... since that seems to be the current trend... boarderlands is 2k's biggest selling game to date...(fact) it has won a ton of awards beat out cod aand launched very close to it.. and even after boarderlands2 launch they stil developed the game/content.. they only recently stoped releasing stuff for the game... so it has a huge following...
so for people like me who spend 550+++ on next gen i feel i deserve something rather than nothing... im supporting the endevor because they said this is the parth we are going... we are going to have xclusives, we are going to give you more.... u seen the press confrences and announcments... xb1 is going to be the greatest thing out... but its not.. we have gotten nothing that 360 hasnt got to date... almost 1 year into the systems life and it feels unsupported... but hey 360 is still alive and getting games so its ok...

my 360 is 4 streaming netflix/amazon/hulu... ive got games i wont play and dont care to... i want to spend my money on something new for my new toy...

if its the case of this is how microsoft chooses to do business... why not force developers to build cross platform... make it so if its comming out on 360 it has to come out on xb1 as well... they have no problem putting up loop holes for indie games... have no problem paying to get "new ip's" eventually they will get to the point they will only support xb1... they will push the technology because god knows its not happening now.. so when is it going to happen... in 2016 when directx12 comes out??? whats the wait.. the system is now lets support it.
Alright sc_shark, now I understand your angle and I can agree to an extent. I still don't care as much about the new generation as you do so I have no trouble supporting games for PS3 and 360, but I can now understand and respect your decision to not support it.

About one of your points, it would be nice if Sony and Microsoft enforced cross-gen for new releases, though I would think some devs and publishers would have a proble with it unless they make games easy to port.

Sony does seem to be forcing all new indies game for PS4 instead of PS3, though, it's a start but indies aren't system sellers. Has Microsoft done anything similar for X1? Serious question, I really don't know if they have. Best Microsoft did so far seemed to be the push with early exclusives like KI, DR3 and Forza.
microsoft hasn't done a thing that i am aware of... so far everything is being worked on or not sorted out or in development..

direct x12 (the magical equalizer) which its not... it will help developers but its not ground braking.. (the xb1 was designed knowing it was coming) so u can put this in as a pushed release...
games with gold not yet.. only thing "free" was a single character on killer instinct.. i say single character because the "masses" did not get every one.
games. yes we have 50 coming but they would fit in the (arcade/indie) imo...
project spark... why its a free base its still in beta iirc... and to unlock features/add ons requires coins.. the coin pack/dlc ranges from 50 bux to 39 iirc (so the price of a game)

imo we have gotten very little support... we have gotten updates and firmware updates that does not translate to anything more than a polished 360 user interface at this point ported over to windows tile system.(not a real port take it loosly)
most of the games that were announced have been pushed back.. and if they released they had bugs... bf4 was beyond rushed. titanfall had issues at launch(microsoft said it was live i dont buy it)
we still dont have a the ability to expand memory.. "external hd"
blue ray was just updated to play at a higher fps, no 3d support yet
still no 3d movie support.

so far it is a polished 360... it does offer pass thru tv/ tv tuner which i hear works well as long s kinect recognizes you/your voice.. it does have skype
Wow, this conversation's gone very long. Well, guess what I can say is: some will buy this, and some will not. Me? Well, we'll see. I think a demo will give me an idea how good this game will be or how bad it will be.

Well, either way, we're in a mixed bunch. sc_shark VS claptrap! It's the fight to see who will convince all of us to go for or against this pre-quel.
if you have 360... and you play it... and you want a good game.. you would be stupid not to buy bl pre-quel... bl2 is one of the biggest games released last year... it came in with thunder and lightning against cod bo2... and mopped it up in awards... it straight played waka mole with cod... the game+dlc packs is fing massive...(the last dlc) is long...

so on to prequel... its a bl series.. it has the fundamentals down pat... it plays off a cartoonish graphics... so they can concentrate on real gameplay... its not about having a uber polished visual game... the new elements are really more of a tweak to already existing elements base.. be it slag,explosion,fire,acid... it kinda makes sense at some point to put in a water element (which is how i look at ice)
i would say if you are not into a boarderlands game already.. buy a used copy of bl2... its a shoot and loot game.. its fun.. get a few friends and do the story line.. it takes some time.. it has playability.. you are always progressing.. you can always change up your game style...and eah character allows more game style with the skill tree..

