with that mindset why even have a ps4 or xbox one.. we already have the 360/ps3...
its the developers job to produce games right..? they have known for the last 5 years(at least) that xb1/ps4 were getting released.. its not like 2013(september) came around and it shocked the world.. they had dev kits the programing everything... its not like gearbox is an indi developer...
the development costs are a mute point.. the game was already built.. its a reskined bl2... even randy pitchford says it.. and its coming out in fall of this year.. roughly6 months away.. all they did was tweek the mapping and character skins..
yes im upset because i love boarderlands and its a ****ty thing to do to the community that supports you..
My point wasn't that there's no reason to have new consoles, my point was that Sony and Microsoft are the ones at fault. They should be giving more incentives for developers to support the new consoles instead of continuing support of the old if they want people to move to the new ones. But they aren't doing it, so it isn't happening. The developers and publishers aren't gonna move to systems with smaller install bases if they have no reason to. Though at least it's better than Microsoft telling everyone to stop doing stuff for the Xbox once the 360 came out.
There's nothing about Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel that would make it even be worth releasing on next-gen. If anything, people would whine and moan more if it was a next-gen exclusive.
Development costs still matter. Saying "lol it's reskinned BL2" is honestly ignorant. There's new gameplay mechanics, with the two big ones being the zero gravity and the new cryogenic weapons but they also have 4 new characters with their unique skill trees and systems, they have to make the models and program the new enemies, they have to write the story, they have to hire and pay the voice actors, they have to get composers for the music, etc, etc. I know it's not a huge change, especially compared to BL1>BL2 but it's not as simple or cheap as it sounds like, either. I don't know how easy or hard porting the game to the next-gen systems would be, but they seemingly didn't think it was worth even going for a cross-generation release so they aren't doing it.
Your last paragrap implies that everyone moved to the next-gen already but honestly it seems to be the opposite. If anything, people are relunctant to move to the new consoles still because the games just aren't there. I know of many who are prefering their old consoles even if they also own the new ones. You could complain that it's because of developers like Gearbox but I would just point out, again, that it's Sony's and Microsoft's job to get the developers to support the consoles. The old systems have been out for a long time so they have an immense install base and it's gonna take a while before the new systems can compare.
But in the end, why does it even matter so much? Does it even matter which system they're being released for? The game's not being held back by the platforms it's targetted at. My livelihood doesn't depend on the consoles succeeding or failing so I only care about getting fun games to play regardless of the platform, not about the platforms they're being released on. I wanna know, why does it matter so much to you that you sound almost like you feel betrayed?