Xbox 360 Rumor: Next Borderlands game is called the "Pre-Sequel"

Yeah, read his reply and your reply. At least it's a mature way to talk about it. Man, in other places, I can see a barrage of insults everywhere.

Haha. Yeah... that definitely happnes a lot in the internet. It's funny, sometimes it feels as if people join forums but don't really want to discuss things.

Cannot wait for the bosses! This is going to be exciting ;-D

And the title cards! To be honest, those title cards which introduce the bosses with that heavy "drop" sound and the slow motion really hype me up. It just makes me think "oh man, **** is gonna go down!". We need more of those things.
Haha. Yeah... that definitely happnes a lot in the internet. It's funny, sometimes it feels as if people join forums but don't really want to discuss things..

Exactly. Well, glad we're in a forum like this. Where we discuss things like mature people. And where some people like to spam this place about kitchen units ;)
Well on Persona's case it's also because Persona games are kind of huge and Atlus isn't a huge company so they have more budget limitations and such. Persona 5 has probably been in development for a long time too. The install base does play a part though, I would bet.

I think Atlus did the same with 3 and 4 too, releasing on PS2 after the PS3 had come out.

Yup, that's true. Persona 3 and 4 were out on PS2 before PS3, and now Persona 5 is out for PS3 while PS4 is out.

Back to topic.... oh yeah man, the title cards. I wonder what they cooked up for this game.
Haha. Yeah... that definitely happnes a lot in the internet. It's funny, sometimes it feels as if people join forums but don't really want to discuss things.

And the title cards! To be honest, those title cards which introduce the bosses with that heavy "drop" sound and the slow motion really hype me up. It just makes me think "oh man, **** is gonna go down!". We need more of those things.

OPhohohohoh yes. The title cards. One of Borderlands' charming qualities. Always putting the humor in everything. XD I can imagine the possibilites!
If we can play as Claptrap in this, perhaps Jack really DID recognize his hidden badassery and implement the stairs in Hero's Pass just to stop him.
Regarding actual gameplay though, I wonder if we'll get to see Atlas guns in this game since it's before BL2.
I didn't catch that. I really didn't know what the game was before borderlands.
ok so...

so what is the reason now boarderlands is not comming to xb1??? the engine is current gen ready now... lets see what the do.. pre sequel... i hope it does come to xb1... i am ready to pre order.

Borderlands 2 runs on UE3, not UE4 as far as I know. Dunno how easy it would be for them to upgrade, though. Would they need to get a new license and crap like that? I think they could do it, though. Wonder if they will eventually. Better late than never.

Regarding actual gameplay though, I wonder if we'll get to see Atlas guns in this game since it's before BL2.

The Pre-Sequel is after BL1, though. BL1 had barely any story but I'm pretty sure Atlas was destroyed by then or maybe the Knoxx DLC.

Would be interesting to have a few Atlas uniques return, though, but they would be rare since Atlas stopped production or something. I would like that.
I didn't catch that. I really didn't know what the game was before borderlands.

Ah right.... well, you see this new Borderlands takes place between BL1 and BL2. In BL2, main villain is Handsome Jack. In this game that is a prequel to the BL2, you'll see what the main villain was like before he became a badass in the Borderlands 2.
Ah right.... well, you see this new Borderlands takes place between BL1 and BL2. In BL2, main villain is Handsome Jack. In this game that is a prequel to the BL2, you'll see what the main villain was like before he became a badass in the Borderlands 2.

Reminds me. Who will be the villain for this new borderlands game? any idea or guesses?
The villains could possibly be the BL1 Vault Hunters. Jack and the OG Vault Hunters already had some history judging by their conversations in Borderlands 2, so I wouldn't be surprised if they showed up from time to time to screw us up. Obviously we wouldn't get to kill any of them, but yeah. And the final boss will obviously be some gigantic alien monster coming outta a vault!

By the way, have ya'll seen what the characters LOOK like? I don't have a good link, but a quick google search will yield results. I really don't like Nisha (The Sheriff) this time around. She looks like a woman in the middle twenties who's trying to look like a teen punk girl. I loved her design for Borderlands 2, she was a sexy badass. Meh, guess by the time of Borderlands 2 she had out-grown her punk era and decided to wear something cooler.

On the other hand, Wilhelm looks totally awesome now, since he doesn't look like a generic engineer anymore. I really wonder what he'll play like.
Haha. Yeah, you nailed it man. I guess whoever will be the villain will do great on this game.
Yeah, well I hope they could come up with someone super psychotic to act as a villain on this game.
Well, it depends. If you want to find more background on what the heck is happening, I'd say buy Borderlands 2 right now. That's my first Borderlands game and even I like it despite not knowing what happened in the first. But if you want to know what the villain of Borderlands 2 was like before he became the villain in the said game, then get it. But also, yeah why not? It's a PRE-SEQUEL so I guess it's made to be a game for the ones who haven't got any Borderlands game and for the ones who have them. Yeah, get it man! ;-D And yes, get Borderlands 2 as well.

I would totally get it now, thanks! But I would probably get all of the games since I have this gaming pet peeve that whenever I'm bound to play a series, I should always start with the first one. I've heard a lot of good things about this game, I can't believe I let it pass me by years ago.
Well, the first and second Borderlands are very different games. The first is very light on the story, too, really... that's why I say that Borderlands 2 retconned BL1 and gave it a proper story! Hahaha. Great games both, though.
I loved the first but the second wasn't that great (too much of the same), so I'm not too excited with this prequel...
I'm the opposite. I played the first once but have re-played the second a few times. Once by myself and once on co-op

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