as for claptrap his good in my book... we have gotten into spouts before pre launch and im sure will again.. he has a different perspective than me.. why i understand his views i have my own. at the end of the day i still will give him rep and like his posts... most of my likes/reps to him have come off a argument.. he seems to understand my approach... it always seems to stay casual never name or calling people dumb... and like always if anyone wants to pm me or has a problem i am more than willing to talk like humans.. the other thing i like even of we get into it hear it dosnt transfer over to another topic.. he posts a long answer back hear but will go into another topic and ask a question.. example: hear obviously... than go loo kat trials fusion where he asks about the game..
I'm so stoked for another Borderlands. I've been addicted since the first game and have been an avid fan ever since! Playing on the moon, mentions of time travel, all these rumors are just too much! I can't wait for more information that gets leaked to us.
if you have 360... and you play it... and you want a good game.. you would be stupid not to buy bl pre-quel... bl2 is one of the biggest games released last year... it came in with thunder and lightning against cod bo2... and mopped it up in awards... it straight played waka mole with cod... the game+dlc packs is fing massive...(the last dlc) is long...

so on to prequel... its a bl series.. it has the fundamentals down pat... it plays off a cartoonish graphics... so they can concentrate on real gameplay... its not about having a uber polished visual game... the new elements are really more of a tweak to already existing elements base.. be it slag,explosion,fire,acid... it kinda makes sense at some point to put in a water element (which is how i look at ice)
i would say if you are not into a boarderlands game already.. buy a used copy of bl2... its a shoot and loot game.. its fun.. get a few friends and do the story line.. it takes some time.. it has playability.. you are always progressing.. you can always change up your game style...and eah character allows more game style with the skill tree..

as for claptrap his good in my book... we have gotten into spouts before pre launch and im sure will again.. he has a different perspective than me.. why i understand his views i have my own. at the end of the day i still will give him rep and like his posts... most of my likes/reps to him have come off a argument.. he seems to understand my approach... it always seems to stay casual never name or calling people dumb... and like always if anyone wants to pm me or has a problem i am more than willing to talk like humans.. the other thing i like even of we get into it hear it dosnt transfer over to another topic.. he posts a long answer back hear but will go into another topic and ask a question.. example: hear obviously... than go loo kat trials fusion where he asks about the game..

You make a point, he makes a point. Glad we got you guys to give us a lowdown about your two opposing views on this. But yeah, it's not like some kind of shouting match to see who's superior. But I do agree: BL2 is the must-have right now. Whether or not you played the first, BL2 is very much the game to get into right now.
I'm so stoked for another Borderlands. I've been addicted since the first game and have been an avid fan ever since! Playing on the moon, mentions of time travel, all these rumors are just too much! I can't wait for more information that gets leaked to us.

Hahahah, who wouldn't right? The moon. THE MOON. That's going to be awesome~!
More than just silly zero-gravity jumping competitions and meteor explorations, I can't wait for the new baddies! I'm sure they'll have some crazy ideas and designs. It'll be Pandora badassness tenfold.
More than just silly zero-gravity jumping competitions and meteor explorations, I can't wait for the new baddies! I'm sure they'll have some crazy ideas and designs. It'll be Pandora badassness tenfold.

Oh yeah. The moon bad-ass villains. Who ARE we gonna fight right? We've been on Terra-like territory. So with this Pre-Sequel, we get to fight villains in zero-gravity territory. Oh yeah!
Let's see more of it as the months go by. E3 and Tokyo Game Show and the Gamescom should give us some idea what to expect from this game.
Well, either way, we're in a mixed bunch. sc_shark VS claptrap! It's the fight to see who will convince all of us to go for or against this pre-quel.

Well, sc_shark replied to you and I just want to see that's he right. We're cool with each other. In fact, I actually like how we usually have opposing views since we can discuss then. It's actually nice to talk things out with someone you disagree with, it helps you understand and respect opposing views. I'm glad that he replies with his views and arguments. A lot of people on the internet prefer to just resort to insults and name-calling instead of just discussing things. He hasn't been rude and hopefully I haven't been rude either.

Anyway, back on topic, I've been wondering which kinds of raid bosses they will have this time. I spent a lot of time farming Terramorphous and Pyro Pete in BL2, since they were cool, but the other raid bosses were awfully cheap and seemed badly designed. The ones in the Pirate's Booty DLC were the worst. I never fought the ones in Tiny Tina's DLC, though, they might have been alright. I really hope the new raid bosses are like Terry and Pete.

I'm gonna miss the DP Harold Gunzerker build, though.

Yeah, I wonder who the raid bosses will be in this zero-gravity landscape. Better hope they got something that will have our butts served nicely!

Yeah, read his reply and your reply. At least it's a mature way to talk about it. Man, in other places, I can see a barrage of insults everywhere.

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