Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 - Opinions

In an ideal world I think that we would all like to be able to buy every console that comes out. I myself am lucky enough to have both the Playstation 4 and the Xbox ONE and I originally bought both to see which was the best and judge for myself rather than going off other people's opinion. I decided to keep both though as I think they are both good at doing separate things, so if you can afford to buy both, then that's the best thing to do and especially with both consoles coming down in price recently, it's become a lot more affordable to do that as well.
@pwarbi I really feel your point, you're lucky, you can actually play Xbox eclusives and also PS exclusives, you have pretty much everything in your hands at the moment, but keep in mind that new consoles are on their way and well, you can try to sell yours to buy the new ones, just if you would like to have the new ones, just saying.
You are right, and I do realise that I'm luckier then most that I'm able to afford to buy both as well as the new consoles that are coming out. Having said that I'm 39 years old and have worked full time all my life, so I should be able to really.

The gaming industry is being aimed more at those aged 20+ these days, and not those that are saving up their pocket money and that's why I think the gaming industry as lost a lot of it's appeal to some.
@pwarbi Well, you're right, it would be a really hard thing to buy both consoles when I can not even afford one, I would have to quit school and get a job to do so and well, that wouldn't be a great idea whatsoever, however, it could be good to save up some good cash for a while, but it will be a long while.
Well -- until Microsoft can prove they can keep up with Sony's hardware, I'm still going to give the edge to the play-station. Their hardware is just better, and I can't deny it. That being said, with the new consoles launching soon, we might have a very close battle, it might come down to peripherals and VR capabilities.
PlayStation must be feeling the pinch, they have announced that they are going to launch an amped version of the PlayStation 4. Why would they do this and not launch the PlayStation 5 sooner.
Seems like you're the type of gamer that buys both consoles to decide which one is better just by testing them yourself, that's a really cool thing I wish I could do if I had the money for it ...

Oh how I wish this was the case. I think I could probably swing it if I really wanted to, but you know, things like savings and retirement accounts and the bills and food, those things kind of get in the way. I do have a friend who is kind of able to do this with computers because of his work, and I really wish I could take that and transfer it to gaming. Maybe one day, though.
@rz3300 Well, I feel you. I do not have the opportunity of buying two consoles at the same time, I have one and I personally think it's more than enough, the only thing is that it takes some of my time when I have to study, but other than that, it is fine.
There is no way around it playing games can be areal time muncher. That is how come I normally play on a computer and only play on my console when I don't have anything else to do and just want to sit back and relax.
No matter what we play on, gaming can and always will be time consuming. I also prefer to play on the console rather than the PC though, and even though I have got a PC that's capable of playing the latest games, with the consoles you do get a sense of just plug in and play that you don't get with the PC's.
@pwarbi I'm a PC gamer and I really agree with that you're saying about the gaming experience when playing with a console, it definitely feels better than playing on a PC. Consoles are absolutely funnier than a PC.
When they both launched, I went with the PS4. Not much difference, just a slight edge in the graphics department and some of my friends got it.

But now, it's quite different. In my country, the regular Xbone is 1.5x as cheap as the PS4. And it does pretty much the exact same thing. Why would I ever go with the PS4 again? Especially since the next version of the Xbone will beat the next PS4.
@NotCasual That's what we don'treally know yet, we still have to wait and see how good the Scorpio is going to be. That's why I don't believe everything I see on the internet.
As of yet, it is true that we still aren't going to know just how good the Scorpio is going to be, and all we have at the moment to go off is the crumbs of information that Microsoft are feeding us. I would expect the Scorpio to be the best console released as Microsoft do have a reputation to uphold, even though in recent times Sony have started to dominate the market a little.

One thing I would be worried about though, is that when Microsoft bring out the Scorpio, Sony will also be working on and releasing their own upgrade of the Playstation 4, and Sony could end up having the upper-hand again.
@pwarbi that's how come I find it strange that Microsoft would announce that it's developing the most powerful console of all time so far away from it's launch date. It gives plenty of time for Sony to come up with something to go against it.
That's always going to be the case though and when you have two competitors that are challenging each other like these are then they are always going to be trying to get a jump on the opposition. Microsoft will release a console that is the most powerful in the world, then Sony will come back with their model to out-do it and that I guess is the way it's always going to be.
@pwarbi that's how come I find it strange that Microsoft would announce that it's developing the most powerful console of all time so far away from it's launch date. It gives plenty of time for Sony to come up with something to go against it.

I think part of the reason Microsoft made the announcement now was for the fans. So there wouldn't be hard feelings from fans who rushed out and bought the Xone S this year only to have Scorpio hit next year. This way you have all the information and can make a proper decision.
Well I would like to think that @Dizzy Squirrel is right above when he says that it is all about the fans, but unfortunately my cynicism knows no bounds when it comes to the motivations of private companies, and public too now that I think about it. I usually think that if you follow the money you can find most of the answers, so I am betting that this is the decision that made the most sense financially.
After M/S totally screwed the pooch during the Xone launch they have a new found appreciation for public relations.
I think part of the reason Microsoft made the announcement now was for the fans. So there wouldn't be hard feelings from fans who rushed out and bought the Xone S this year only to have Scorpio hit next year. This way you have all the information and can make a proper decision.
I think that you are right. It's not normal that they launch two consoles in such close succession to one another.

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