Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4 - Opinions

I know it's still maybe a bit too early, but as a price been quoted yet as to how much we're going to be looking at for either system?

Even a ballpark figure would give us some idea of what to expect. Are we going to be pleasantly surprised or are we looking at re-mortgaging the house?
Oculus is aiming for $300 I believe, 200-400 is the price point for headsets. They want them around $229 ideally from what I understand, but they think they can milk them for longer at $300 until the people that spent more want more opponents and stuff. Once it's launched, they can discount it with bundles, etc.
That's not actually as much as I thought to be honest and if it's as good as what we hope...And I stress the point's that good, I'm sure that affordable to most people.
Steady on...the prices are starting to creep up a bit now, haha!

I did think those prices sounded pretty reasonable, but when you start talking maybe $600+ for the headset, my interest is starting to cool a little.
Wow yeah, they did bump it to $599 as confirmed on reddit. I blame facebook, htc vive totally the better deal now. The problem with oculus is that it comes with so pitfully little compared to the vive that 599 seems so steep, they definitely were saying $300 within the last year as well.
With the prices being so expensive, it seems that yet again what could be a major technological revolution won't be as popular as it should because the company's are puttting money first instead if the consumers.

Wouldn't it be better to sell 500,000 units at $199 than sell 50,000 units at $599? Surely with a device such as this, the main thing is to get the popularity up and its not all just about making money.
Well the worst part is you need a super expensive high end gaming rig to use the Oculus Rift.
I have seen some pretty impressive rigs that get it done under $700, but you have to be picky and hit a few discounts. A decent rig right around $700 is just about the benchmark, but you could spend a little more for a lot more quality.
Again though, while $700 might not be a massive amount of money, it is if you're only spending that cash on something to play on. When you consider you can get a decent OC build that will play all the newer games for around $350, can you really justify spending the extra $350 just for this, no matter how good it us?
Yeah, plus that's $700 + $600 for the headset you're still well over the $1000 range.
I would definitely stick with the Xbox, I'm not a hater of PS4 or anything like that, but I simply believe the way your command is being received from a Xbox joystick to be more accurate and even faster than a PS4 controller.

As I'm a huge lover of FIFA games, this aspect has been very important for me through the course of years, as in this game, even one half of a second it count as it might lose the possession of the ball and because of that you could lose an entire match, depending on who you're playing against.
Yeah, plus that's $700 + $600 for the headset you're still well over the $1000 range.

yeah, that's pretty harsh now. I believe the morpheus for playstation is still slated to be inexpensive, something around $200, it was already supposed to be less than the others when they were still expected to be $300~400. I think the prices right now are just huge cash grabs, will go down in like 5 ruins everything...
Well I'm not sure what these companies are thinking, if they think the man on the streets can afford to spend over a thousand dollars on a gaming device, because that's simply not the case.

It doesn't matter how good it is, people have got a lot wiser when it comes to money (probably because we haven't got any) and for these manufacturers to think that over a thousand dollars is a reasonable price to pay for VR, they're living in their own world.

I would definitely stick with the Xbox, I'm not a hater of PS4 or anything like that, but I simply believe the way your command is being received from a Xbox joystick to be more accurate and even faster than a PS4 controller.

As I'm a huge lover of FIFA games, this aspect has been very important for me through the course of years, as in this game, even one half of a second it count as it might lose the possession of the ball and because of that you could lose an entire match, depending on who you're playing against.

I've got both the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox ONE, and I have to say I haven't even noticed that to be honest, with the controllers. Having said that I haven't purposefully looked either, so if there is a difference it will only be minimul one.

In some games though, that's all it takes, and can be the difference between winning and losing.
I have a high end gaming pc, xbox one and a ps4 and I've had both ps4 and xbox since launch. I don't care that the ps4 is topping sales charts at all. I find myself constantly bored of my ps4 and always on my xbox or pc.

I love the xbox dashboard and the overload of apps. PS4s dashboard is boring and the apps are very limited. My other issue with ps4 is the overwhelming indie games. Truth be told for me I really can't stand indie games and that's mainly what they give away for free every month.

I am xbox as long as xbox is here to stay. Backwards compact is awesome, monthly games is awesome cause it's not all indie carp. I just overall have more fun on xbox. I'm not knocking the DS4 at all but in my hands the xbox controller is just an overall better feel

I maybe a majority but I can't wait for an upgraded xbox
The controller issue that people are talking about, isn't something that I've noticed either, and in my opinion they both feel well made enough and do an adequate job on the games.

Both Sony and Microsoft have put a lot of effort into them, because at the end of the day, what's the point in having a top of the range console, if the controller isn't fit for purpose.
Well -- until Microsoft can prove they can keep up with Sony's hardware, I'm still going to give the edge to the play-station. Their hardware is just better, and I can't deny it. That being said, with the new consoles launching soon, we might have a very close battle, it might come down to peripherals and VR capabilities.
When it comes to choosing between both consoles I always think that the PS4 is way better than the XBOX One itself, it has better features and I really like the PS community way more than Microsoft's, I will also pick PS because I have played with PS consoles ever since I was a little kid and I kinda like being loyal to the brand and yes, that's my opinion about them.
Even tho I have both my ps4 barely gets used. Uncharted and last of us fantastic on ps4 but other then that this s just my opinion I find the ps4 boring. I don't like the dashboard at all.

I will admit I have always been an Xbox fan so it's always my first choice. Don't get me wrong the ps4 is a powerful machine and the design is awesome it's just not for me
@Smellslikeralph Seems like you're the type of gamer that buys both consoles to decide which one is better just by testing them yourself, that's a really cool thing I wish I could do if I had the money for it, however, you may have your reasons to like the Xbox more than the PS, I understand that, but what's really keeping you away from the PS? I would really like to know.

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